On Topic accuracy thread

A different thread got derailed, so in the interest of keeping things On Topic so none of us get points... I'll start a thread here... and then post a linck in the other thread to direct people here... and keep us all "point free"....
All part of the Rockstard "Make Upset a Point Free Zone" initiative.

So... a lovely thread about a welcome back to Victoria Anne
I'm back guys!!!
got derailed by Kayla into a thread about herself and her attributes....

So... to catch you all up... Trayla claims her avatard picture is recent and accurate.

I have my doubts as to the accuracy.

Soon Victoria Anne's thread was NOT about Victoria Anne..... BUT....
Along the way...
We did learn that Trayla was 5'5".
Based on her avatard....

Guess her weight....

Hint... it is more than a buck ten
And that's generous
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Based on that picture I would think she was taller than 5'5", and weighs about 118.

Last hook I was utilizing semi-regularly appeared a lot taller than she actually was because she was always wearing heels when she wasn't working. I would have guessed this particular hook was 5'6", 120 lbs. The funny thing is she was actually more like 5'3" and shocked me by revealing she was 130. In a million years I never would have guessed her weight accurately.
This thread is more about "let me find another way to trash Kayla" than staying on topic. Following her posts and making negative comments about them isn't enough for you. So classy.
And when someone (you) makes inflammatory comments provoking someone to respond in an OT manner to defend themselves, you are just as much to blame as anyone for the topic getting derailed. Pick on somebody else, this is getting old. And if you were to ignore her, which I doubt you could, I'm sure she would ignore you too. Bashing and taunting and bullying are about as far away from Information Exchange as you can get. But I guess that's what gets you off. So pathetic.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Definitely a Kay-Kay bashing thread but why not just go with it.

You've seen Kayla a bunch of times. What do you think she weighs?

I'm surprised at the number of obviously overweight hooks that make all kinds of bank in upstate New York. Evidently a lot of guys go in for that.
I prefer face over body in making my choice to see a lady, UNLESS she she is TP Lisa.
KK is an attractive women and would have no problem seeing based on her avatar.
As long as I can hear the music when she sits on my face, I'm good!
Next Best Thing's Avatar
I go by both.

I've experimented with hooks, making the choice to see them based entirely upon posted photographs.

Saw one who had this strange sexiness to me, along with an outstanding, lean body.

When I saw her in person, the inside of her mouth was all fucked up, like almost disfigured. If you told me she had been hit in the face with a shovel, and only recently recovered, I would have believed it.
Definitely a Kay-Kay bashing thread but why not just go with it.

You've seen Kayla a bunch of times. What do you think she weighs?

I'm surprised at the number of obviously overweight hooks that make all kinds of bank in upstate New York. Evidently a lot of guys go in for that. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
Only she can answer the weight question. But I can tell you her showcase pics were taken less than 2 weeks ago, and that's just what she looks like.
Its not the face you fuck..Its the fuck you face.....
Next Best Thing's Avatar
I could of course be wrong but I believe I've seen posts written by Kayla in which she herself says she's overweight to some degree.

Based on the bullshit I've read on here either knocking the hooks, or kissing their asses, weight is barely even a factor in decision making for some of the loudest mouths.

I find her to be a good kid and 100% harmless and I'm surprised at the dislike for her, but could care less.
Iso#1gfe's Avatar
Damn you guys are asses. Isn't the point of this hobby for us gents to meet different ladies that we wouldn't otherwise meet in some real world situations? Or to fill something that we may not be getting at home? Each of us has our own tastes as to what we may or may not like in a woman. Some like very small spinners, some like really biggggg woman, and than there is the majority of us who want something in the middle. This is where I believe Kayla stands, somewhere in the middle. I for one would love to see her if she ever comes to Syracuse. We are working something just trying to make schedules match.
But damn, if you don't like someone, take advice I'm sure most of our mothers gave us growing up:
If you don't have something nice to say about someone, don't say anything at all.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
It's a competitive business, people are going to take shots. Plus how can you ever tell what someone's alternate agenda may be?

If Kay-Kay is 5'5", and confesses to being a little overweight, I'm going to go with 152 lbs.
I could of course be wrong but I believe I've seen posts written by Kayla in which she herself says she's overweight to some degree.

Based on the bullshit I've read on here either knocking the hooks, or kissing their asses, weight is barely even a factor in decision making for some of the loudest mouths.

I find her to be a good kid and 100% harmless and I'm surprised at the dislike for her, but could care less. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
Yes, she will freely admit she's not thin and somewhat overweight. Important to some and I understand that. But the continuous bashing crusade, led by its ringleader is getting pretty pathetic. But making continuous remarks about her weight amongst other things has just been done to death. If this person would just let it go.
Damn you guys are asses. Isn't the point of this hobby for us gents to meet different ladies that we wouldn't otherwise meet in some real world situations? Or to fill something that we may not be getting at home? Each of us has our own tastes as to what we may or may not like in a woman. Some like very small spinners, some like really biggggg woman, and than there is the majority of us who want something in the middle. This is where I believe Kayla stands, somewhere in the middle. I for one would love to see her if she ever comes to Syracuse. We are working something just trying to make schedules match.
But damn, if you don't like someone, take advice I'm sure most of our mothers gave us growing up:
If you don't have something nice to say about someone, don't say anything at all. Originally Posted by Iso#1gfe
ISO, I gotta admit your post is right on the money.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
It's definitely retarded and no doubt counter-productive but who cares.

If you think this is character assassination, you folks must not work in highly competitive professional fields, or you don't recognize the type of back scene political posturing goes on at jobs where reasonable amounts of money are at stake.

Holy cow with that.