Lois Lerner back in the news

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Oberst Lerner of the Obama IRS is back in the news. Seems she wants her secret testimony (were she vented her spleen and then took the fifth) to remain secret. She fears reprisals from those that her and her minions wronged.
She and her deputy Paz fear that someone whose business was lost or life was ruined might be angry still. She is unwilling to give up her boss but wants protection from those that she wronged.
I think she does deserve to be protected and Leavenworth has a cell just recently vacated by Chelsea Manning.
Yssup Rider's Avatar

Wrong regime.
The gall of this cretin. Not only wanting protection from testifying (BY taking the 5th) but NOW wanting any testimony she DID give, protected from WE the people seeing it?
SHE HAS some balls i will give her that.
But imo the ONLY THING SHE NEEDS< is to get her ass thrown in a 7x7 cell and have the door locked and the key melted down!!!