WSJ -- Masks, Muzzles for Covid-19 News

Here's the first WSJ piece for Z to ponder.

Staff Edit Link removed The Dr

Briefly it explains why Florida with no mask mandate is doing better than full lockdown People's Republic of California.....

Also why Youtube and others are censoring this information.
Vindication for Ron DeSantis

The media vilified him for rejecting harsh lockdowns. But Florida’s Covid-19 numbers are better than California’s or New York’s, and its economy thrives.
In the early months of the coronavirus pandemic, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo imposed strict lockdown policies—many still in place—and became the media’s golden boy. “The governor of New York’s morning news conferences have become part of the country’s new daily rhythm,” the Washington Post’s Style section gushed in March 2020. “He’s the strongman who can admit he’s wrong. He speaks fluently about the facts. He worries about his mother, and by extension, yours, too.”

Interesting that he is so hard to find these days....
Hunkered down in Old Joe's Basement....

A year after the virus hit the U.S., Mr. Cuomo’s luster has faded, and Mr. DeSantis can claim vindication. The Sunshine State appears to have weathered the pandemic better than others like New York and California, which stayed locked down harder and longer.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
If I'm going to the Wall Street Journal for politics, my go-to is Kimberley Strassel.

Kimberley is a long time devout conservative but never gets hysterical, which immediately distinguishes her from most political opinionists.

A younger version of Victor Davis Hanson, with a vagina.

Of course there is no liberal equivalent.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
If I'm going to the Wall Street Journal for politics, my go-to is Kimberley Strassel.

Kimberley is a long time devout conservative but never gets hysterical, which immediately distinguishes her from most political opinionists.

A younger version of Victor Davis Hanson, with a vagina.

Of course there is no liberal equivalent. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing

Hanson is a frequent guest of the GOAT as well as Hannity.
Zollner's Avatar
Here's the first WSJ piece for Z to ponder.

Staff Edit Link removed The Dr

Briefly it explains why Florida with no mask mandate is doing better than full lockdown People's Republic of California.....

Also why Youtube and others are censoring this information. Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
Vindication for Ron DeSantis

The media vilified him for rejecting harsh lockdowns. But Florida’s Covid-19 numbers are better than California’s or New York’s, and its economy thrives. Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
Probably removed for being FAKE news planted by the Ruskies to brainwash the feeble mined base.

Had a dental appointment. My Dentist, a man of medicine and Science pointed out other major benefits of mask wearing last year. Namely Flu cases, common cold cases and allergy flareups have dropped precipitously over the past year.
Probably removed for being FAKE news planted by the Ruskies to brainwash the feeble mined base. Originally Posted by Zollner
Or..... censorship has made it's way into SHMB's.....

Had a dental appointment. My Dentist, a man of medicine and Science pointed out other major benefits of mask wearing last year. Namely Flu cases, common cold cases and allergy flareups have dropped precipitously over the past year. Originally Posted by Zollner
Or.... everyone catching a case of the sniffles.... is diagnosed as having Cooties19.....
Willie Wanker's Avatar
Probably removed for being FAKE news planted by the Ruskies to brainwash the feeble mined base.

Had a dental appointment. My Dentist, a man of medicine and Science pointed out other major benefits of mask wearing last year. Namely Flu cases, common cold cases and allergy flareups have dropped precipitously over the past year. Originally Posted by Zollner
After they ease up on restrictions there will still be people who will never leave home without a mask. It will be the same people who buy a weighted blanket because it makes them feel safe..
I'll bet there are a buncha those nutjobs on here
Zollner's Avatar
After they ease up on restrictions there will still be people who will never leave home without a mask. Originally Posted by Willie Wanker
Hey nothing wrong with being safe. Feel even safer double masking!
Don't want to end up like nutjob Nugent who got Covid, FFS!
And Nugent lived at 72 years old. He now has stronger anti bodies in his system than what you'll get from the vaccine.

What till 4 months after everyone is vaccinated and they tell you you have to get a booster. Ony now instead of free it'll be 35-50 bucks.

What's 50 x 300 million people. 1.5B to pharmaceuticals bottom lines.

Follow the money.
Hey nothing wrong with being safe. Feel even safer double masking!
Don't want to end up like nutjob Nugent who got Covid, FFS! Originally Posted by Zollner
Yes and get in line and just walk into this chamber over there where it says cdc

They developed a new gas therapy that will eliminate the chinese virus completely .

It's being set up on the Old Queen Mary ship retrofitted
Use to be you'd see roach clips with feathers hanging from people's rear view mirrors, now it's masks
lilylivered's Avatar
It aint going away you have to get it or vaccinate, hopefully the shot works or you are going to get it.
It will mutate every year and just be a strain of flu.
Unless you havent had it.
Thats the way I see it anyway