Khloe Cruise - Unapologetic plagiarist. (Warning: Dramallama post.)

Yes, I am still alive. Yes, I am still on hiatus. Additionally, I still answer reference requests.

On May 31, Khloe Cruise contacted me for a reference. I was not familiar with her, so I visited her P411 profile, reviews, and website ( before replying to ensure she was a legitimate and reputable provider. When I visited her website, I discovered that she had copy & pasted the text from my own website's "packages" and "FAQ" pages. She has adjusted some minor details (ethnicity, physical description, *some* rates), but the bulk of the text is my own. I replied promptly to her email and requested that she either take down or rewrite in her own words the clearly copyrighted text she had stolen. Additionally, I gave her a positive reference on the client (because I'm awesome like that, haha). In the interest of full disclosure, I did contact the gentleman to let him know that I had given him the good reference he definitely deserves, but that Khloe had stolen some of my work.

Khloe did not reply to my email (not even a thank you for the reference), and she did not amend her mistake. I wrote her again on June 4, letting her know that if she did not comply with my request, I would make a public issue over it. I have still not received a reply, and there remain no changes on her website, so now I'm writing this post.

Clearly, she is able to be contacted, as you can see she's posted an ad on this board within the past 24 hours.

In the grand scheme of things, I recognize this is not the worst provider-on-provider transgression ever committed. However, each of us works so hard to stand out from each other, and part of that is creating websites that portray our own personalities. It's incredibly difficult to present what is standard information in one's own words -- I have put in hundreds of hours into ensuring my site covers all the basics in a clear and concise manner. To have this plagiarized is, admittedly, flattering. Regardless, theft is theft, and it is never okay.

Khloe, will you respond at all now? Even an apology would be nice.

(Edit: I have let her know I posted this here and elsewhere.)
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
haha yea she totally ripped off your site which by the way is great! i understand why you are upset...
  • npita
  • 06-08-2010, 06:27 AM
When I visited her website, I discovered that she had copy & pasted the text from my own website's "packages" and "FAQ" pages. She has adjusted some minor details (ethnicity, physical description, *some* rates), but the bulk of the text is my own. I replied promptly to her email and requested that she either take down or rewrite in her own words the clearly copyrighted text she had stolen.
You have the option of sending a takedown notice under the provisions for copyright infringement of the Digital Millenium Copyright Act. Details are in the following link:

On the other hand, although she did copy a large amount of text, there is still a fundamental difference between your webite and hers. Yours is formatted very nicely and in a way that makes your content very easy to read. By contrast, the content she copied is very badly layed out and I'm not sure most people would bother to read it. I wouldn't. I'd just get straight to the point, i.e., rates, whatever, rather than follow the text to get that information. Personally, I think I'd just be flattered and forget about it (unless you want to pursue the take down provision of the DMCA) or since you apparently write well enough that other people want to use what you write, do what I do. Offer to write that sort of stuff for a fee.
Guest101610-2's Avatar
Carrie, I really like you. You are awesome like that.

Immitation is the highest form of flattery. Don't forget this girl probably looks up to you. She's newish and doesn't have a clue. When I was very new I latched onto a known and highly respected provider. I didn't copy her work, but I did study her.

Maybe she's not confident enough to write her own words and yours speak to her heart... whatever the case may be, try to be flattered.
+100 kayla
How humiliating for her! You gave her a chance to change it up, and she didn't even reply. It amazes me how rude some people are these days.


I've had people steal my pictures before and a friend told me -

"Stealing pictures (or TEXT in this case) is like stealing a credit card, but instead of shopping for clothes you can't afford, you're shopping for guys you can't attract"

made me laugh!

LOL @ Jamie. Awesome response.

Its kinda dirty to steal text from someone's site. I think it was handled gracefully. Stealing photos would really tick me off (its happened a lot recently), and I can kind of understand the motivation. I'm not sure what people think will happen when they meet and the person who shows up insn't the one in the photo (duh). But the text stealing, IMO, is kinda sad. I can't just write what you mean and edit as you go? You have to actually have someone speak for you? The least a girl can do is try. LOL.
Khloe, there's nothing wrong with you as an individual. You are indeed a unique person, just as Carrie is, just as I am. With that in mind, there's no need to copy anyone's text because they are not you. Your clients want to meet you. If they wanted to meet Carrie, they'd just book with her.

This is a blatant promotion but I've written two books for escorts (so far). The second one covers Internet advertising and marketing, including how to create your own unique work persona. Please read it, it could really help you shine without alienating your local colleagues or getting your name posted in threads like this. (link in my signature)

Plagiarism is theft. You're taking someone's mental energy, their time and work, and in this case -- their unique professional identity. Copyright laws extend to Internet escorts just as they do to anyone who has created their own unique writing or various forms of art.

fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 06-08-2010, 05:54 PM
Khloe, there's nothing wrong with you as an individual. You are indeed a unique person, just as Carrie is, just as I am. With that in mind, there's no need to copy anyone's text because they are not you. Your clients want to meet you. If they wanted to meet Carrie, they'd just book with her.

This is a blatant promotion but I've written two books for escorts (so far). The second one covers Internet advertising and marketing, including how to create your own unique work persona. Please read it, it could really help you shine without alienating your local colleagues or getting your name posted in threads like this. (link in my signature)

Plagiarism is theft. You're taking someone's mental energy, their time and work, and in this case -- their unique professional identity. Copyright laws extend to Internet escorts just as they do to anyone who has created their own unique writing or various forms of art.

Amanda Originally Posted by texasgoldengirl

Very well said Amanda........
ShysterJon's Avatar
Sometimes I steal moves I see in porn films. Would it be an adequate attribution if I screamed out the porn star's name while I was coming? But I don't wanna confuse my playmate. What's your advice, texasgoldengirl?
Carrie, this is a very tactfully done post. I admire how you have handled this !

Just one question for you though - how do you know she didn't come up with her website before you did yours?
That's just really sad, all the way around.
Euphemia's Avatar
Carrie, this is a very tactfully done post. I admire how you have handled this !

Just one question for you though - how do you know she didn't come up with her website before you did yours? Originally Posted by breadtoaster
Carrie has been at this for a few years...
TexTushHog's Avatar
Carrie, this is a very tactfully done post. I admire how you have handled this !

Just one question for you though - how do you know she didn't come up with her website before you did yours? Originally Posted by breadtoaster
Probably because she wrote her own material and remembers writing it??!!!
69er's Avatar
  • 69er
  • 06-08-2010, 11:17 PM
I think if you really care about your content...

Do what any business would do. Send the required DMCA takedown notice.

npita gives the correct info in his posting earlier in this thread.

I see postings here fairly often about how do ladies get someone else to take down their pictures... Perhaps one of the ladies needs to post a little treatise on DMCA and have it as a sticky at the top of the ladies forum.

When some of the smartest here don't know how to handle these, seems like a short treatise on this is in order.