Got Tested Yesterday. How about you?

holdmybeerwatchthis's Avatar
I have zero problems with std's or any other nasties. How about you?
TechOne's Avatar
My Doc always looks at me funny when I tell him I want a complete panel done! I need to find another clinic that doesn't know me! One with prettier nurses, too!
LOL giteneny,
I was tested recently due to an incident that happened with a civi. I got a thumbs up and all clear from the doc
One with prettier nurses, too! Originally Posted by giteneny
TechOne's Avatar
So I hope everyone is answering this question, at least to themselves. Every 6 months, at least...go to a clinic, go to your regular doc, request it online, does not matter, just do it! And if anything pops, notify your partners then exit the hobby!

Oh shit, is this discussing a medical condition? I'M GONNA GET BANNED!
I think that you're good to go git,,, and I also think that you have given very sound advise to anyone and everyone that's in the hobby.
Hate to run but I have a now civi friend driving over to spend the weekend with me.
Life is good

So I hope everyone is answering this question, at least to themselves. Every 6 months, at least...go to a clinic, go to your regular doc, request it online, does not matter, just do it! And if anything pops, notify your partners then exit the hobby!

Oh shit, is this discussing a medical condition? I'M GONNA GET BANNED! Originally Posted by giteneny
frenchozarkie's Avatar
I told my Dr I wanted to be sure I am a safe blood and organ donor.
Danielle Reid's Avatar
My Doc always looks at me funny when I tell him I want a complete panel done! I need to find another clinic that doesn't know me! One with prettier nurses, too! Originally Posted by giteneny
I get tested every 14 to 30 days depending on who I'm shooting with and when. I go through Talent Testing Services. But the clinic I use is Any Lab Test Now in WLR. They do ALL testing. It costs about the same as a 45 minute date with a provider except you're the one getting "poked". If you PM me, I can give you the phone number.
A thread well derived,,,,,, bravo