Tales of my Travels.....Amelia Returns to Austin..Coming VERY SOON

Hottassamelia's Avatar
Where in the world is HottAssAmelia?
on her way back to AUSTIN!!!
I have missed you all soooooooo much!
I have had a great time (mostly)
on my travels ..went to a lot of places I havent been before
(New york, D.C,Virgnia Beach(just to name a few)
but miss the hell out of some Austin,let me tell you.

I have had some fun lil experiences on my journeys..
learned a few new things
So have decided to share a few funny stories and lessons from the past
4 and a half months...starting with my Long Island fun..

So first I must say that Long Island is entirely overrated.
Bad cheescake,rude women(sorry in advcance to any Long Islanders out there)and a bunch of pushy Cab drivers.
Pretty and all but it looks like North Florida and the beaches arent as pretty as N Florida...and I had to take a "train" everywhere I needed
go,and when I wanted to go to the city.
Apparently when one is raised in New York you take some sort of class,like in Middle school,
to learn the transit system.Then a second class to learn how to figure out Penn Station.
And although they DON"T offer these classes to "outsiders"...they should.
Now,turns out, that if you get a little lost you can always find someone who "was new to the city once" and is SO happy that THEY figured it out finally, that they have no problem telling you how to get there in great length.
God Bless 'Um.
So here I am..first trip into the city and as Im leaving, trying desprately to find my way back to Penn Station,ON TIME ...which I do ...'cause I rock.
Now there's this funny joke they play on you at Penn Station where they dont tell you what track your train is on till the last minute.
real funny guys.
so basically your just standing starring aimlessly at this big sign and then making a quick dash with a hundred other people once it shows up.
But I did it..
and was so proud of my self for not getting lost in the middle of Manhattan...
so I boareded my (correct) train
(Thank you again Lord)
and got comfy for our 30 minute train ride back to "the Island"..
about an hour later I opened my eyes to see that both myself and NawtyNatalie(yes,Im calling her out on this one...lol)
had somehow fallen fast asleep on with the bumpy yet tranquil hum of the Long Island Rail Road.
we had no idea where we were...
no idea how far we were from our stop...
and no idea how to get back there.
It was also 3:15 in the morning.
We got off at the next stop.
Of course,it was a ghost town.No cars,no people in sight..
As if sent from heaven,I found the only taxi cab card pushed under the bench of the cubicle they call a train station.
60 bucks and 60 minutes later we were finally back, safely tucked in our beds.
its so much fun being me sometimes.
lesson learned? 1. dont fall asleep on the train
2. dont buy chicken on a stick from a
guy named Raul on the corner of 8th ave and 32 st..long story..
AidanRedd's Avatar
Welcome home!
nawtynatalie's Avatar
those were good times,good times....
SofaKingFun's Avatar
Don't forget to bring us all presents. Traveling is so much fun but there truly is no place like home. Have a safe journey.
Hottassamelia's Avatar
Thanks Sofa king....and dont worry,I got your present RIGHT HERE!
Nibbles_n_Licksx's Avatar
Oh my you need to be careful so glad everything worked out! Remind me to *spank* that toushie when you get home! Be safe sweetie and cant wait til you roll in.
~Kisses Jen
Hottassamelia's Avatar
Jen ,I have been waiting for you to spank me FOREVER...so its about time...
how about you,me and a nice firm hand on Tuesday??
Thats right,I said it..I will be back on Tuesday and Im in dire need of a good spanking.