Cure your ADD by fanatasizing about sex...

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Fantasizing about sex gets you more than just wet - it boosts your analytical thinking skills.

Fantasizing about love - boosts your creative and "big-picture" thinking skills.

This is according to a study published in the November 2009 Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.

Researchers asked 30 subjects to imagine a long, loving walk with their partners and asked 30 others to think of casual sex with someone they didn't love.

When they gave the subjects cognitive tests, the love-primed ones scored better on creative tasks and scored worse on analytical questions, whereas the reverse was true of those who thought of sex.

Even when researchers subliminally primed a separate group, the results remained similar.

So zoom in and focus on details of an erotic tryst, and watch your IQ and focus engorge...

...and when we fantasize about sex with Jules our analytical thinking is boosted to the Einstein level but we are too excited to realize it.