Shabby treatment from Klovve

Jumpin Joey's Avatar
Last Thursday, we set up a 6 p.m. outcall appointment for that Sunday. I texted her a confirmation on Friday and another on Saturday. She texted me on Saturday that she was out of town and that she would text me when she was arriving in Austin on Sunday. So far, so good.

But at 5:45 on Sunday, I hadn't heard from her. So I texted her. She replied that she was still out of town. So she knew hours ahead of time that she wasn't going to make it back for the appointment. I doubt she would have texted me at all had I not inquired.

She did offer to see me on Monday and to stay longer (she didn't specify how much longer). But since she had already stood me up once, I figured that she would likely do it again.

There was a review back in May from a guy whose appointment with her ended very soon after it began b/c her friends came over unexpectedly. She kept flaking on doing a make up session. The guy finally threw in the towel out of frustration. I didn't want to subject myself to similar treatment. (You won't find his review on her P411 page.)
Too bad, JJ. Common courtesy goes a long ways.
Sorry that happened to you, unfortunately it's not unheard of behavior from her and has happened a few times before. Rude, discourteous, and disrespectful no matter how you cut it.

There was a review back in May from a guy whose appointment with her ended very soon after it began b/c her friends came over unexpectedly. Originally Posted by Jumpin Joey
Well, not totally unexpectedly. I knew she had plans with them for later, and I ended up be pretty late for our date which didn't help. IIRC, she was supposed to go meet them but they decided to come get her instead. I had no gripe about that, shit happens, but subsequently things went seriously down hill.

I think you hit on just the right word...."shabby". It was unquestionably unprofessional and that obviously does not reflect well on her. No matter how much you like her (and I do) it's really not possible to try and defend this type of behavior.

Personally I think that this is actually a part of the learning curve for being successful in any consultancy. I just had a client berate me yesterday for not being more active in pursuing their business. The truth is my plate is full and I don't want more business at this moment. Both your scenario and Nasty's indicate an attempt to accommodate as much business as possible when my guess is she should have said no to both appointments (or canceled her own plans). To me this is a simple case of good intentions having bad consequences.

I'm partial to her since the 1st time I met her the shoe was on the other foot. I went to the wrong place to meet her and by the time we sorted things out I was 45 min (or more) late. We still spent 90 min or more talking and then when we went back to the hotel they had moved her out (non smoking room that had been reserved). She had to get a new room just to accommodate me and it was almost 1:30 before we went BCD. Absolutely great unrushed session that I had to end...

This does not justify how she treated you but simply shows two sides of the same person and helps illustrate why I think this is a business lesson being learned vs someone being intentionally rude and disrespectful (which her actions clearly were). All of us have been where you are. It's funny but my last time indirectly involved Kelli.

I had met Marian at one of Whispers socials and set up an appointment. She called me literally 5 minutes from her door begging off (she was hysterical on the phone). I sent her a follow up email wishing her well and saw Kelli the next day, actually was lying there with my head on her belly and we started talking about Marian (she got the story when I booked her after Marian canceled). We were both worried enough that Kelli followed up and checked on her after I left (and Marian emailed me a thanks for your concern)...

Bottom line with Darien, Natalie and Kelli (my rotation at the time) I had no incentive to ever try again. Both you and Nasty were treated poorly and it's up to Kelli to manage her business better. The same way that she was the "flavor of the month" last summer there are and always will be new gals looking to build a business. The same way she can't take her stature and reputation for granted I do think it's important not to lose sight of the person behind the persona. I think we all lose something once we lose sight of the realities that we're people....not "Johns and Ho's"....just my two cents.
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 07-21-2011, 09:45 AM
Well, it seems that currently she's at least considering altering her marketing strategy by advertising.

So, it seems that she's open to the idea of trying to manage her business differently, if nothing else. Perhaps after about a year in business she's considering making changes, doing some fine tuning.
I'm sorry Toast, I'm having trouble buying it. She's been in the biz for about a year, how much longer does she need to get it together and grasp that she's running a customer service oriented small business? She pulled this crap on me back in April and I know that I wasn't the first.

I will agree that perhaps her wagon is overloaded and she needs to start saying "no" to begin with (assuming that she hasn't been), but we're still talking about a lack of common courtesy when we cut through the crap. Maybe she's doesn't deal with telling people "no" very well and chooses to just not deal with it. Maybe she just has poor manners. Maybe she doesn't give a damn since she's got guys lined up at the door. Maybe she thinks it's entertaining to jack us around to see how much she can twist us up. Maybe it's none of those. Maybe it's all of those. Maybe it's....

I know she's a fan favorite and has taken great care of many of us, but some of us (more than we know about) have been treated pretty poorly. We don't accept this from other providers, Kelly and Robin for example. I don't see anyone running out to defend them when they pull this, why does Kelli deserve better? I'm not trying to bash the girl, she seemed really sweet, intelligent, funny, etc. I'm mildly disappointed it turned out the way it did, I'm sure there was lots of fun to be had, but no sour grapes on my part. I think we all undertand that sometimes shit just happens, all I think anyone is asking for is common courtesy. And that goes both ways. Yeah, to some of us that's a bigger deal than it is to others. Personally, it's one of the very few things that other people can do that I truly find offensive.

I have no desire to minimize or try and whiteknight her actions....her conduct here was flat out unprofessional. However, take a look at your own comments here. In your anger/irritation your reducing her to a thing. Self centered, self indulgent or whatever there is a person behind the persona.

When a gal says "she's gone under a rock" thats a pretty clear sign she doesn't want to (or can't) deal with the fallout of being judged for human failings. Is it a coincidence she went under a rock after your review...or Carrina took a week off after she got flamed by a (IMO) douchebag for a logistics mix up that wasn't even her fault.\

You and Joey are "right" and Kelli is "wrong" fucking what. At the end of the day is it really worth the emotional pain you might be inflicting on the person behind the persona? All I know is that when she had every right to be snippy and bitchy with me she wasn't. That when a legitimate concern for the well being of another gal was out there she reached out to check on her. It doesn't make her perfect, hell it doesn't even make her worth defending here for clear violations of professional conduct....

But at the end of the day I've spent enough time with the persona to know that the person behind the mask is a sweetheart and worth caring about as a person vs a conglomeration of alphabet soup abbreviations. The "thing" thats on her knees taking your load in her mouth is actually a person with their own issues to deal with.

Maybe this is a reaction to my conversations with Carrina and my ATF or very much related to Whispers thread on Natalie R. My message is simple....bitch all you want at the persona thats providing you a service...but save a bit of kindness and compassion for the woman behind the mask.
sixxbach's Avatar

I have no desire to minimize or try and whiteknight her actions....her conduct here was flat out unprofessional. However, take a look at your own comments here. In your anger/irritation your reducing her to a thing. Self centered, self indulgent or whatever there is a person behind the persona.

When a gal says "she's gone under a rock" thats a pretty clear sign she doesn't want to (or can't) deal with the fallout of being judged for human failings. Is it a coincidence she went under a rock after your review...or Carrina took a week off after she got flamed by a (IMO) douchebag for a logistics mix up that wasn't even her fault.\

You and Joey are "right" and Kelli is "wrong" fucking what. At the end of the day is it really worth the emotional pain you might be inflicting on the person behind the persona? All I know is that when she had every right to be snippy and bitchy with me she wasn't. That when a legitimate concern for the well being of another gal was out there she reached out to check on her. It doesn't make her perfect, hell it doesn't even make her worth defending here for clear violations of professional conduct....

But at the end of the day I've spent enough time with the persona to know that the person behind the mask is a sweetheart and worth caring about as a person vs a conglomeration of alphabet soup abbreviations. The "thing" thats on her knees taking your load in her mouth is actually a person with their own issues to deal with.

Maybe this is a reaction to my conversations with Carrina and my ATF or very much related to Whispers thread on Natalie R. My message is simple....bitch all you want at the persona thats providing you a service...but save a bit of kindness and compassion for the woman behind the mask. Originally Posted by TxToast

wow just wow..........

nuglet's Avatar
Aww c'mon Sixx.. just spit it out, I know you're thinkin' something...
He's stuck since he likes her too
sixxbach's Avatar
Aww c'mon Sixx.. just spit it out, I know you're thinkin' something... Originally Posted by nuglet

hehehe now that you mentioned it.....


I have no desire to minimize or try and whiteknight her actions....her conduct here was flat out unprofessional. However, take a look at your own comments here. In your anger/irritation your reducing her to a thing. Self centered, self indulgent or whatever there is a person behind the persona.

I can agree with that but.......

When a gal says "she's gone under a rock" thats a pretty clear sign she doesn't want to (or can't) deal with the fallout of being judged for human failings. Is it a coincidence she went under a rock after your review...or Carrina took a week off after she got flamed by a (IMO) douchebag for a logistics mix up that wasn't even her fault.\

Whether or not the guy was right or wrong in that mix up does not warrant him being called a douchebag IMO

You and Joey are "right" and Kelli is "wrong" fucking what. At the end of the day is it really worth the emotional pain you might be inflicting on the person behind the persona? All I know is that when she had every right to be snippy and bitchy with me she wasn't. That when a legitimate concern for the well being of another gal was out there she reached out to check on her. It doesn't make her perfect, hell it doesn't even make her worth defending here for clear violations of professional conduct....

But at the end of the day I've spent enough time with the persona to know that the person behind the mask is a sweetheart and worth caring about as a person vs a conglomeration of alphabet soup abbreviations. The "thing" thats on her knees taking your load in her mouth is actually a person with their own issues to deal with.

Maybe this is a reaction to my conversations with Carrina and my ATF or very much related to Whispers thread on Natalie R. My message is simple....bitch all you want at the persona thats providing you a service...but save a bit of kindness and compassion for the woman behind the mask. Originally Posted by TxToast
I have no issues with Kelli or Carrina at all but your posting is why many hobbyists do not report these incidents. Let the hobbyist post what he feels. We are not dumb. If the guy is full of shit, we will be able to pick up on that.

I have to wonder if you would be so vocal if Kelli or Carrina were gals you have not seen.............

Let the hobbyists post their experience without being blasted for reporting....

If you feel that I have treated you as less than human then I do sincerely apologize, it certainly is not my intention and damned sure not how I feel. I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of the hour we spent together, sorry it ended up only being one hour. No bullshit, I thought you were fascinating and I have maintained that opinion. There's just that one teensy weensy little thing.....

I am eternally grateful to you, and all of the girls, for what you do. Anyone suggesting otherwise is completely full of shit. I admire your ability to put on a happy face and convincingly pretend to enjoy spending time with us miserable fuckers, regardless of whatever shit is happening in your lives.

Don't let me, or anyone else, talk you out of seeing her if that's what you want to do, the majority of guys who see her love her and have no problems. Of course, your mileage may vary. Perhaps I was a little aggressive in trying to get in front of the fan club on this thread, there's a lot more of them.
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar

[...]bitch all you want at the persona thats providing you a service...but save a bit of kindness and compassion for the woman behind the mask. Originally Posted by TxToast
From what I can see, that's exactly what he did. He made no remarks about her as a person. He simply stated that his time was wasted and he was treated unprofessionally. What could he have said or not said that would have made this acceptable for you and still share his experience?
Eraserman's Avatar
... (You won't find his review on her P411 page.) Originally Posted by Jumpin Joey

You can send an email to P411 support asking that this post be pinned to her profile. They'll do that. I've put in the request before so I know. If you're an injured party and you mention the review you have linked I believe they'll pin that also even though you didn't write it.

That's assuming you're a member of P411. If you're not a member maybe they'll let a 3rd party make the request. For the sake of full disclosure.