"Just For Men" Hair Products ...

I've waited quite awhile before posting this incident to avoid pinpointing anyone. I doubt it would affect him anyway because he didn't return and I never mentioned it. I've previously shared random weird happenings but this is one of the favorites.

I've forgotten his name but let's call him 'Martin' because he reminds me of the father character from the Fraiser sitcoms. His sons, Niles & older sibling, Fraiser are very pretentious and believe in impressing everyone by flaunting their intelligence and attending upscale dinner parties & events.

Martin is dressed in a suit & tie for Nile's dinner party and encountered a nice female acquaintence. As they're sitting by the roaring fireplace, he's begun to get a little warm. He decides he wants to mingle with the other guests but discovers he can't.

Earlier that day, he colored his hair with dye and it didn't wash out as well as he'd thought ... because he's sweating, the dye residue stained the material of the upper back of the chair. He remains sitting and avoids moving away from the headrest. Martin is mortified and stays there for the duration of the evening until it ends. Niles finds it later and has to send the chair out for reupholstering.

So, skip from the country club's fireplace & wingback chairs to my uber kewl boudoir. Martin and I have been busy, it's really hot! After we've cleaned up & dressed, he's left and I'm putting the room back together. As I stripped the bed, I noticed the pillowcase had a dark smudge where his head was. Huh? What's that? Well, at least it's not something else but ... wait. Hair dye?! Uuummm ... this is different. How do I get it out? Bleach & stain remover or a new set of sheets.

I opted for a visit to JCPenney's; their linens are reasonable and I had a gift card to spend.
Jasser's Avatar
That's funny. I guess it's better than brown stains on the sheets!
My name is not Martin. I'm not balding either. Just thining.
mtabsw's Avatar
I'm not balding or graying - My hair has moved to my ears and nose - and what's left is reacting to ozone and other pollutants.

I certainly laughed more about your story than the ring lost in the islands one.

Funny story, but others have noted it could have been worse. LOL

I've had salt and pepper since my late 20's, and initially I hated it. Was back East visiting my folks one weekend, and opted to shampoo away some of the gray while there. That afternoon, I took my Dad's brand new high dollar ride (with light gray leather seats) to a local running trail so I could get a few miles in.

Yep, you guessed it. When I got in the car to drive home, even though I had thoroughly rinsed the dye, the sweat reactivated it and there was a nice stain on his headrest! Oh boy...not good.

Anyway, pretty quickly I realized the ladies didn't mind my salt and pepper nearly as much as I did, in fact many liked it. So I threw away the Grecian for good! Still have a full head of it today, some years later.

Randy4Candy's Avatar
Guess we could get this thread and the Lost Ring of the Islands thread merged and have a really nice Grecian Formula?

Us poor guys, a lot of the "product" available to us is made about as cheesily as it looks. There could be a message there. Shea, at least you didn't find his haipiece hiding under a pillow impersonating a muskrat when you went back to fix up the room.
Funny story Shea.
Not sure why guys can be so vain about the grey.
I find most women think that grey hair on a man makes him look distinguished.
Hell my hair can turn anything but loose....
Sleepy363's Avatar
That reminds me of the soul glo scene from Coming to America, when the family gets up off the couch
Shea, it couldn't have possible been from a can of Ron Popeil's "spray your bald spot away" aerosol, could it? Remember when Ron was spraying his own bald spot on TV infomercials with that stuff? Too funny!