Please help SensualNurseD

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First let me say that I have never met NurseD either for a session or personally and am no WK and she DID NOT ask me to post this. I have spoken to her twice on the phone since her financial crisis began due to her battle with breast cancer. She is no irresponsible provider whining for money because she can't pay her rent this month. She is a mature responsible lady that has been around since ASPD days with a stellar reputation. She had money in savings and also has health insurance but when you have not been able to work since June and have been facing co-pays for surgery, dr visits, tests and medications as well as rent, utilities, gas and groceries it doesn't take long for savings to run out. She is literally at the point that she's not sure how she's going to be able to put gas in her car or be able to pay her copayment for her next dr visit.

When her first plea for help was made many of you gents and ladies PMd her, got her address, promised some help and then didn't even send one dollar. I would like to commend thathotnurse for being one of the very, very few to actually help. At the same time I would like to chastise those of you who promised to help and then didn't. I would also like to make a plea to those who really didn't give it much thought to reconsider and try to imagine what kind of a spot you would be in if you were in her shoes. She is literally at the point where an envelope with $10 or $20 would be very, very much appreciated. You can PM her to get her phone number and address.

As I said she DID NOT ask me to post this, in fact, she may be somewhat embarrassed when she sees this, but certainly the ECCIE community can do better by her than what it has done to this point.
That was a very nice thing you did, and I am sure God will bless you 10 fold for being a cheerful giver...

2 Corinthians 9:7King James Version (KJV)

7 Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.

God bless you for your kind heart...
Thank you Gardo for posting that and when I first saw it I was embarrassed. I want to say this .
Yes this is a escort board and yes ladies advertise to work and guys come to use our services. NO ONE has to help anyone and I know that. It was very hard to ask in the first place but being a provider for 15 years sometimes people are considered to be a part of our daily lives, not just an escort board.
The Hardest part of it all was I have made my way for 15 years with this, and this has been my only work for that long. It was just hard when so many said they would help and I would be ok with that help until I could get back to work. But do not understand why someone would kick someone when they are down and say they will help a little and then will not even speak or answering pms when they say to contact them. Again NO ONE HAS to help anyone here, but I greatly appreciate more than they know the ones that did help.
Many have said this board is different now, people are complaining about the way the men and ladies are acting now, Maybe I was just hoping it was the old days when people were kinder to each other .
I know times are hard for everyone, and would have never even posted but I never thought i would be diagnosed with breast cancer so i had to put my personal life out there .
Thanks for reading this.
Do you use PayPal? That's an easy way for those who want to help to send you you a little. You just type their email in as a friend and put in an amount. Very quick and painless. Or maybe start a go find me? Depending on what you're needing to get by.

Life is hard and we should stick together.
HDnTX's Avatar
  • HDnTX
  • 09-23-2015, 12:53 PM
I have met Dee and she is a fine lady. I'm sending a little something, I hope that others do as well. If everyone could just drop her a few dollars it could make a overall difference.
I want to say Thank you to the ones that have sent me pm s. I big Thank you to Kayleehotchick for sending that today. She found such a simple way to help and no real name or my home address having to be given out. She bought a Wal-Mart gift card online and then had it sent to my email address. Got it really quick, then just took to Wal-Mart to use. All they did was scan the bar code on the egift card. So simple.
Thank you again Kaylee and I learned such a fast easy way to do things. I am getting stronger and healing more everyday. Thanks again