Provider advice needed

garlandBone's Avatar
I am going to have to hijack a post.

KellyTNT had posted a thread, and an awesome thread it was Kelly, in the coed forum entitled,"Are you guilty of making these mistakes in bed?".

some issues came up that I'm confused on.

The clitoris thing...
One provider told me,"When it comes to the clitoris, you can never be gentle enough".
Another provider told me,"Oh yes you can be too gentle".
So what do you do?

How long it takes for a guy to cum...
Obvously 2 minutes would be frustrating, and 1 hour probably painfull.
Is there a preferred time?
There are exercises one can do to prolong duration, but what can a guy do to shorten his cum time?

and lastly,
the 'thankyou' issue...
Ladies, would you be offended if a guy thanked you after the encounter?

Again Kelly, it was an great post.
am-a-pleaser's Avatar
My .02. Every lady is different. A lady's clit is sensitive, but some need a little more stimulation. Just ask her. Same with nipples and the rest of her.

The "thank you". imho, Don't thank her for the encounter. Tell her you enjoyed your time with her. And tell her something specific she did that you really enjoyed.
  • npita
  • 06-07-2010, 07:22 AM
After attempts to extract that sort of information from women over the years, I've concluded that if there is a ``right way,'' it must be a secret and more than likely, it depends on the woman. Due to the fact that women do not seem real axious to ``correct'' guys, I finally adopted the strategy of doing whatever seems reasonable and assuming that if a woman would rather I do something else, it's up to her to actually say something.
Yes, you can be too gentle with the clit, which is highly frustrating. It is best to start out very gently, and slowly (emphasis on SLOWLY) apply more pressure until you can tell that she's really enjoying it. If you push it a little too far (you should be able to tell) just back off a little bit and continue. Also, let her know if you're willing to take direction! I usually let my clients know that I am open to direction. After all, I want you to enjoy your time with me.

As for thanking her, I guess each woman is different. Personally, it's kind of funny to me that anyone would take offense to that. I usually thank my clients for coming to see me. They chose me! Some thank me back for taking the time to see them. I've never been offended. But, remember, that's just me. I have no idea how the other ladies feel.