Don’t freak out, the whole book isn’t just about you and all names will definitely changed to protect the innocent. My book is actually about ALL the women I’ve slept with. In a couple of days I will have had sex with my 400th woman and more than a few have been providers.
At this writing I have slept with 395 women in my lifetime. I’m in the early stages of writing my erotic memoir, entitled “The Man Who Loved Women; A Memoir of The Life Erotique,” and I’m looking for input from women across the U.S, not just the ones I’ve slept with.
The blog where I'm letting everyone into the work in progress is not even three weeks old and it's already earned over 10,000 unique visitors -- and that's pretty much from the "Six Degree" effect of all my ex-lovers and female friends. And whether they love me or hate (most still love me, I have to say!) they're still under the influence of whatever spell I possess.
At this point, for strategic PR reasons, I haven’t written a word about the providers I have known. I will drop that bomb once my once my user base reaches 100K. However, I aspire to create something much larger than just a dirty tell-all and that's why I'm reaching out to all of you providers -- known and unknown -- to ask you to be part of my advisory advisory council and help me create a better book. Please know that I do have a publisher; this is not a joke.
If you'd like to see your opinions of my debauched life published in a book, visit my blog and you can read my work in progress. I really want this book to be more than just repeated versions of, “once more into the breach, our hero proceeded to stick Tab A into Slot B,” and I could really use your insight.
Still, my promiscuity has to be part of the narrative. In college and beyond I slept with many women; many more than Casanova (122) but less than King Fatefehi Paulaho (37,800) of Tonga, who supposedly deflowered every women in his island kingdom between the years 1770 and 1784. I don’t know what motivated either of these men but I know I became who I am not because I was a nobleman, king or NBA basketball star and I never set out to put notches on my bedpost — I just love women.
So I will be writing about the 395+ women I’ve been with in intimate detail but I don’t want this just to be one big ego trip. I will be exploring how an ordinary man with no Tiger Woods money, Jesse James celebrity or Bill Clinton power managed to attract so many women in just 19 years. But I want my life to be just be a frame to hang a larger exploration into sex, relationships between women and men, providers and hobbyists, casual sex, online dating, kinky sex, Casanovas, dangerous sex, infidelity and then, probably more sex.
If you like -- or dislike -- what you read, feel free to leave comments and your advice/criticism will become a permanent addition to my blog, plus the eBook and published, dead-tree book available in bookstores. Remember VH1's Pop Up Videos? Your comments will show up as actual “pop ups” in the eBook and a limited number of comments will make their way to the margins in the final printed book.
Don’t worry, you’ll be able to create an anonymous account. If you think I’m really onto something about women — or if you think I’m really just full of myself, then I hope you’ll want to become one of my advisers on this project.
With every woman I profile in my book I’m taking great precautions not to reveal their real identities and if any photographs are used they are all so edited and cropped that even the subject’s mother wouldn’t recognize her. As an example if say you were a six-foot woman from Rio de Janeiro, the closest I’d get to painting a recognizable portrait of you would be something like, “Ruby was a tall woman from Latin America.” And once this project has become everything I hope it can be, if you’d like for me to switch your character’s name to your provider handle and link to your site, then just give me the OK and I’ll send my traffic your way.
“Betrand Morane”