If you see backpage providers watch this...

mastermind_1's Avatar
I was looking at some stuff on you tube tonight and look what I found.....
tax dollars at work
TheWanderer's Avatar
It seems like there is more of this going on all the time, or maybe it's just getting more air-time by the local news stations.
Scary stuff. All the more reason to stay with regulars.

Head on a swivel...stay safe.
Why can't cops just stay out of it?? I really don't see how its hurting anyone
AlyssaDaniels's Avatar
They haven't figured out a way to tax it....if they did we'd be in full swing I believe
Randall Creed's Avatar
It's always funny to hear them try to justify why they go after hookers and johns. 'It's not a victimless crime', 'Women are abused/raped/assaulted or forced into drug use'. Ummmm, those BY THEMSELVES ARE CRIMES. Raping ANYBODY is a crime. Assaulting ANYBODY is a crime. Same with abuse. Doesn't have to be a hooker involved to do those things to anyone.

If two consenting adults agree to meet and do consenual acts involving the two of them, then WHERE'S THE REAL CRIME? It's only a 'crime' because society has decided to say it's a crime. There are things that are UNIVERSALLY seen as a crime. Putting a brick through somebody's window is a crime...I believe everywhere on the planet. Punching someone in the face (not involved in a boxing, wrestling, or MMA match) I'm inclined to believe is illegal in every civilization. Engaging in sexual activity with a consenting adult is mostly legal just about everywhere. Paying a person for services is legal everywhere.

Now I have to ask this: What actually makes paying for sexual services illegal? What part of the act makes it....a crime? Because it's perfectly legal to pay someone to do work for you. You mow my lawn, I can pay you. You fix my car, I can pay you. What part of paying for sex is SO MALICIOUS that we have to CRIMINALIZE it? Somebody explain this to me. Why does this need to be a crime? We all know why murder, robbery, assualt and the like are crimes. We get those.

But why does sex for money NEED to be a crime? An inquiring mind wants to know.
Int3rested's Avatar
It's the ties that bind...follow the money..
Putting a brick through somebody's window is a crime...I believe everywhere on the planet. Punching someone in the face (not involved in a boxing, wrestling, or MMA match) I'm inclined to believe is illegal in every civilization. Engaging in sexual activity with a consenting adult is mostly legal just about everywhere. Paying a person for services is legal everywhere.

Now I have to ask this: What actually makes paying for sexual services illegal? What part of the act makes it....a crime? Because it's perfectly legal to pay someone to do work for you. You mow my lawn, I can pay you. You fix my car, I can pay you. What part of paying for sex is SO MALICIOUS that we have to CRIMINALIZE it? Somebody explain this to me. Why does this need to be a crime? We all know why murder, robbery, assualt and the like are crimes. We get those.

But why does sex for money NEED to be a crime? An inquiring mind wants to know. Originally Posted by Rambro Creed

I completely agree. I think things like assault, robbery, murder, anything where you hurt another person are true crimes because the majority of people, whether they were taught it or not would feel that these things are morally wrong.

Selling sex as a service on the other hand is only considered a crime or morally wrong because we are TAUGHT growing up by society that it is wrong. If we grew up never being told that it was wrong or a crime, no one would believe that it was.
otrdriver's Avatar
Swinging is legal, having an affair is legal, giving a girlfriend shopping money is legal, not my fault she has expensive tastes. lol
TheWanderer's Avatar
[quote=Rambro Creed;337656] Paying a person for services is legal everywhere.
Now I have to ask this: What actually makes paying for sexual services illegal? What part of the act makes it....a crime? Because it's perfectly legal to pay someone to do work for you. You mow my lawn, I can pay you. You fix my car, I can pay you. What part of paying for sex is SO MALICIOUS that we have to CRIMINALIZE it?

Our laws in this country are still linked to the Bible and morals.
I can pay someone to massage my body, cut my hair, shave my face, trim my toenails...I can pay a doctor to insert his/her fingers in me....sure, sexually slavery is very wrong, so is forced labor.
We are a country of contradictions....sigh....
pyramider's Avatar
I was looking at some stuff on you tube tonight and look what I found.....
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXyN8MWP_hs Originally Posted by mastermind_1

Can't believe they left Eros off the list of sources.

Sex sells is an old marketing strategy. Sex sells also works for LE. Its quick, easy, and is tawdry. The news organizations love the stings . . . why? . . . Sex sells.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Yeah I think it's all B.S- I think men either way are paying for it so just let it be. What's the difference in me going on a date- spendig money on gas, going to see a movie, then taking her two a very nice restauraunt which may include me paying for valet parking- in then going home having sex with the date- in this scenario I easily could spend 100 dollars or more and get the same result as calling a provider and getting sex. I thin k all of you mention reasons why it's illegal, but don't forget the religious fanatics who believe it's just so sinful to pay a woman for sex.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Part of it is they (the men) don't want to empower women. Let 'em make prostitution legal nationwide....and watch the market FLOOD. At first many women might reject it. "Legal or not, I will not stoop to such immoral depths", some may say. But let her see her neighbor all of a sudden riding in a new car she previously couldn't afford. New shoes. New outfits, and maybe a big giant ass, wall mounted flat screen. Her attitude would probably change to, "Pfft! I know I'm cuter than she is! I can make twice as much doing that!" So the market floods. Many women of legal age would consider it, particularly the young, single female demographic with no job skills or college education. College hotties would do it. Hell, gay pretty boys would do it. I'm sure even a few wives who are sick of their relationships would seek divorce and do it as well. Men everywhere would seek 'companionship' more openly, reducing and possibly eliminating the stigma to nothing (Imagine the late night commercials).

With so much competition out there, the rates would eventually bottom out. I think jobs would open up due to women literally qutting their day jobs (the ones who are making a killing, that is). Brothels would go up everywhere. Condom sales would go up. STD cases would rise simply because of the sheer increase in numbers of people having sex (This would be the naysayers' rallying cry, along with how immoral it is). I'm guessing strip clubs would nearly vanish (or turn into brothels). Wouldn't take guys long to ponder, "Why waste money on 'fantasies' when you can get an actual bj and sex for less than a night at a SC?". Strippers would jump right into the game. Many of them would have a head start over civilian women due to 'previous experience'.

Some men would love this. Some of us that hobby would look at it as an opportunity to come clean or START clean ("I always wanted to try it, but I was scared to. Guess I could try it now." Yeah, right mofo'er!!) Those that had 'control' of their woman/women would feel his 'authority' slipping and may not like it. Either that or he'd try to turn into a pimp.

After the initial swell (no pun intended), the playing field would clear as the casual crowd of providers would go back to their day jobs. Some would realize that the money they made wasn't worth it due to the great amount of competition (and the thought of banging a bunch of old sweaty weirdos). Some would conclude that it 'wasn't for me'. So on and so forth. The strong providers would soldier on, and over time the rates would start finding their way back on the upswing. The market would have its moments of fluctuations and declines like it always does. I don't know if the stigma of seeing providers would ever completely go away, but guys who are the non-relationship type would use seeing providers as their number one excuse, and rightfully so. Women aren't going to fuck for free, even if they don't consider themselves a provider. "Mofo'er, my light bill's due, and it's $___!"

You could legalize and tax the living shit out of it, but like those who already think they pay too much in taxes, providers would just fib on what they're making. Guys would find a way to make it a write off. I could go all day with this.

I think the powers that be should consider legalizing it for a year to 'see how it goes'. After that make a decision on it and have it sit, until another generation decides where it needs to go with it.
Why can't cops just stay out of it?? I really don't see how its hurting anyone Originally Posted by Alana Clark
Exactly....my point. Can't two people have whatever they want unless it involves just the two of them.....
gatewayloco's Avatar
Its only a problem when pimps are involved and girls are forced into it.