Now, that is how you sell a music video damnit

Lazrback's Avatar
Well, this is just brilliant marketing, if you ask me. A Dutch all girl band by the name of ADAM has successfully gotten the word out about their upcoming single "Go to Go." They did this by releasing a video of them attempting to sing the song while reaching orgasm courtesy of an off-camera vibrator. The ladies start off alright, only showing signs of any sort of pleasure through a smirk or two here and there. But as the video progesses, the girls find it more difficult to mask their excitement. I have to admit it's an excellent marketing ploy because I haven't been able to get the damn song out of my head since watching the video. Well played, ladies. Well played.
jediknight77's Avatar

IMHO they need the ploy cause I really didn't think they could sing all that well. But hey I wouldn't kick any of the out of bed except to do them on the floor.
Danielle Reid's Avatar
It's obvious they aren't using an Hitachi. It would have only been 10-30 seconds of singing then 2 minutes of intense orgasms lol
Damn,,,, funny but you can't look away.

OP out done himself on this,,,,, more, more, more