I guess there's a reason why I Still Post

I don’t feel that LD’s thread is the appropriate place to get into further discussions with BNI, Blowpapi and Rhino9 as to why I really don’t care for them or their attitudes towards women. Couple that with this repetitive comment:

. From one retired individual to another Originally Posted by BatteriesNotIncluded
It seems there is some question as to why I’m still posting. One, it’s my prerogative, and two, like I said above; I don’t care for their attitudes toward the women in the world. I’m assuming it goes beyond working girls to women in general, but that’s a whole different can of worms.

Surcher, to answer your question, I have nothing against you. I treat you no differently now than I did when I first met you. I’m very busy at my private functions. I make sure everybody gets a warm smile and a cold drink, and then I have to go on to the next thing. Cleaning up bar mess isn’t as much fun as it sounds, but that needs to be done too.

Rhino9, our PM’s sort everything out? Your memory a little better? And still chocking back the bile over that $150 benchmark of yours?

Blowpapi and BNI, bitter? About what? Tell me so me something, don’t you get tired of playing ambassador to the hooker world and the old Southern Colonel? You do know that’s just a cracker’s rank don’t you?
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
It seems there is some question as to why I’m still posting. One, it’s my prerogative, and two, like I said above; I don’t care for their attitudes toward the women in the world. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
There's a shocker! Those are two very good reasons to do lot of things, including cohabiting with a large number of cats.
I like your posts Olivia. If you ever need any help cleaning up that bar....just whistle
Olivia, I tried to discuss the issues with you. You dismissed everything I said, choosing to side with the account of someone who'd pulled the same scam on numerous guys at numerous parties. Originally Posted by blowpop
No, baby, no. You, like WTF, feel that is the weak link in the chain of events. Let's assume for a minute that you didn't shop lift at the social. You still shoplift darlin'. The ladies want you to GO. They don't want to suck your dick for an hour then wait whilst you get your money, clean up, fart or whatever your post-"French Only" routine is.

Take all the shoplifting out of the equation. You are still a scam artist. You can't unring a bell Baby. All your lil help euphemisms were read. By nearly 10,000 times by how knows many people.

In your world, I'm a bad person for not falling for her routine. Apparently you prefer the company of those without a backbone. Originally Posted by blowpop
You make Wakeup look like a nice guy.


You're obsessed, bitter, and apparently rather angry. Originally Posted by blowpop
Bitter and angry about what? Again, Baby-baby, when one has no argument this is what one reverts to. I'll put this in small font so everybody won't hear. Everybody knows it. We, including the men whom you think align with and like you, know, and they think you suck.

Is it because I never attended one of the parties you kept inviting me to? Originally Posted by blowpop
Yes, that's it - picture me rolling my eyes. I didn't want to invite you in the first place. You weren't added by me. When the person that added you left the group, you were left on for the same reason WTF was. You are part of the community.

We disagree. That's fine, but your retarded fucking List is dead just as much as your scams are over. I may go away, but there will always be someone that puts a link to that epic thread in your "List Thread". Don't you know that.

Peace on this one -
I like your posts Olivia. If you ever need any help cleaning up that bar....just whistle Originally Posted by tbone2u
Thanks! I like yours too. That bar is a never ending job; it's be more fun with company .
BatteriesNotIncluded's Avatar
It seems there is some question as to why I’m still posting. One, it’s my prerogative, and two, like I said above; I don’t care for their attitudes toward the women in the world. I’m assuming it goes beyond working girls to women in general, but that’s a whole different can of worms.

Blowpapi and BNI, bitter? About what? Tell me so me something, don’t you get tired of playing ambassador to the hooker world and the old Southern Colonel? You do know that’s just a cracker’s rank don’t you? Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
Oh cool, just found this thread OH! Lol! Nope I will always fantasize about being a pre Civil War "Colonel" and patron to women and orphans. If I can just reconcile that darned slavery thing with my Midwestern sensitivity trained white personae

Firstly... I respect your posts and enjoy reading almost all of them. You bring bith entertainment and educational value to an otherwise mostly dismal domain. There are always a number if inactive "hobby" participants lending their views.

Secondly, I like Blowpop. I know, that doesn't sit well. Personally I always figured his lists, at least later versions, were used for, um, negotiations. Or shoplifting if you prefer. But I don't know any man who would not seek a way to minimize his costs here. Some are just more imaginative. And in his case, provided both valuable information to hobbyists and advertising for providers.

I had more of the strip club/casino approach. When active, I always paid the list price to see a woman the first couple times. After that (which was rare) I'd ask if volume discounts or even prepaid discount plans were available. A no meant no to me. But I did catch many a yes. In the strip club world... Well, that's all a game. Many a time I paid far less than stated price or nothing. Other times the woman won and I could only groan in the morning thinking of the bill. But almost always has fun.

Bitter? Hmm... I'm not sure if bitter, "focused", "having an agenda" or obsessed is the proper phrase. What you state is actually quite interesting and not necessarily untrue. It's perhaps the delivery method of the last few threads? Perhaps, then again... Waiting on responses
You make Wakeup look like a nice guy. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
BatteriesNotIncluded's Avatar

You make Wakeup look like a nice guy.
Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
He is a nice guy. A nice bad boy. How do you think he attracted Valerie? Board personaes and real ones don't always match.
He is a nice guy. A nice bad boy. How do you think he attracted Valerie? Board personaes and real ones don't always match. Originally Posted by BatteriesNotIncluded
Shhhh! Don't tell them, or else he'll be...

Wakeup's Avatar
You two need to stop flirting with me...just sayin'...
Oh cool, just found this thread OH! Lol! Nope I will always fantasize about being a pre Civil War "Colonel" and patron to women and orphans. If I can just reconcile that darned slavery thing with my Midwestern sensitivity trained white personae Originally Posted by BatteriesNotIncluded
Anybody can be a cracker. I’m just sick to death of the fake Southern gentlemen shtick. That’s what “Colonels” do.

Firstly... I respect your posts and enjoy reading almost all of them. You bring bith entertainment and educational value to an otherwise mostly dismal domain. There are always a number if inactive "hobby" participants lending their views. Originally Posted by BatteriesNotIncluded
Oh! THAT’s what you meant. Humph, who knew?

Secondly, I like Blowpop. I know, that doesn't sit well. Personally I always figured his lists, at least later versions, were used for, um, negotiations. Or shoplifting if you prefer. But I don't know any man who would not seek a way to minimize his costs here. Some are just more imaginative. And in his case, provided both valuable information to hobbyists and advertising for providers. Originally Posted by BatteriesNotIncluded
In case you missed the amount of times I said I think negating is a reasonable thing:

Quotes by Olivia from the Damnit thread.

1 - Negoiate for what? A better rate for more time, more patronage or grandfathering? If it's not one of these, what's being negotiated? Seriously.

2 - I have different rates. Did you read my post or were your seeking brevity? I said I personally have an Off the Clock options for $1,000, and I have agreements for grandfathering, extended engagements and patronage. I have no problem with good faith negotiation, but you do not negotiate in good faith.

This one was in my first post on that now defunct thread:

3 - I’m not saying that negotiation per say is bad. I had an Off the Clock option that rendered this type of, in your case I’ll use, “parlay” unnecessary. And there is always plenty of room to reach an understanding for extended or travel engagements, patronage and grandfathering. However, unless you are a blow and go client, which we all know you definitely are not, I do not feel there is room to negotiate with your scenario. Which brings us to talking point number two.

4 - No, it isn't. How about this................If you're not an long term client wanting to be grandfathered, you aren't going on an extended trip together or you aren't a regular client wanting an ongoing arrangement, you don't ask for a discount. This discount you speak of is based on what? Her absolute, ever lovin' desire to see YOU! (Not you specifically of course.) Why, because you just don't want to pay that price; you're so wonderful because you're, well, YOU, and you just know she'll luv, luv YOU. Is that how guys handle ALL their purchases? Does it work well at the grocery store? [/QUOTE]

So for the last mother fucking time……………………I never said negotiation is a bad thing. I said they way Blowpapi does it is a bad thing. I said, to be clear one more time, that when one negotiates both sides, unless JD Rockefeller is on the other side of the bargaining table and you are being sweated as he called it, give and take is customary and expected. Like in the case of grandfathering, patronage, extended engagement, etc. If some asshole just low balls women in their time of need, then he’s a bottom feeding, trick-ass motherfucker. Clear?

Bitter? Hmm... I'm not sure if bitter, "focused", "having an agenda" or obsessed is the proper phrase. What you state is actually quite interesting and not necessarily untrue. It's perhaps the delivery method of the last few threads? Perhaps, then again... Waiting on responses Originally Posted by BatteriesNotIncluded
Apparently I need to be focused and have a bombastic delivery style because so many here are so busy showing how genteel they are and being Colonels they can’t fucking read what is written. Either that or they can’t hear it and thereby understand it above the roar of outrage in their own fucking heads because some uppity whore is calling them on their bullshit.

He is a nice guy. A nice bad boy. How do you think he attracted Valerie? Board personaes and real ones don't always match. Originally Posted by BatteriesNotIncluded

Do you really not know the story? Search can be your friend my friend.
jbravo_123's Avatar
The only real Colonel:

It had to be said. Now carry on!
Wakeup's Avatar
Do you really not know the story? Search can be your friend my friend. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
Don't bother searching, just wait a few minutes...she'll be more than happy to tell you everything about me...
Don't bother searching, just wait a few minutes...she'll be more than happy to tell you everything about me... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
You're on a roll today Peaches. What 'cha mad at?
Sarunga's Avatar
I'm guessing...it's because Jemma is still here. Like I said....it's just a guess.