You Wanted A Reality Show Host As President

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If you voted for this guy don't wear a mask or gloves or anything. He said he wouldn't wear them so follow his lead. I'm sure everything will work out for ya since god is in the saddle taking care of Trump and his people according to the nut job far right pastors like Fallwell and others. Dude has blood on his hands so far to the tune of more than 10K Americans. What a legacy this clown ass will leave behind and how fitting. How sad for those that have and will fall victim to his malfeasance. So Trump supporter how's that "Make America Great Again" thingy working out for ya? did we get here?

Let's take it from the top. Trump in his never ending jealousy of the Great Melanated One Barack Obama decided to end and disband the Global Pandemics team that Obama put in place. He decided to initially ignore the threat and down play it because as he said it was all part of "FAKE NEWS". Now look at him. Flailing everyday like a total clueless brain dead jackass. Telling people not to wear masks and telling his supporters to take shit that they're dying from. His press conferences look like a MadTV skit.

Here's what we know indisputable facts:

So what was is this man boobs Bastard doing while COVID-19 was spreading and multiplying rampantly?

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It's ok to be angry about this thread. I get it. ...but I'm gonna make sure you take responsibility for your part in this as America turns into Ancient Rome..thanks to the Donald
  • pxmcc
  • 04-07-2020, 01:56 PM
competence is a thing, as we are all being reminded of right now. Barack always did his homework, unlike the Orange Clown, who prefers golf and vacationing at his resorts while the country is about to melt down.

oh ya, btw, Iran is about to get nukes. i wonder who we have to thank for that.

Trump is doing for America what he did for all his failed businesses.

Barack could rightfully fall over laughing, but he won't because it's so sad.

comic relief
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competence is a thing, as we are all being reminded of right now. Barack always did his homework, unlike the Orange Clown, who prefers golf and vacationing at his resorts while the country is about to melt down.

oh ya, btw, Iran is about to get nukes. i wonder who we have to thank for that. Originally Posted by pxmcc
At its core Trump represents what this country truly has been about for centuries which is total lies corruption, incompetence, and death. This has been the hidden secret to power and success otherwise known as the American dream. Can you imagine just for a second what Trump psychophants would be saying if Obama was President amidst this crisis and through his negligence and sheer ignorance was responsible for them losing at least 30 to 40% of their stock market and 401k investments along with the deaths of about 12k Americans and counting? Can you imagine the ramifications for all minorities if Obama were President right now? I'm so happy that he isnt. But this proves my point of what this country was built on. Lies, corruprion, incompetence and greed. They're all silent and embarrassed now when we tried to tell them all along. And yes Obama put in place a team to handle Pandemic crisis such as this one. But Trump in his jealous rage of a man that was smarter, more educated, more handsome with a natural dark not orange tan disbanded the Pandemic team that a thoughtful, educated, and bright Obama put in place. Trump left America naked and exposed to the ravages of death. It was his time to leave his mark and make America great again and he did just so. History wont be kind to Trump and it shouldnt. He deserves every bit of the retrospective coming his way. What a global disgrace and National pariah as Gen Colin Powell so aptly described him.