What has the hobby taught you?

drinkindreamin's Avatar
Couple days ago I was thinking of all my experiences in the hobby and what I've learned from that. I'm not sure if it's because of my profession or the hobby. I feel that it's made me a better judge of character. It's certainly helped with my real world dating and sex life. I can almost predict if people are sincere or users from being in the hobby. In most cases in the hobby that's what we are. We use one another. she used me. I used her. And neither of us really cared. In the real world it's not that simple, your not always sure what people's intentions are and emotions cloud our thinking. I was just curious as to what your thoughts are? And what you've learned? Or has it made you better at something Or have you experienced something you otherwise wouldn't have had the opportunity. Personally I take it as a compliment when a lady of the hobby says "your pretty good at that". I usually respond with "I've had a lil practice."
Women in general don't really intimidate me anymore like they used to. They're more attainable to me than in the past.
I can have an opinion without judging others
drinkindreamin's Avatar
Yes it does help us walk with a lil more swagger. For me I think
I use the hobby as a baseline as I whats involved and entailed as you know what both parties expect. The hobby has made me more cautious as to the people I encounter in my real life and otherwise.
It's helped my self esteem for sure. I was rejected more times than not before the hobby.
I have learned that there are providers from all walks of life and most have suffered much more in life than me and it makes appreciate them more and be a better person.
I do enjoy getting to meet new people and enjoy the service they supply and hopefully we part as friends.
The negatives are as I get to know them I worry about their safety and with some do they have a home every night.
I have no idea of the number of ladies I have met over the years but I do know each one has a heart and no matter if it was a good session are bad I left there with respect for them. No I am not a white knight I just believe in caring for others.
I think being a senior has helped me enjoy each person I mwet as we do not know if it may be the last.
It's also taught me to never let my guard down ever.
jillyclaire's Avatar
In this hobby I have learned that throwing out your illusions about people and what you think you know about them is a good idea. People are just people.
drinkindreamin's Avatar
In this hobby I have learned that throwing out your illusions about people and what you think you know about them is a good idea. People are just people. Originally Posted by jillyclaire
People are just people...... is the part about the hobby that scares me.
People, that is why I enjoy the hobby. No two sessions are the same. It has amazed me in life that their are millions and millions of people in the world but you will not find two people that are identical. You will also find that no matter how many times you visit a provider, there are always new things you can add.
Life is just a bowl of cherries.
Dittychaser's Avatar
I've learned that as long as I have money I can get pussy.
jillyclaire's Avatar
Yes. As long as you have money you can get it. Great philosophy. Lol
Wow Jilly I like full natural. Come up north and let us spend some money.
jillyclaire's Avatar
Well. I don't get to North Louisiana much. If I travel there I'll let you know.
Horn^I^Dog's Avatar
1) All dicks are not created equal.
2) Just because you're a hobbyist doesn't mean you ain't a pussy. (JOKE)
3) Just because you're a provider doesn't mean you ain't a dick. (JOKE)
4) The elusive "click" is addicting.
5) Despite equal skills, providers are not interchangeable.