Escort taxi service

How many would be interested? I'm between jobs and thought this would be a nice way to help out my Austin Adorables. I know some providers dont have cars and usually take taxis to their outcalls. Well that could get expensive. What if I charge $20 to take you to your call and come pick you up after your call and take you back to your hotel/home. Cant get a cab service to do that nowadays especially since i heard they approved a rate hike. So sound off....How many would be interested. And if you already interested you can PM me.
Elephant's Avatar
You might have better luck offering to chauffeur Johns to the Perfect 10
Simply Alisha's Avatar
Nice offer, in theory.

But, I can't tell you how many times I've done outcalls over the years. And the FIRST thing I am asked, is if I have a "driver". This is a very relevant question when you're going to someone's residence.

The reality is, no hobbyist wants a guy dropping a girl off at the door, and parking down the block waiting on them. It creeps them out, and makes the neighbors wonder.

It is a nice offer, tho. I just don't know about demand without consequences of losing opportunities.

missi hart's Avatar
hate to add moisture to the wet blanket---but there are also liability issues. god forbid an accident should happen, but if so, most personal auto policies have an exclusion for carrying persons or property for a fee.
nuglet's Avatar
hate to add moisture to the wet blanket---but there are also liability issues. god forbid an accident should happen, but if so, most personal auto policies have an exclusion for carrying persons or property for a fee. Originally Posted by missi hart
Like that's a problem? Considering his offer, who's gonna rat him out if there was a accident. It's not against any rules to give someone a lift, stranger, hitch-hiker, whatever.
missi hart's Avatar
Like that's a problem? Considering his offer, who's gonna rat him out if there was a accident. It's not against any rules to give someone a lift, stranger, hitch-hiker, whatever. Originally Posted by nuglet

merely pointing out a fact. is it not better to have too much information than not enough?
no one really has to know I could be a taxi and I never wait down the road. Maybe at a near by convenience store. Well its out there for anyone who may need a ride anywhere, it really doesnt have to be to a hobbyist home it could be to the grocery store.
rekcaSxT's Avatar
I think it is honorable what you want to do and not a bad way to get some hobby $$'s yourself. I am afraid people just aren't trusting enough for it to work. Like Alisha said a lot of guys don't like a gal with a driver. It is assumed by many that the "driver" is a pimp.

And unfortunately there are creepers out there who are out to take advantage of providers, and a lot of ladies will assume you are trying some kind of shiftyness.

I am not saying that I agree with these suppositions, but it is a crazy world we live in.

I hope the best for you. I wish I had known you needed a job, I was hiring last week, but the position is filled.
ANONONE's Avatar
I think it is honorable what you want to do and not a bad way to get some hobby $$'s yourself. I am afraid people just aren't trusting enough for it to work. Like Alisha said a lot of guys don't like a gal with a driver. It is assumed by many that the "driver" is a pimp.

And unfortunately there are creepers out there who are out to take advantage of providers, and a lot of ladies will assume you are trying some kind of shiftyness. Originally Posted by rekcaSxT
Eggzactly. What you are doing is asking two very nervous people to trust a stranger who knows their secret: the hobbyist and the provider. The hobbyist has his home or his license number and his exact time and date of play. These things can be easily searched to discover name, business information, etc. A loose-lipped provider could also mention a hobby-affiliated name and right there, all sorts of things can be linked up and used for ugly reasons.

The provider is stuck trusting a stranger in an enclosed space and her whereabouts are well known. I'm assuming if she doesn't have a car, you're picking her up and dropping her off at her place of residence, which is equally as tricky.

So sure, you may have great intentions, but with all of the mess that happens around these parts, it's best to limit one's exposure, so I wouldn't be surprised if you don't get any bites.
Hi, I'd love to know exactly where to pick up a boat load of providers from their incalls or residences, and then drive them to see hobbyiests at their outcalls for the mere flat fee of $20....but wait, you get so much more....

you get a round trip fare
you get the potential to be photographed going in and out of the hobbyiest residence
you get the potential to be photographed coming out of and going back into your residence

But wait, that isn't all......
You have the enormous potential, for just a mere $20!!!!, to have your handle, address, phone number (how else would he coordinate picking you up?), along with the hobbyiests address all posted on the internet, complete with pictures!

Buuuuutttttt wait, no only do you get all that for $20 but you also get....oh, heck, I'm out of ideas here, help me out people
sixxbach's Avatar
goodness........... i dont care if someone drives someone to my house and leaves. what the hell are they going to do? I know how to protect my "fortress" no pimp or whomever is going to come into my house, my friend ruger will make sure to that. i had a session recently with someone who had a ride drop them off. i had no issues and lose no sleep at night. i am not a fan of pimps but they are not fond of trouble either. they want the girl to make the money and get the fuck out of dodge.

i prefer outcalls anyway. u dont know who the hell is watching you at an incall or hotel. most hotels have cameras.... smile your on candid camera....

when u partake in illegal activities there is a risk at all times.