Breaking News - Chicago Crime Wave Resolution

LexusLover's Avatar
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-21-2017, 12:57 PM
Guest123018-4's Avatar
It seems that WTF is inferring that LL was suggesting that the criminals are not football players.
LexusLover's Avatar
The Eccie Chihuahua aka WTF barks at his own shadow.

Athletes never commit crimes? Is that what Chihuahua is "implying"?


Stealing, even in China, is a crime.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-21-2017, 01:43 PM
It seems that WTF is inferring that LL was suggesting that the criminals are not football players. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Actually I'm inferring that LL is inferring that all crime in Chicago is done by black men....

Which is exactly wtf he was inferring.

He is following the Dog Whistle of Donald Trump.

Your posts are not as racists as LL and IFFY but your defense of them is pretty darn racist.

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Just pave Chicago over like they talked about with Vietnam.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-21-2017, 01:53 PM
Just pave Chicago over like they talked about with Vietnam. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Your dumbass does not even realize how Vietnam is our trading partner.

We have more trade with them than Israel.

So the idiots that talking about paving them over were idiots, just like the idiots talking about the NFL...

LexusLover's Avatar
The Four Amigas on here would rather talk about a candidate date 40 years ago than current events! Football season is almost over, but killing in Chicago isn't! But they'd rather harp and rant on Alabama politics!
Guest123018-4's Avatar
They do not understand how so much gun violence can happen in the city wit the most gun control/restrictions in the nation. it just cant be since they all know the more control the less the problems.

And they wonder why the light seems brighter when they pull down their pants.
LexusLover's Avatar
And they wonder why the light seems brighter when they pull down their pants. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Isn't that because the 2nd pair underneath is a lighter shade?
bamscram's Avatar
800,000 guns were stolen last year. You can buy them anywhere. Dealers are for legal buyers.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Yep, criminals doing criminal things so let's punish the law abiding rather than the criminals.

We as a nation have our priorities all wrong on who should be in prison and for what. It gets worse in some states and local jurisdictions. Just follow the money and see where it leads.
It isn't so much about the crime as it is about the revenue and taxes that can be coerced from the citizenry based on lies and fiction. When you can create a whole industry based on lies and fiction, it is hard to dismantle it. Often in spite of what the sensible people desire. Just tell another lie and reinforce the previous lies.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-21-2017, 06:15 PM
Yep, criminals doing criminal things so let's punish the law abiding rather than the criminals.

We as a nation have our priorities all wrong on who should be in prison and for what. It gets worse in some states and local jurisdictions. Just follow the money and see where it leads.
It isn't so much about the crime as it is about the revenue and taxes that can be coerced from the citizenry based on lies and fiction. When you can create a whole industry based on lies and fiction, it is hard to dismantle it. Often in spite of what the sensible people desire. Just tell another lie and reinforce the previous lies. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Yes, so true.

We punish Iraq when the Saudis sent the majority of 9/11 bombers.

We go after the Johns because now the narrative is that women can not choose on their on validation to enter this business.

We go after legal gun owners when criminals shoot innocent people.

Maybe I'm becoming a cynic

Actually I'm inferring that LL is inferring that all crime in Chicago is done by black men....

Which is exactly wtf he was inferring.

He is following the Dog Whistle of Donald Trump.

Your posts are not as racists as LL and IFFY but your defense of them is pretty darn racist.

Originally Posted by WTF
Negros in Chicago will tell you most of the crime is committed by Negros. So what's the problem? They know it, we know it, even the barking dog knows it. How come you don't know it?

Yes, so true.

We punish Iraq when the Saudis sent the majority of 9/11 bombers.

We go after the Johns because now the narrative is that women can not choose on their on validation to enter this business.

We go after legal gun owners when criminals shoot innocent people.

Maybe I'm becoming a cynic

. Originally Posted by WTF
Maybe you're just beginning to catch on, lol.
