This is only for the handful of clients that have

Short changed me, stayed way over their time *uninvited* or tried to pull fast one's on me. Notice the plural.You will NOT be getting a good reference from me or EVER be able to see me again.

I am not outing any one person, in specific. That would take too long.

I am so easy going, and I bend over backwards for most anyone who is kind and respectful to me. MOST ARE. I am pretty straightforward and fair about most things. But here lately a small handful of people have mistaken my kindness for weakness. I am pretty fucking sick of it, if you could not tell.

As a result, I have raised my rates even higher and will only be repeating with men that are just as appreciative of me as I am to them.
And I am very appreciative.

I am usually pretty level headed, easy going, slow to anger and relaxed, but I will NOT be walked on.

I will take my happy, easy-going ass back to work full-time and be even more picky about who I see before I get jaded again. Notice I said again. Last time this happend, I left for over a year.

Most all people that know me personally, on this board, know that I am sweet, loyal and very very fair. I don't care about money nearly as much as I do principles.

With all due respect,

David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Wheh! Frum just tha title Ah thought thar fer a second Ah wuz in trouble fer takin' a dump in yer incall, so Ah guess Ah'm off tha hook fer thet mess! Sorry, sugartits. Ah ain't as young as Ah usedt ta be. Guess Ah'm a-gonna have ta dial back tha 4 alarm chili down ta 3 alarm frum now on.
sorry you are having issues, I know its easy to let your guard down, we all have at some point..

I would hate for you to take on the bitch attitude but you know sometimes that is what you have to do.
Swordmaster69's Avatar
Mmmmm......I love the bitch attitude.
Mmmmm......I love the bitch attitude. Originally Posted by Swordmaster69

I wouldn't say this is a "bitch attitude" but just one of a woman that is being used for her kindness and fed up with it.

VictoriaLyn's Avatar
I wouldn't say this is a "bitch attitude" but just one of a woman that is being used for her kindness and fed up with it.

My2cents Originally Posted by Austins1hobby

Exactly....She speaks for more then just herself I am sure....

Scarlett I think we are very alike in a few ways and when reading what you posted felt like things I have been thinking more then once lately ..
I refuse to let anyone get me jaded again ever as well..I dealt with more than enough shit over the past 3 years then most deal with in lifetimeS...we need to have drinks I am sure we have stories to share
MS Scarlett,

You are right on as old BugleBoy often runs into the same problem when providers keep asking me to stick around for just 15 more minutes and surf with them just one more wave.

It is sometimes hard (well by then it might be getting a little limp, since I am no longer in my 20s) to let the ladies down and respect the value of my time. Like SL and many other hobbyists, I have many obligations and other ladies who expect to see on a given afternoon for some pleasure and surfing lessons. It simply is not fair to short them out of quality time with good old BugleBoy, just because the previous lady, ah, couldn't get enough...

Seriously, we all need to respect one another, both time and relationships. Often with my long-time favorites, I will always schedule and pay for 90 minutes because it's not right to go over time, and yet who likes to rush when we are all getting our bells rung repeatedly.

Life is great, Austin Ladies are the Best, and we are living life to the max in our adult play ground. Let's not forget to act like adults and respect one another, both hobbyists and providers, so we can continue to have fun and profit, both financially and personally.

Hobby Safe, Hobby on...

BB Free surfing lessons provided during all scheduled sessions with BB.
Geeze scarlett I told u I would pay the difference when I get my tax return
Not good enough Knuckles....Just for that, you gotta dance! Shake your hot little booty!
Thank you guys for the kind words. We all have our off days. Yesterday was mine. Sorry for the long rant. I THINCK I got my point across though. Next fucker that tries that gets the hose or it puts the lotion on the skin!

Screw that, I will just introduce them to BDSM. Whips and chains, fuckers.
Secret_Amore's Avatar
you are not the only lady who has had her time/person/ or kindness taken advantage of and/or disrespected.

and even when you call people on it they, don't own to it and make it out like you're the bad guy if you say something.

personally I HATE when people make Me out to be the bad guy. I mean it Literally in infuriates me. I just wanna be like Grow the fuck up!

Hell hath no fury right?
taste_tester's Avatar
Screw that, I will just introduce them to BDSM.

Maybe that's exactly what they want.........
Note to Self (and perhaps my fellow hobbyists):

White envelope in one pocket. Cash in the other in various denominations.

Leave an additional amount at your discretion as a sign of appreciation if your time with her exceeded your expectations. A formula that works.
personally I HATE when people make Me out to be the bad guy. I mean it Literally in infuriates me. I just wanna be like Grow the fuck up!
Originally Posted by Secret_Amore

"You need people like me, so you can point your finger and say 'THATS the bad guy!!' I ALWAYS tell the truth, even when I lie. So say good night to the bad guy". --tony montana

That popped in my head while reading your post. So I picture you standing atop the staircase of your mansion waving machine guns while yelling at bargain-shop hobbyists.
Not good enough Knuckles....Just for that, you gotta dance! Shake your hot little booty! Originally Posted by Scarlett Rossi
Oh for u not a problem