jail bait?

addict's Avatar
Go for it dude.

Or, perhaps, if you aren't 110% sure, don't land your ass in jail branded as a sex offender when there's plenty of providers out there that are sure things.

Your choice.
Crimson32's Avatar
I just knew this couldnt be good when i saw the thread... That link looks like a whole lot of "this shit can go wrong" material!!
Too many Providers out there that don't raise a red flag. Why take a chance and risk some pretty horrible consequences? Move on. Thanks for the post. Nice to know we can get some info on here that'll help others out!
Duke of G's Avatar
And before this gets out of hand:

#10 - Topics regarding children, and certain images depicting children are not material for an adult-themed board. You must be at least 18 years of age to register and participate here, and along those lines, our subject matter is to surround individuals of the proper age range. Any mention or reference to underage sex is strictly forbidden and may result in loss of your posting privileges.
Although the mere mention of concern about the legal age of a provider would be forbidden, I do not think the above rule was intended to be enforced that way. It is a valid concern.

On another note..regardless of age, that ad has "pimp" written all over it.
pyramider's Avatar
It's your Destiny ... Whet is the worse that could happen?
Duke of G's Avatar
Although the mere mention of concern about the legal age of a provider would be forbidden, I do not think the above rule was intended to be enforced that way. It is a valid concern.

On another note..regardless of age, that ad has "pimp" written all over it. Originally Posted by yourself
Which is why my post was meant to remind folks of where the line is to have the discussion. Not saying a discussion of how to avoid such issues should not happen, but folks tend to "forget" the guidelines.