Trump says he’s been indicted!!!

bambino's Avatar
That’s all I got for now.
bambino's Avatar
A banana republic all the way down: Trump has been indicted by Biden's DOJ.
rmg_35's Avatar
A banana republic all the way down: Trump has been indicted by Biden's DOJ. Originally Posted by bambino
Normal people who get their news from news sources that mostly report factual news all knew it was coming. The far-right radical conspiracy filled news of the magas fill their listeners with lies and bullshit, yet they regurgitate snd spew the bullshit. They don't fool anybody. tRump is and has allows been a lying ass piece of shit. He can no longer hide behind the presidency and executive privilege. All his lies, crimes, and bullshit are finally catching up to him. Just like January 6th, other foolish morons and idiots are going to go down with him. Have fun Magas crying, whining, and bitching try to justify this total immoral, corrupt piece of shit. Instead of wising up and admitted you were made a fool of, the magas will squeal, holler, whine and bitch because he justifies their haters, bigotry, racism, homophobic, transpobic, misogynistic selves and give them a platform and to them, legitimizes their hatred. Have fun crying and complaining as justice comes down on that piece of shit.

The wheels of justice turn slowly but exceedingly fine and they are going to grind right over the fucking tangerine turd.
rmg_35's Avatar
The best thing is, we (meaning what others considered the radical ledt) didn't have to make multiple posts bitching and complaining on a daily basis that this was going to happen. We just let it play out. Others should that note on how it's done and not post bullshit from far-right conspiracy filled websites and idiots Twitter accounts. Wait until really reliable information is available.
bambino's Avatar
... He's been indicted before. ... Even accused by the FBI
of colluding with Russia.

The FBI/DOJ have a serious problem... They'll have one
with this new "indictment" also.

#### Salty
... He's been indicted before. ... Even accused by the FBI
of colluding with Russia.

The FBI/DOJ have a serious problem... They'll have one
with this new "indictment" also.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
This is the first time that he's been federally indicted, mate.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Normal people who get their news from news sources that mostly report factual news all knew it was coming. The far-right radical conspiracy filled news of the magas fill their listeners with lies and bullshit, yet they regurgitate snd spew the bullshit. They don't fool anybody. tRump is and has allows been a lying ass piece of shit. He can no longer hide behind the presidency and executive privilege. All his lies, crimes, and bullshit are finally catching up to him. Just like January 6th, other foolish morons and idiots are going to go down with him. Have fun Magas crying, whining, and bitching try to justify this total immoral, corrupt piece of shit. Instead of wising up and admitted you were made a fool of, the magas will squeal, holler, whine and bitch because he justifies their haters, bigotry, racism, homophobic, transpobic, misogynistic selves and give them a platform and to them, legitimizes their hatred. Have fun crying and complaining as justice comes down on that piece of shit.

The wheels of justice turn slowly but exceedingly fine and they are going to grind right over the fucking tangerine turd. Originally Posted by rmg_35

well you certainly may be right. or the Deep State Global Leftists will do anything necessary to prevent Trump from getting re-elected? put your TDS aside, do you see no political motives here? None??

I know you're a stickler for the site rules, so you know that saying that another member has some fake "derangement syndrome" is a personal insult and against the rules. I received a 5 point sanction for saying that a member was deranged. There's quite a bit of irony in someone who's throwing around phrases like "deep state global leftists" accusing someone else of being deranged. Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh

instead of editing my post at 1p's "request" i added his post to my post

are some people ok with this? just because it's Trump and many judge him some "obvious" corp criminal? bahahaa aren't they all??

it's all political. and by the Biden admin. like the Obama admin before. our Gov has been politicized and it's right in front of your eyes to see. just watch.

... "Federally Indicted"...

... By the same "Feds" who told America that
Trump "colluded with Russia" and also hid evidence
that led to the Trump impeachment.

... Those Feds??

... So THIS is what passes for Truth and Honesty in America??

WHY is it that you fellows surely badmouth the governments
of other nations??

#### Salty
matchingmole's Avatar
What about Biden and the 185,000 tons of documents that he took home?

Trump is going to lose and Biden gets to eat ice cream...this is a Bannana Nut Republik...I tells you what
put your TDS aside, do you see no political motives here? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I know you're a stickler for the site rules, so you know that saying that another member has some fake "derangement syndrome" is a personal insult and against the rules. I received a 5 point sanction for saying that a member was deranged. There's quite a bit of irony in someone who's throwing around phrases like "deep state global leftists" accusing someone else of being deranged.
rmg_35's Avatar
well you certainly may be right. or the Deep State Global Leftists will do anything necessary to prevent Trump from getting re-elected? put your TDS aside, do you see no political motives here? None??

are some people ok with this? just because it's Trump and many judge him some "obvious" corp criminal? bahahaa aren't they all??

it's all political. and by the Biden admin. like the Obama admin before. our Gov has been politicized and it's right in front of your eyes to see. just watch.

bahahahahaaaa Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Not political at all, but the magas will keep screaming, crying, and bitching. He is a lying ass piece of shit. Wait for the January 6th Federal charges. They will be coming his way. Wait for the charges in Georgia to hit soon. Funny to see the magas who are in the far-right conspiracy theory world of lies and misinformation continue to defend this asshole even when evidence is clearly available the contradicts the radical far-right media and the lies of tRump. Amazing how many people continued to be mislead and played the fool.
... Which "evidence" is that?

#### Salty
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Not political at all, but the magas will keep screaming, crying, and bitching. He is a lying ass piece of shit. Wait for the January 6th Federal charges. They will be coming his way. Wait for the charges in Georgia to hit soon. Funny to see the magas who are in the far-right conspiracy theory world of lies and misinformation continue to defend this asshole even when evidence is clearly available the contradicts the radical far-right media and the lies of tRump. Amazing how many people continued to be mislead and played the fool. Originally Posted by rmg_35
if you say so

Goodbye America, Hello Banana Republic

"While plenty of Americans have been targeted by “blue state” prosecutors and Democrats in the Department of Justice, the individual who has received the most abuse is former President Trump."

"In fact, the former president has been besieged from the day he descended the “golden escalator” at Trump Tower and announced his presidential campaign. What followed was an unrelenting assault on Trump including almost universally negative media coverage, the coordinated release of the “Access Hollywood” tape and actual government spying on his campaign."

our new flag and postage stamp!

This isn’t about a “banana republic” or any other bullshit. This is about one singular arrogant jackass that feels he’s above the law.
His demise will be a good thing for the Republican Party. Something his admirers can’t understand. Anyone but him will beat Biden.