Escort screening

I know a lot of providers ask for reference, I wan just wondering what all you ask each other Don't you worry about a le calling to try to trick you. And a lot of people use different names and such. It seems like it would be almost impossible to keep up with everyone you have seen in order to give a good or bad reference
I have every number saved and the name they gave me. the date they called or booked appointment and what their donation was that day. I have seen girls delete all calls and messages and not save anyone. But people like that I remember their name or know that we have talked. But not to worry, I never contact anyone first and my phone stays locked.
JennaKae's Avatar
I ask that the gentlemen seeking a reference let me know he is giving me as a reference so I can be sure, 1)I remember him 2)he is actually seeking a reference and from whom.
If I am not familiar with the provider requesting a reference, I look her up to be sure she is a 'verified' provider.
The information I give in a reference is basic. Yes, I have met him. Yes, he is safe. Yes, I would see him again. He was kind, clean and tipped. If there was something unusual about my time with the gent such as he was not clean, was rude or aggressive, did not leave correct donation, ect ~ I will share that info.

Ya'all be safe!!
Peace n love...J
All I care to know and all I care to tell is:

1. Is he safe? (not LE, not abusive)
2. Any hygiene issues
3. Any payment issues

For safety reasons, I rather not share in public forum how I remember my gents, but I do not keep any RW information.
^^ you tell em baby.
Set them straight.
VIPRaniLane's Avatar
I've found more efficient ways that allow for a far safer & more discreet interaction. When I did screen via references years ago, I wouldn't have told any guy exactly what I asked. Part of the safety in screening is guys not having every detail about how we do it
I recommend getting your dick tattooed with something memorable. That way noone even needs to know your name. They'd just have to say something like..."that guy...with the dick, ya know....the one with sponge bob tattoed on it". Itd be pretty easy to remember. Js
5T3V3's Avatar
  • 5T3V3
  • 01-12-2015, 08:43 AM
I recommend getting your dick tattooed with something memorable. That way noone even needs to know your name. They'd just have to say something like..."that guy...with the dick, ya know....the one with sponge bob tattoed on it". Itd be pretty easy to remember. Js Originally Posted by UB9IB6
so now I have to send dick pictures out everywhere?????? Again!

and then there's that whole scene ...
"honey, you know the guy with the word SWAN tattooed on his dick"
"Swan ... Can't you bitches read ... it's Sascatchewan!"

couldn't I just give him a memorable nickname like ... "sloppy joe" ... or "scuba steve" oh wait I have already done that ...

sometimes it is just easier to go a pickup fat chicks!
George Whorewell's Avatar
It seems like it would be almost impossible to keep up with everyone you have seen in order to give a good or bad reference Originally Posted by Btkj30
I ask that the gentlemen seeking a reference let me know he is giving me as a reference so I can be sure, 1)I remember him Originally Posted by JennaKae
I'm still a newbie, so I don't know for sure, but if I were a client seeking a reference from a provider I'd seen, I'd think it'd be a good idea to:

A) Contact the provider I'm seeking the reference FROM in advance to let her know I was seeking it, and with which other provider. I'd imagine it would also be necessary sometimes to provide some specific details to jog her memory (i.e., contact info, the date/time we met, anything special about the session, and/or a link to the review, if one was written).

B) Confirm with the new provider (the one I'm giving the reference TO) that the one I'm using as a reference has been updated and is expecting the call/email.

These are basic skills of courtesy, communication and expectation management that are ubiquitous in the business world.

Hobby veterans: do I have this right, or am I way off, here? Thanks...
Finally....someone "got it"!
BrittanyDymond's Avatar
If only more men understood and respected why we seek and ask for references though. I post on bp as I've seen Indys gents recently been promised reviews but still none are up so things have been a bit slower here. For in calls I can usually trust my gut instinct (among other screening tools) but for out calls I absolutely ALWAYS ask for a reference, I stress about this for gents staying in hotels more than anything. The client will often say, "ohh well I Dont remember who it was" or "she is retired" , etc. In that case I then will not see them and tell them to call me back after there next visit with another provider. Or I'll get the gent that calls me names, and tells me I want to much information. My point of saying all this is to say references are asked for to protect the safety of all of us.

What other screening tools or techniques do you utilize? Apps? Just Google? Like if you search DC and VH and they both come up blank do you just assume he is OK, as long as he Didnt say anything out of the norm of course.

Sorry for long response!!
RedLeg505's Avatar
I'm still a newbie, so I don't know for sure, but if I were a client seeking a reference from a provider I'd seen, I'd think it'd be a good idea to:

A) Contact the provider I'm seeking the reference FROM in advance to let her know I was seeking it, and with which other provider. I'd imagine it would also be necessary sometimes to provide some specific details to jog her memory (i.e., contact info, the date/time we met, anything special about the session, and/or a link to the review, if one was written).

B) Confirm with the new provider (the one I'm giving the reference TO) that the one I'm using as a reference has been updated and is expecting the call/email.

These are basic skills of courtesy, communication and expectation management that are ubiquitous in the business world.

Hobby veterans: do I have this right, or am I way off, here? Thanks... Originally Posted by George Whorewell
Nope.. you have it right. However, both A and B are available to the provider you seek an appointment with, if you send her an appointment request via P411. They can see the providers that have given you Okays and when they were given (how current they are) and can be contacted easily if the scheduled provider needs to ask some questions. Its why I use it.
Solitaire's Avatar
I know a lot of providers ask for reference, I wan just wondering what all you ask each other Don't you worry about a le calling to try to trick you. And a lot of people use different names and such. It seems like it would be almost impossible to keep up with everyone you have seen in order to give a good or bad reference Originally Posted by Btkj30
I keep it simple "hello I am requesting a reference for [name/handle], [email], [phone#]. Any indication as to what type of client he'd be would also be greatly appreciated."

When I reply:
* yes, I have seen him and I would see him again
* yes, I have seen him but I had some concerns. [list concerns]
* no, I have not yet seen him, but he is on the schedule
* no, I have not seen him [reason I did not see him]

I don't worry about police because none of the above will discuss money, sex acts, or an exchange of either. If LE succeeds in tricking me, pretending to be a lady asking for a reference, and the only "useful" info they get is that I wouldn't see a guy because I felt he was sketchy... I don't see how that could be a bad thing. However, it would also mean that the dude is trying to use me as a reference without ever having seen me (confirming the sketchiness)... so yeah, karma. Not worried about it.

Important to note: if you have been using a phone# for screening, then switch to a different (burner) phone, while making the transition be sure to offer both numbers and explain that one is old. OR make sure your reference ladies have both numbers. I have had a few gents fail screening because they gave me the new number, but their reference lady only has the old number. ANY mismatch will cause you to fail your screening with many of us. Same with emails.