Is your personal information safe from even "respected" members?

txAustin202's Avatar
Two "respected" members of this community PM'd me yesterday with both mine and a certain young lady's real world information. The info could have only been known if the lady told them or if either of our emails were hacked. We had been communicating using our personal emails so our real names are in each email. One member even threatened to come knocking on my door to which I say tell me when because you really don't know my home situation. There are truths, exaggerations, and lies in what was sent to me so I doubt that she outed me. Plus what was said was based on a provider/client relationship. Reality is I have not had that sort of relationship with her in 7 months nor will I ever again.

She and I talked at length last night about this. She says that she didn't do it. She even reminded me that something similar to this had happened to her. She told me that a certain mod had emailed her all of her personal information. This part I believe because this "mod" did something similar to me. It was obvious that this person had read my PM. It's hard to believe that someone would do this using their real identity but who knows.

So we have 2 "respected" members with info they shouldn't have which I believe was obtained via hacking a lady's personal email and a mod possibly involved? Even if these members didn't do it, they received info from something who did. Or I might be a fool and she's the best actress in the world. You all decide how trustworthy even "respected" members are. Or even mods for that matter.
HunterGrace's Avatar
This will not stand.
Sounds like the tables turned on you ? And your other handles huh ? Maybe you should just leave that lady alone , and go about life without her ! The community got to read your now closed super creepy stalker thread . We could all decide whether these members are trustworthy or not , but lets face it , it doesn't affect us in the least . What you have never understood is this IS a community , one of which you have NOT been a part of . Now you want to be ? I laugh at that thought . Move on would be an excellent suggestion for you !
Sounds like the tables turned on you ? And your other handles huh ? Maybe you should just leave that lady alone , and go about life without her ! The community got to read your now closed super creepy stalker thread . We could all decide whether these members are trustworthy or not , but lets face it , it doesn't affect us in the least . What you have never understood is this IS a community , one of which you have NOT been a part of . Now you want to be ? I laugh at that thought . Move on would be an excellent suggestion for you ! Originally Posted by rockerrick
I like your signature!
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 03-29-2013, 07:02 AM
There comes a point when it goes beyond a mere infatuation. When you are tettering on the edge of postal & obsessive.

I think you've crossed that line. You've sent me PM's telling me not to post pictures of her "because she wouldn't like that, & neither do ". Fact is, those are pictures I took of her & I have her full permission to use them anyway I see fit-fact is one is on my desk at this very moment (along with other pics-all tasteful-all voluntary & approved . And I couldn't give a flying fuck whether you like it or not. She is not your SO...she is not your property...yet you want everyone here to believe its that way.


Because she trusts me & knows I wouldn't out her or try to hurt her in anyway. Unlike you my friend. With each post you delve further into the abyss separating sanity from dementia. I took the picture down not because it bothered her, but because hoped it might help keep you from continuing on your path. Its obvious you have no control over yourself, if you ever have. This is NOT going to end well for you in any scenario. There was a time I hoped it would, but no more. You deserve all that is coming your way.

Now, you are NOT (nor have you been) an active & participating member of this board in a long time. Other than lurking to see what might be going on with your infatuation. So your ONLY motivation is:

1). Some sick demented forced play to make her communicate with you...hoping to get her "back"...and I am sure she is biding her time trying to figure out how to completely "X" you out of her life...and waiting on help from the board
2). A pathetic attempt to convince everyone here how much you two are in love. (Frankly NO ONE CARES about you, but many of us will stand at her side because she is that good of a person & had an effect on many of us...but we ALL knew where to draw the did not). Fact is, someone broke up with you. Good lord, move on with your happens to both guys and girls every-fucking-day.

Do you really think no one else knows what is going on & everyone is "making stuff up"? People know who you are...where you are...what you do. Its not "outing" saying people know. If I were in your shoes that would concern me more than an exe blowing me off...take a hint. Step back for a moment and consider the possibilities.

I gave up on talking sense to you, that's why you've gotten no response to your PM's. You will continue down this path because you are slightly deranged multiplied by mild dementia. I hope & pray for an intervention before you do something that hurts her. And I have a "feeling" there will be a reckoning...sooon.
Daddy Matt's Avatar
Nucking Futs, man!!
It's been 6 months and this guy has only digressed from clueless to outright dangerous.

Over the past year all the best providers worth booking have bolted. For the most part all of the introspective posters have as well.

Mostly what seems to remain is mindless boring banter with some providers posting who were all over the alerts board only 6 months ago when I turned the forum off.
There's no point in getting into the new crop of mongers whose posts speak for themselves.

Of course this doesn't apply to all of the stragglers still here but it's easy to predict this forum's future.
Some might say well then why not do something to turn the board around? My response would be "Why bother when all the hot providers are gone? It's run it's course and sealed it's own fate."
jbravo_123's Avatar
It's clearly Obama's fault.
txAustin202's Avatar
Let me get this straight. I'm some stalker. However I'm the one that was trying to move on. She supposedly mailed me my things so there was no need to have our old communication method which is why I couldn't contact her when I didn't receive my things. Which is why I needed to contact her in that way. I told her that I needed her to find out what happened to the package and then that's it. I'm on my way. She is the one not letting me do that. I am still debating whether I will stick around in her life. And the picture thing? I fully believed that she was retired so I thought that was disrespectful to her. If I'm this guy you all make me out to be, then she can easily be rid of me. Our relationship had ended after the not retired revelation.

So go ahead and think what you will. If others want to dismiss how information was obtained, then oh well...
I think you hould move on and not catch feelings with providers...
fun2come's Avatar
Let me get this straight. I'm some stalker. However I'm the one that was trying to move on. ... Originally Posted by txAustin202
Then move on already !!! Geeezzzzzz,

Why do you care who on this FUN board gives what FUCKING shit about you?

MOVE ON !!!!

.... and if you have evidence that people outed your RW info, then follow the FUCKING process.

And be careful next time with your info. LEARN a damn fucking lesson from all this.

Now may be if I had a clue what this is all about (other than the endless WHINE threads here), then I'd probably get real mad....
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 03-29-2013, 09:59 AM
Let me get this straight. I'm some stalker. Originally Posted by txAustin202

Are you sure you want to continue & risk more real world evidence to surface regarding your activities?

Think well before responding because you have now pissed me off by your passive/aggressive actions. I was willing to stand on the sidelines and watch before, now I'm motivated to engage...

No threat, just truth.
I think you hould move on and not catch feelings with providers... Originally Posted by sxyveronica

+1 Gotta learn that when you become "attached" to a provider, there are plenty of issues that come with that "attachment."
First off,


Other then that, I am having an issue with the way things smell in the room.


I think I might just stay on the sideline for this one.
sixxbach's Avatar
Dude, get a life beyond the hobby. If a fat guy like me can, I would like to think a buff guy could
