Let Me Roll a Grenade into the Room - "Review Credit"

luv2luv's Avatar
At the risk of jumping into hot water, I need to ask a question of the Mods and would like membership input as well.

I understand the premise of granting credit for reviews based on content. Only makes sense. But what content? In the past couple of months, I have had review credit denied because "there are no extras in the review" and the review has to mention extras in order to count. On the surface, I understand that. If I don't write anything, how can it be a credited review?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but credit is granted for negative reviews, I suspect. Don't know that for sure because I don't know that I've given a negative review here (getting more picky in my old age). The would mean extras were mentioned, but in a negative way (NO GFE, NO daty, NO BBBJ, etc).

But what if there are simply no extras offered. Isn't that useful information as well? The first of my two denied reviews was on a provider that advertised services that simply were not offered. Wasn't it useful for the membership to know that? I know that, within two weeks of that uncredited review, somebody else saw that provider and voiced the same complaints.

Yesterday, I submitted a review of a SC that really didn't offer any extras at all. Assuming the membership is looking to go to a club that offers extras, I would have thought that an open discussion that was clear about all of the things the club did not offer would be of value. It would keep you from wasting your money looking for extras that are not going to be available.

How 'bout it, Mods? Shouldn't the value of a review be in the value of the information given to the membership, not in whether specific acts or words are included? Can't a review that says "NO extras" be as valuable as one that says "some extras" or "all extras"?

What do all y'all think? Inquiring minds wanna know.
garlandBone's Avatar
I agree. When I first started reviewing, a mod got on my case because of lack of detail. Now, when I write a review, I feel like a staff writer for Penthouse Forum. Do I have to describe every kiss, every stroke? Am I writing a review or erotica for your viewing pleasure? I walked in, laid the envelope on the table, did x,y, and z, then went home. I told you what I did, what she looked like, and wether or not I would reccomend her. Realy, how much more is needed?
Torito's Avatar

Now let's get on with it.

The policy is that reviews and therefore PA credit is for sessions that included "extra" activities. If none occurred it is appropriate to click on New Thread and say what you need to say. It certainly is valuable info, but does not quialify as a review. When no activities occurred, there is no need for PA protection of the story.

luv2luv's Avatar
Okay, if I buy that, where do I post this "new thread". It doesn't go under reviews, and if I put it in discussions ... or anywhere else ... guys who are looking for SC or provider reviews aren't necessarily going to see it.

What's the big deal? Of course it's a review ... by definition. You guys just don't want to give credit for some reason. Your rationale is beyond me. Of course, I don't run the place, so do what you want. But, in my super humble little ole opinion, your rationale doesn't make a bit of sense.
cookie man's Avatar
The Mods here are very review credit friendly. They are in many cases like teachers. They grade your review and make a pass/fail determination if it gets credit. It sounds like they've been informative as to what you need to do in order to get credit. All you need to do is accept the parrameters and do it. Trust their judgement. They are in the position they are in for a reason.

On another note, I don't think ASPD or ECCIE give review credit for strip club reviews. Just the nature of the beast. Still it's good to pass on for the benefit of guys night out.
Boltfan's Avatar

You don't get credit for a "review" of a strip club without extras because then every fool could write a "review" on their air dance and expect credit for something that they are trying to sell.

And frankly, a review of someone who won't do anything is worthless. There thousands of dancers around who won't do anything. A simple post in the SC forum to say "I met Sally and she won't do anything" is enough.

ECCIE gives credit for SC encounters in DFW IF they perform extras. Makes sense here.

Now if you have a link to the other (I assume non SC review) one we can make a judgement since you are asking the opinion of membership.
Torito's Avatar
Go to the review forum where you want to post. Click NEW THREAD, not NEW REVIEW. Then fire away. Without activities, it is not a review and should not be written that way. It is unclear and also goes into the queue for mods to process. Believe me, there are plenty of actual reviews to keep everybody busy.

BTW it is not a matter of "buying that" or not. Read the forum rules. They are what they are. I am also not sure why we (mods) would not want to give credit. We follow the rules for PA credit. We don't make them up as we go along.


Okay, if I buy that, where do I post this "new thread". It doesn't go under reviews, and if I put it in discussions ... or anywhere else ... guys who are looking for SC or provider reviews aren't necessarily going to see it.

What's the big deal? Of course it's a review ... by definition. You guys just don't want to give credit for some reason. Your rationale is beyond me. Of course, I don't run the place, so do what you want. But, in my super humble little ole opinion, your rationale doesn't make a bit of sense. Originally Posted by luv2luv
luv2luv's Avatar
Okay, Torito, I'll buy that. Frankly, I did not know I could just put a thread in that category without making it a review. Mark it up to degenerating brain cells, the phase of the moon, or my grandmother's beef stew.

'Nuff said. Now, back to havin' fun.
oldmarine's Avatar
It is not not necessary to give a "blow by blow" description of what went on during your session. I recently submitted a review, and got credit for it, where I described the overall experience without going into a lot of detail on what was done to whom and in what order. You do not have to write a porn novel. Fill in all of the fields and flesh it out in the ROS section. Sorry about the puns. I couldn't resist, lol.