Craziness in my opinion!

I don't know about any one else but I feel on trying to go threw the screening process when provider ask where I work to verify that also, come on now that's asking too much it shouldn't matter where I work to verify it. Personally I will NOT tell them where I work at all,heck that's another reason we have "hobby numbers" to remain discrete right?! I don't need a provider know where I make my money and pay my bills.
Brandofan's Avatar
Their screening requirements are theirs to determine, but I don't recommend you ever give out RWI. I won't even to give it to Gina at P411. Instead, build your rep by seeing newbie friendly ladies to start, and build a reference base from there.

If you must, use P411 as a middleman. They'll use your RWI to verify you once, then just use your P411.
I have plenty of references but providers still ask for my work? Come on now I will never give out sensitive information like that out, they just get scratched of my todo list completely lol
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 12-28-2016, 04:51 PM
It's been boring around here. Name some of them.

I'm in a weird mood so here's an example


I contacted her about a session. She advertises here. I've been on here for 6.5 years, have 48 reviews. I'm also on P411 with 20+ reviews. She insisted on my real full name for screening. No thanks.
Her choice to screen like that but my choice to avoid somebody that wants my real info. There is zero need for it.
Grace Preston's Avatar
As far as your references go, OP-- you have a total of 5 reviews here. 2 of the same person, 2 of spas that generally don't give any form of reference, and then one other local lady.

For many-- that won't be enough. For some, references mean nothing. It really depends on who you are trying to see. There are over 700 ladies in the DFW area.. shouldn't be hard to find someone who is in line with what you want.
pyramider's Avatar
It's been boring around here. Name some of them.

I'm in a weird mood so here's an example


I contacted her about a session. She advertises here. I've been on here for 6.5 years, have 48 reviews. I'm also on P411 with 20+ reviews. She insisted on my real full name for screening. No thanks. Originally Posted by L.A.
There are no reviews on p411. Several years ago, two p411 members with over 150 okays each assaulted two ladies within weeks of each other. So what good are reviews and okays?
Grace Preston's Avatar
There are no reviews on p411. Several years ago, two p411 members with over 150 okays each assaulted two ladies within weeks of each other. So what good are reviews and okays? Originally Posted by pyramider

Some of you gents may not be aware because it doesn't affect you, but violence against ladies has been on the rise, particularly from gents with plenty of references who use being "well vouched" as a way to do harm, since they know that the lady does not have any identifying information on them.

Many ladies with long standing reputations are going to be more likely to tighten up screening requirements.. if they haven't done so already.

While I understand the need for privacy and keeping your real world information safe-- the other side of the coin is that for the most part, 90% of the risk is on our end of the table. Some ladies are realizing this and responding accordingly.
TheEccie214's Avatar
Thanks GP, first I'd heard of violence against ladies being on the rise. If the "men" are members here I'd love to have them called out but hope they are at least in the Powder Room.

BTW, been busy with RW the last week - happy belated birthday you sexy thang! Don't worry, the 30s are not as bad as they say
mrredcat43's Avatar
Never had a provider ask for my RW info or references. You need to see some more east TX providers to build up your reference count, OP
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 12-28-2016, 09:19 PM
There are no reviews on p411. Several years ago, two p411 members with over 150 okays each assaulted two ladies within weeks of each other. So what good are reviews and okays? Originally Posted by pyramider
20+ oks...I assume you knew what I meant.


Some of you gents may not be aware because it doesn't affect you, but violence against ladies has been on the rise, particularly from gents with plenty of references who use being "well vouched" as a way to do harm, since they know that the lady does not have any identifying information on them.

Many ladies with long standing reputations are going to be more likely to tighten up screening requirements.. if they haven't done so already.

While I understand the need for privacy and keeping your real world information safe-- the other side of the coin is that for the most part, 90% of the risk is on our end of the table. Some ladies are realizing this and responding accordingly. Originally Posted by GracePreston
Just curious how you could possibly quantify this.

So by your comments here it seems like you're now seeking real world information from your potential clients.

I'll start providing my real world information just as soon as the provider I'm trying to see provides hers. On second I won't

I think I remember reading a hobby guide of do's and don'ts on here somewhere but it's been forever. I might see if I can find it. I bet not giving hookers your real name, your place of employment, and your work phone number ranks pretty damn high on the don't side.

Edit to add this link to a similar discussion in the security forum:
  • Gbfsl
  • 12-28-2016, 09:37 PM
The few I have seen that asked for that kind of information tell me that is only for those without recent reviews or okays on P411. If you have those they need no further information.

But if they still insist, move on. There are hundreds of great ladies here who never ask for that kind of personal stuff. I have literally seen hundreds of ladies in the last five years and can only think of 2 or 3 who asked for work information. When I challenged them I got the answer I mentioned above. That only applied to those without recent references.

So this should really be a non-issue IMO. Less than 1% of ladies probably require that.

Plenty of ladies here in Dallas who appreciate our need for privacy as much as we respect their need to be discreet.
Grace Preston's Avatar
20+ oks...I assume you knew what I meant.

Just curious how you could possibly quantify this.

So by your comments here it seems like you're now seeking real world information from your potential clients.

I'll start providing my real world information just as soon as the provider I'm trying to see provides hers. On second I won't

I think I remember reading a hobby guide of do's and don'ts on here somewhere but it's been forever. I might see if I can find it. I bet not giving hookers your real name, your place of employment, and your work phone number ranks pretty damn high on the don't side. Originally Posted by L.A.

You'd be incorrect on your assumption in regards to what I require. The only time I've personally asked for personal information is when a gentleman is completely new. However, I can certainly see and understand why many, MANY reputable ladies are requiring more information for verification purposes.

How I could quantify what, exactly? The numbers of assaults among ladies I know? The percentage of risk to us compared to the risk to you? The numbers of ladies who are seeking more and more information? All of the above?
HobbieMan's Avatar
NEVER give out real world info. There is no reason they'd ask for it except for nefarious purposes.

I was surprised at all the silly "screening" ideas when I first heard of ASPD back in the day, and still amused at what some providers think is keeping them "safe" from being busted. Still, they got a "right to refuse service" to anyone they wish, so if their screening requirements are ridiculous, then pass them by. Thousands of others who will see ya instead. It's a buyers market with this poor economy of recent years.
HobbieMan's Avatar
Even beyond the RWI, having reviews doesn't help make a john a safer client either. Remember, reviews are all "fantasy" anyway, and "references" used as screening......Fu-git-about-it. Do providers really think all providers are of the same mentality of "we're all gals and stick together" and won't drop a dime on them if their niplets are squeezed by uncle Leo, or a pimp looking to eliminate the competition, or providers who are jealous of more successful providers, or hundreds of other reasons? (I'm surprised no movies are made about the hobby and turn them into really neat film noir/Robert Rodriguez films. )

There are more holes in all that than swiss cheese, so no need to go crawling into those holes them looking for a cracker. (That's not a pun or allusion to anything btw!) Maybe I've just watched too many Bogart and Cagney movies! Yeah, that's it! "Nobody puts one over on me, see?! I ain't no sap for no dame, see?!"
Beerseason is a great Guy