Russian Massage

Any body have any info on this place in Juarez?
C. Malecón 2755, Margaritas, 32310 Cd Juárez, Chih., México
Yes , I was wondering if anybody had been there . And the experience was like ? Is it Russian women or is that just the name ?
  • loc23
  • 11-27-2022, 10:01 PM
Is just the name. I have not been there but the girls on the twitter page look local.
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Is just the name. I have not been there but the girls on the twitter page look local. Originally Posted by loc23
I popped in there on my last visit to Juarez. The girls were indeed local. The name of a place has no relationship to the type of chica or services offered.

My time was limited so I did not session. There were two ladies that just didn't appeal to me and one who looked very attractive. Unfortunately she was busy at the time and I was unable to wait for another half hour to check her out. I plan to return and I hope she is still there.
Hilarious. Are they trolling Stoya with that name, or is it the same folks?
  • loc23
  • 12-02-2022, 12:54 PM
Here is an update, I went there earlier this week and got service from Fernanda, very pretty girl, thin and tall small boobs but very great ass. The service was regular nothing special but just by her looks it was a good expirience. Just one thing I did not liked, the place was very cold, I didn't want to undress lol. At least on winter I will not go back lol.