BustyBridgette... beware


Scheduled Monday with BustyBridget, when I arrived she was very emotional and apparently getting kicked out of her extended stay with no where to go, I naively allowed a rain check and additionally gave her more to help her get another room.

She assured me she was an honest business woman and agreed to make it up to me but has since completely avoided me while staying active on the board.. posting ads and warnings about guys who flaked on her for other appointments.

I've made every attempt to work with her and every time an appointment is arranged she changes it or doesn't answer her phone. Today I canceled some meetings for our 2pm that never happened... she failed to even tell me she wasn't going to make it.

Not sure what to do, I know I'm partially at fault.. however I don't want other people to fall victim to the same situation. I really tried to be patient and understanding.. if she had said she wasn't up for the appointment and kept communication going, no problem... ignoring me and posting ads is not cool.

My post count may be little deceiving, I'm pretty low volume and am overall pretty private. I do know a couple people here who can vouch for me though.. a lot if the above actually played out in pm's here with her... would welcome the mods to check
In my own defense..Yes i did ask for a rain check..ive been going through a lot of hardships lately..Probably was not the right thing too do and i know that. The past 2 days since i asked for the raincheck i have been sick in bed with stomach flu. I started feeling better this morning..and posted an Ad. Then i started getting worse again and have been visiting with the bathroom ever since. Sorry about that but its hard to answer the phone when your having a conversation with the toliet. I have every intention of fixing the matter currently at hand.

And also in second defense i have only seen one other person and it was the same day as the rain check about 2 hrs before i got sick with my stomach bug
BustyBridgette, I would like to ask you a few questions.

a) Why couldn't you be that clear and concise with mesquiteguy so that he would not feel the need to post an alert?

b) The mantra of the veteran hobbyist is "do not loan them money or prepay a session". How does your situation not speak poorly of helping out a provider in need and supporting the veterans statement?

Should we never help? How do we know who to help and not to help?

I urge you to make things right so it does not reinforce the stereotype of getting that money by hook or by crook.
I have discussed things with mesquite guy..we will have a raincheck tomorrow.
We did talk, I can definitely sympathize with her hardships.. I'm also impressed by the fact that she told the truth.

I will followup after I see her.
Never loan money, this has been discussed over and over. If you front money to a provider, its gone.....forever. If you front money to a provider, its a gift, never expect to be paid back, live and learn and move on with your life.
TexasCowboy's Avatar
Bite-ing the hand the feeds you is a bad business plan......
Who wants to borrow some money?

I have always wanted to post one of these stupid threads.
pmdelites's Avatar
Who wants to borrow some money?

I have always wanted to post one of these stupid threads. Originally Posted by monkmonk
if you meant threADs, monkmonk, when did you become a provider?

oh!! i get it, you have cash.
i could use $1000. what are the terms?

oh!! i get it, you have cash for the women.

never mind.......
[spoken in a true Emily Litella voice
http://www.hulu.com/watch/2364/satur...-violins-on-tv ]
I dont loan money to friends either. Best way to loose a friend, ,loan them some money.
HDLickher's Avatar
Busty.bridgette is lier. She will take your money and NEVER pay you back. She aleays has "some" situation come up, bit never tells you what it is. She owes me money. Once I helped her out, she turned into a nasty woman and all I had done was lend her money. Take a look at her posts and you can verify what I am saying. Don't believe her and don't give her any money!
  • hd
  • 03-22-2012, 07:45 AM
durango95, I am not your friend, can I borrow some money to go see BB?
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Some providers never learn from their mistakes that is why they have to move from city to city because they burn their bridges.
HD Good one, but NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!