Advise from reviewers

I'm fairly new to this site and am considering contacting a provider (having never done that before). That being said, any advise on the best looking, newbie friendly provider. I could also lose some weight. Does this generally limit the providers, do they not care, or does it go case by case. If so, can someone recommend one that is again attractive and where that may not matter much? Among activities I like are DATY and DFK.
Sugar Mr. Poon?'s Avatar
MarieLynn of DFW is a great newbie friendly gal. Good looking, wide open menu, sweet as can be, and will give one helluva session. Couldn't recommend her much higher.
pyramider's Avatar
Do your own research, you know what kind of woman gets your motor running. There is a newbie friendly provider in just about every demographic. Or download porn ...