Why Do GOP/Trumpkins Hate Capitalism?!

Cmdr Trump's Avatar
Nike sales are up 31 percent since the Kaepernick campaign


I'm simply baffled...🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔... The GOP has always embraced and supported BIG BUSINESS... So why are they boycotting NIKE?.... What about Free Enterprise? It's the American Way, right?... hmmmm...🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 Why do Trump supporters NOW HATE CAPITALISM??? JUST BE HONEST!!
rexdutchman's Avatar
Nikes advertising department is genesis , people going to be talking about this for years.
With that said I think people ( media ) is making to much out of this issue.
The GOP has no problem with Capitalism. The Nike ad featuring Kaepernick is a misleading one. It's also a anti-Trump campaign. Nike's strategy will eventually cause them more negative feed back than they ever imagined.
