Regarding latinlover and my recent no reviews

Scarlet O'Shea's Avatar
Well co-ed was the last place I wanted to put this, but I'm not the type to suffer silently.

But 75+ yes reviews vs. 2 factually suspicious no reviews from the same fictional appointment? you decide which ones are accurate.

Four months ago, after my last actual appointment with Latin, I posted a link in the private women's infoshare where I laid out my intention to not service him as a client any longer and to inform any potential girls of his proclivities. I had no desire to be mean or malicious, who knows, someone may have fallen in love with him. It is my best guess that the security of the info share room was breeched and latin learned of my post and was not happy about it.

He has apparently posted at least 3 very nasty no reviews on me recently. All list a date that is a complete lie, and an implausible one at that, so I can only surmise some of the content is fabricated as well. He claims to have seen me this month, but that would mean it was an appointment at my new apartment, which he has never been to. Even the reviews just list "North Austin" as the location. But does he have my address or even the name of my complex? I think not.

I know that this may just look like I don't want a no review, which is true, I never want one. But I will not tolerate no reviews that have little to no basis in fact.

Why he's doing this now, four months later, best guess is he was looking for a new girl and was accidentally alerted to the infoshare post or he's mad I blocked his number. The dates on the review were fabricated because backdated reviews aren't allowed.

I saw latin 13 times from May 6, 2014 to Dec 19, 2014. He complains about too many rules, anyone who knows me or has seen me, knows I have very few rules. I just didn't like him caressing me with his feet. I fucking hate feet, it's notated on here and is one of my very few limits. We were incompatible as partners. He liked stuff that I didn't and vice versa. I figured this would clear itself out and he'd find someone more suited to him, and I wouldn't be the issue.

After that last appointment, I knew I was done with him and blocked his phone and ECCIE id. Yes I'm a pussy who would rather avoid someone that dump them to their face. But I am learning that was a poor way to go. So perhaps he became incensed at his inability to contact me.

I'm sorry, but you don't see someone 13 pleasurable and enjoyable times and then set out on a campaign of harassment. I guess maybe stopping the blow jobs was the problem. He could have given me a positive review for any of the other sessions, but instead he decided to blast me with multiple no reviews for an appointment that never occurred.

Our sessions, despite his obvious displeasure, were amicable on the surface so if he was displeased with me, he gave no such indication and continued to call. I took both of these as signs he was satisfied with me.

I am currently awaiting judgment from the moderators and am hoping it goes in my favor. I am not perfect, but I do not deserve this level of petty hatred.

I do not want to sink to the level of petty "he said, she said" bullshit, but I currently have two no's tagged to my profile right now, which will slow my traffic. I would take an honest review lying down, I wouldn't fight it. But I will fight someone who is blatantly lying about me because I hurt his feelings.

I am sorry, truly I am for not being the best whore I could be and for not having the courage to physically tell someone that their custom is no longer welcome. I don't like confrontation and I don't like hurting people's feelings. But now I realize that if I'm not a good match for someone, I should address that sooner, rather than incur their wrath a year later.

Now I imagine someone will counter this by saying "well of course he didn't want to pay you, you're a fat ugly whore." I've seen all the negative comments. Fact is, yes I'm fat, no I'm not ugly, yes I had cheap rates and sometimes that's all someone wants/needs. Am I fully engaged 100% of every appointment? No I'm human, not a robot. I have off days, like anyone else. I am not perfect, but I try my fucking hardest. This is my life, this is how I support myself, would I really jeopardize that over something so petty? I'm a niche provider, I'm aware of that, I'm perfectly happy staying in my niche. I'm not trying to crusade for anything here, I'm just standing up to someone who is slandering me. In any other occupation, I could slap a law suit and be done, but not here, here I have to fight in the court of public opinion so that is what I will do.
Four months ago, after my last actual appointment with Latin, I posted a link in the private women's infoshare

where I laid out my intention to not service him as a client any longer and to inform any potential girls of his proclivities. I had no desire to be mean or malicious, who knows, someone may have fallen in love with him. It is my best guess that the security of the info share room was breeched and latin learned of my post and was not happy about it. (That's an infoshare link boys, you won't be able to access it.) Originally Posted by Miss Scarlet
I think you might have just leaked infoshare.
It's tricky bringing it up without doing so....
You are allowed to say I made a post in infoshare, but discussing what that post contained is leaking.
Also the link, when men link Men's Lounge in open forums we are required to place them in private tags so that the link is still keeping the privacy of the Men's Lounge.

Four months later does seem vindictive, and way past reasonable time to complain.
Scarlet O'Shea's Avatar
Well link is down, I was ignorant on the specifics of it. I just assumed that if any man tried to click it, that it would bring him to a null screen. It was not my intent to give anyone a portal. But I daresay it's not leaking if I'm simply reiterating my own words? I'm leaking on myself so it seems to cancel out.
Once posted in eccie private areas your words are the property of .
Guys are only allowed to share their ROS private info with the provider that is reviewed prior to pressing submit, because we lose ownership of it once submitted.
One of the biggest fears as a provider is the no review, especially when it is used in retaliation. I'm with Scarlet - if I get a legimiate no review, I'll own it. But if someone posts because they're pissed at me for refusing to see them again? Fuck that noise.

Scarlet has a plethora of yes's. Hopefully any potential client will notice that and easily dismiss latinlover's bullshit.
Kitty Bunny Fuck's Avatar
Passion2015's Avatar
Drama, Drama, Drama. Can't we all get along and just massage and play!!!!!!!
Still Looking's Avatar
Maybe he thought you were cheating on him. I'd be pissed too!
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
If'n tha same feller posts two diff'runt NO ree-views on tha same filly, he kinda loses his credi-muh-bility. Thar's thet old sayin': "Fool meh oncet, shame on yew. Fool meh twicet, an' Ah mus' be one really stoopid sonuvagun. Fool meh three times, an' yew better jus' git it o'er wif an' shoot meh in tha dick, cuz Ah shore don't dee-serve ta have one if'n Ah'm a-gonna use it to dew all mah thinkin fer meh instaid o' usin' mah cabeza!"
TemptationTammie's Avatar
Also the link, when men link Men's Lounge in open forums we are required to place them in private tags so that the link is still keeping the privacy of the Men's Lounge. Originally Posted by rockerrick
Ladies don't have the option of private tags.
Miss Valentina's Avatar
Hmmm... I'm sensing the smell of fermenting bovine asshole fromage... Aka BULLSHIT.

When I read these ridiculous *cough* reviews, I didn't get 'truth' anywhere in it but more like mansplaining lowest common denominator trash dick skeezy shit mixed with an overinflated narcissistic sense of entitlement and general fucknuttery. (Y'all can congratulate me for actually being nice later.)

Epic vendetta fail. Self-pwn sequence complete. Your Diaper Change sequence has been initiated Latin Lover. No one with a semblance of brain or who knows this woman professionally or otherwise buys any of this.

May the sweet sexy Space Jesus swoop down from on high and help Latin Lover see the error of his ways though a sacred anointing of his Secret Savior Sauce.
My apologies to the OP for going off topic........

My God Miss V.....I could read your musings all day. Nothing sexier than a woman with wit and a command of the english language!


Back on topic......

Hmmm... I'm sensing the smell of fermenting bovine asshole fromage... Aka BULLSHIT.

When I read these ridiculous *cough* reviews, I didn't get 'truth' anywhere in it but more like mansplaining lowest common denominator trash dick skeezy shit mixed with an overinflated narcissistic sense of entitlement and general fucknuttery. (Y'all can congratulate me for actually being nice later.)

Epic vendetta fail. Self-pwn sequence complete. Your Diaper Change sequence has been initiated Latin Lover. No one with a semblance of brain or who knows this woman professionally or otherwise buys any of this.

May the sweet sexy Space Jesus swoop down from on high and help Latin Lover see the error of his ways though a sacred anointing of his Secret Savior Sauce. Originally Posted by Miss Valentina
knotty man's Avatar
Hmmm... I'm sensing the smell of fermenting bovine asshole fromage... Aka BULLSHIT.

When I read these ridiculous *cough* reviews, I didn't get 'truth' anywhere in it but more like mansplaining lowest common denominator trash dick skeezy shit mixed with an overinflated narcissistic sense of entitlement and general fucknuttery. (Y'all can congratulate me for actually being nice later.)

Epic vendetta fail. Self-pwn sequence complete. Your Diaper Change sequence has been initiated Latin Lover. No one with a semblance of brain or who knows this woman professionally or otherwise buys any of this.

May the sweet sexy Space Jesus swoop down from on high and help Latin Lover see the error of his ways though a sacred anointing of his Secret Savior Sauce. Originally Posted by Miss Valentina
what she said!
whatever the fuck it was....
Whispers's Avatar
One of the biggest fears as a provider is the no review, especially when it is used in retaliation. I'm with Scarlet - if I get a legimiate no review, I'll own it. But if someone posts because they're pissed at me for refusing to see them again? Fuck that noise.

Scarlet has a plethora of yes's. Every time a Provider that has been around a lot of years develops a problem and starts to go down hill she has had "a plethora of yes's right before that first No review......

Hopefully any potential client will notice that and easily dismiss latinlover's bullshit. Originally Posted by Claire She Blows
Hopefully any potential client will pause to at least consider the issue presented.... What did she say above? That she saw someone a dozen times that she really did not like seeing?

That's desperation at work.
Miss Valentina's Avatar
I mean, I get what you're saying Whispers, I really do. But consider if you will that if us old slores were obliged to only hand out the Squish Mitten to men we actually liked all the time, then half of these hammered rat rectums wouldn't even get laid in a morgue.

Don't take a hammered rat rectum's right to slopabotomous away Whispers! I know you're not that cruel! Rat rectums and ole Johnny Branmuffins need love too!!!