Heads up on PhuckToi

I've never seen her in your part of town, but keep your eyes open

West Texas is a pretty big area. It would help if you would let us know what city you're referring to.
Phrasing's Avatar
Just saying in general I'm sure.
You're correct. I missed the "never" in the original post.
CryptKicker's Avatar
This is not an alert. The guy willingly loaned money and other things and never got them back. Bad judgement, yes. An alert, no. Moved to COED>
Phrasing's Avatar
If you look at the thread he linked...it is pointed out by a mod that he spammed this alert all over the surrounding areas
CryptKicker's Avatar
That still doesn't make it an alert.
Phrasing's Avatar
DocHolyday's Avatar
Sorry, SPAM! & it's not an alert. It's a loan gone South.
I have been burned on this several times thinking this one is different. I have also been repaid. It is definitely not an alert. Useful info on the provider though for her clients. This is an information exchange after all.
Now I kinda wanna meet this girl. I think crazy girls are kinda fun!!! She ever coming to EP?