Odumbo Is Using the Russians as an Excuse to Expand Federal Power over Elections

I B Hankering's Avatar
Odumbo Is Using the Russians as an Excuse to Expand Federal Power over Elections

The Odumbo Administration is leaving office much like the way it came in — by exploiting perceived crises. “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste,” Rahm Emanuel, Odumbo’s just-named chief of staff, told a Wall Street Journal conference of top CEOs in November 2008 while his boss was still president-elect....

Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson used the excuse of Friday’s release of a report on Russian hacking of the Democratic National Committee to declare that state and local voting systems will be designated as “pieces of critical infrastructure” so that the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) can protect them from hackers....

The reason that state and local officials strongly oppose the Odumbo-Johnson power grab is that they know the decentralized U.S. election system makes large-scale hacking almost impossible....

[I]n its very last days in office, [the Odumbo administration] has suddenly decided to shift into action on the alleged dangers of election hacking. It looks all too much like an excuse to seize more power from state authorities, and it resembles the administration’s other moves on election law: filing lawsuits against popular voter-ID laws, blocking states from requiring a proof of citizenship when people register to vote, and refusing for eight years to enforce federal laws that require states to clean up their voter rolls if they accept federal money for their operations.

Read more at: (National Review)
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
too little too late
LexusLover's Avatar
With all due respect ... did it take a cut and paste to figure that out?

Every fucking thing he's done or supported in his 2 terms is to expand Federal power .... Obamacare? .... Do you know that there is a provision in Obamacare regulations that authorizes your health care provider to send someone to your HOME to inspect your HOME to make sure it is a "HEALTHY" environment and make recommendations to improve YOUR HOME?

And keep in mind that Obaminable has had a cabinet member who perceives firearms as being an "unhealthy condition" ("health risk") in the home!

Do you think all this blubbering Liberals are pissed because a "white man" is going to be President? Their choke hold on you is about to slip away....the onion is about to be pealed .... and their "agenda" dragged out to the curb to be removed from your life!

With all this shit going on ... why would Obaminable want to "transfer" control to the access to the internet away from the U.S. control?
LexusLover's Avatar
too little too late Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
If you mean it gets undone ... that's correct ... 7 more days!
I'm still waiting for O to give Gitmo back to the Cubans.

Again, it is really weird that Obama fought so hard for his signature legislation, caused so much strife to working Americans and the health care industry but is so easily giving up on his Obamacare. In fact, the Dims are trying to call it "Trumpcare" now.

"Trumpcare" is never going to happen.
I'm still waiting for O to give Gitmo back to the Cubans.

Again, it is really weird that Obama fought so hard for his signature legislation, caused so much strife to working Americans and the health care industry but is so easily giving up on his Obamacare. In fact, the Dims are trying to call it "Trumpcare" now.

"Trumpcare" is never going to happen. Originally Posted by gnadfly
No, Obama owns that shit, lol.

cptjohnstone's Avatar
I'm still waiting for O to give Gitmo back to the Cubans.

Again, it is really weird that Obama fought so hard for his signature legislation, caused so much strife to working Americans and the health care industry but is so easily giving up on his Obamacare. In fact, the Dims are trying to call it "Trumpcare" now.

"Trumpcare" is never going to happen. Originally Posted by gnadfly
that would require Congressional approval, ain't going to happen
I B Hankering's Avatar
With all due respect ... did it take a cut and paste to figure that out?

Every fucking thing he's done or supported in his 2 terms is to expand Federal power .... Obamacare? .... Do you know that there is a provision in Obamacare regulations that authorizes your health care provider to send someone to your HOME to inspect your HOME to make sure it is a "HEALTHY" environment and make recommendations to improve YOUR HOME?

And keep in mind that Obaminable has had a cabinet member who perceives firearms as being an "unhealthy condition" ("health risk") in the home!

Do you think all this blubbering Liberals are pissed because a "white man" is going to be President? Their choke hold on you is about to slip away....the onion is about to be pealed .... and their "agenda" dragged out to the curb to be removed from your life!

With all this shit going on ... why would Obaminable want to "transfer" control to the access to the internet away from the U.S. control? Originally Posted by LexusLover

This grasping maneuver is in ADDITION to the federal aggrandizement of power and control achieved under the provisions of Odumbocare.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
With all due respect ... did it take a cut and paste to figure that out?

Every fucking thing he's done or supported in his 2 terms is to expand Federal power .... Obamacare? .... Do you know that there is a provision in Obamacare regulations that authorizes your health care provider to send someone to your HOME to inspect your HOME to make sure it is a "HEALTHY" environment and make recommendations to improve YOUR HOME?

And keep in mind that Obaminable has had a cabinet member who perceives firearms as being an "unhealthy condition" ("health risk") in the home!

Do you think all this blubbering Liberals are pissed because a "white man" is going to be President? Their choke hold on you is about to slip away....the onion is about to be pealed .... and their "agenda" dragged out to the curb to be removed from your life!

With all this shit going on ... why would Obaminable want to "transfer" control to the access to the internet away from the U.S. control? Originally Posted by LexusLover
When I come to this site, I only see one group doing the vast majority of the "blubbering".
If you think the only thing I have against trump is him being a "white man" and you can't come up with any of your own concerns about him being in office then I can't even respond to the enormity of the thought that trump is now your messiah. No flaws in trump? Whatever you say. It's going to be a long 4 years.

"Copy" and paste serves several functions, the main ones being the source of information and the information itself, a person is using to back their opinion or factual claim. Lack of that or a link frequently indicates inaccurate, over or understating, or a misrepresentation of information. Personally I have no problem showing where I get my info from and I don't see a need to put a 5 page article (or similar news story or report or whatever) into my own words. If you don't want to read it, then don't. It the same as iffy posting an hour long video. The point is I show what I base my post on.
When you push the "Quote" button you copy and paste a post. Is that the only copy and paste allowed?

That being said,

Contrary to popular belief, America doesn't own the Internet. But it does, currently, oversee the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), the nonprofit entity that controls the critically important Domain Naming System (DNS), which is responsible for coordinating the domain name hierarchy and IP addressing for the entire Internet.
This week it was announced that, by prior arrangement, ICANN will be cut loose on 1 October 2016 from its sole government steward, the U.S. Commerce Department’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), and become answerable to multiple stakeholders worldwide, including countries, businesses and technical bodies.
The terms of the transition were laid out in 2014, when NTIA announced that it was ready to make good on the U.S. government's longstanding commitment to privatize the Domain Naming System:
From the inception of ICANN, the U.S. Government and Internet stakeholders envisioned that the U.S. role in the IANA functions would be temporary. The Commerce Department’s June 10, 1998 Statement of Policy stated that the U.S. Government “is committed to a transition that will allow the private sector to take leadership for DNS management.” ICANN as an organization has matured and taken steps in recent years to improve its accountability and transparency and its technical competence. At the same time, international support continues to grow for the multistakeholder model of Internet governance as evidenced by the continued success of the Internet Governance Forum and the resilient stewardship of the various Internet institutions.

The change is expected to have little, if any, effect on end users, nor do proponents of the global multistakeholder model foresee negative consequences to setting ICANN free. Opponents beg to differ, however, viewing it as a threat to both the stability of the Internet and the security of the United States.
Former U.S. Representative Newt Gingrich, for one, termed it "very, very dangerous":

A Townhall.com editorial predicted a "dangerous erosion of freedom" after the handover takes place:
Since the Internet now permeates our lives in every possible way, it is disturbing that Obama has relinquished U.S. control over its underlying structure. Control will be turned over to a global panel, which will include totalitarian countries that do not value our First Amendment protection of free speech.

But NTIA administrator Lawrence E. Strickling, who has cited Cisco, Google, the Brookings Institution, and the Center for Democracy and Technology as supporters of the transition, insists there is nothing to fear in privatizing the supervision of domain names and IP numbering:
Our announcement has led to some misunderstanding about our plan with some individuals raising concern that the U.S. government is abandoning the Internet. Nothing could be further from the truth. This announcement in no way diminishes our commitment to preserving the Internet as an engine for economic growth and innovation. We will continue to advocate for U.S. interests and an open Internet through our role on ICANN’s Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC) and in other international venues including the Internet Governance Forum.

A "Myths and Facts" page on the NTIA web site addresses specific questions about the transition:
This transition is “giving the Internet to authoritarian regimes.”
The U.S. Government has made it clear that we will not accept a proposal that replaces its role with a government or intergovernmental organization.
The criteria specified by the Administration firmly establish Internet governance as the province of multistakeholder institutions, rather than governments or intergovernmental institutions, and reaffirm our commitment to preserving the Internet as an engine for economic growth, innovation, and free expression.
The U.S. government will only transition its role if and when it receives it receives a satisfactory proposal to replace its role from the global Internet community — the same industry, technical, and civil society entities that have successfully managed the technical functions of Internet governance for nearly twenty years.
With the U.S. withdrawal from stewardship over the IANA functions, the U.N.’s International Telecommunication Union will take over the Internet – making it easier for repressive regimes to censor speech online.
The transition process that is underway will help prevent authoritarian countries from exerting too much influence over the Internet by putting control of key Internet domain name functions in the hands of the global community of Internet stakeholders — specifically industry, technical experts, and civil society — instead of an intergovernmental organization.
The U.S. Government transition will lead to blocking of web sites.
The Internet is not controlled by any one government or entity. It is a network of networks. The U.S. Government’s role with respect to the Domain Name system is a technical one. Our work has been content neutral and policy and judgment free.
Free expression online exists and flourishes not because of U.S. Government oversight with respect to the Domain Name System, or because of any asserted special relationship that the U.S. has with ICANN. Instead, free expression is protected because of the open, decentralized nature of the Internet and the neutral manner in which the technical aspects of the Internet are managed.
We have made clear in our announcement of the transition that open, decentralized and non-governmental management of the Internet must continue.

LexusLover's Avatar
This grasping maneuver is in ADDITION to the federal aggrandizement of power and control achieved under the provisions of Odumbocare. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
ObaminableCare was just ONE EXAMPLE! He has used the EPA to crush capitalism, as well.

The bullshit regs his hatchet goons have crafted are overwhelming and will take a lot of work to unravel ... but it will get done.

The loud-mouth Liberals want to keep his ass busy so he won't ... and keep Congress jammed up so it won't.
LexusLover's Avatar
When I come to this site, .... Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
.. you use it as your mental latrine... beyond that it has little value for you?

The difference between the faults of Obaminable and the "faults" of Trump is Obaminable's have impacted on my life and the lives of a lot of people I have met vs. Trump's which are the most part are figments of some fools imagination to create "fake news" and imaginary things do not have an impact on my life or those people I have met mentioned previously.

Obaminable never "created" or "built" anything. Trump has! Obaminable is dependent on the Government Tit (Taxpayers) and Trump is not. That probably pisses you off ... but that's your problem and not Trump's.

So you voted for HillaryNoMore aka Obaminable's Chamber Maid.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
With all due respect ... did it take a cut and paste to figure that out?

Every fucking thing he's done or supported in his 2 terms is to expand Federal power .... Obamacare? .... Do you know that there is a provision in Obamacare regulations that authorizes your health care provider to send someone to your HOME to inspect your HOME to make sure it is a "HEALTHY" environment and make recommendations to improve YOUR HOME?

And keep in mind that Obaminable has had a cabinet member who perceives firearms as being an "unhealthy condition" ("health risk") in the home!

Do you think all this blubbering Liberals are pissed because a "white man" is going to be President? Their choke hold on you is about to slip away....the onion is about to be pealed .... and their "agenda" dragged out to the curb to be removed from your life!

With all this shit going on ... why would Obaminable want to "transfer" control to the access to the internet away from the U.S. control? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Here is another copy and paste.

No provision of the PPACA authorizes federal agents to undertake "forced home inspections." What this item (erroneously) references is the PPACA's creation of the Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program (MIECHV), which "facilitates collaboration and partnership at the federal, state, and community levels to improve health and

development outcomes for at-risk children through evidence-based home visiting programs" by awarding development grants to states that "currently have modest home visiting programs and want to build on existing efforts."

The grant program is intended to assist states (not the federal government) in conducting voluntary in-home visits to high-risk households with children younger than the age of five to help match those families with government services related to issues such as maternal and child health, child development, school readiness, economic self-sufficiency, and child abuse prevention. (These home visiting programs are not something new created by Obamacare; there were extant home visiting programs in nearly every state prior to the passage of the PPACA.)

As noted in a September 2011 press release from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS):
"Home visiting programs play a critical role in the nation's efforts to help children get off to a strong start. Parenting is a tough job, and helping parents succeed pays big dividends in a child's well-being and healthy development," said HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius.

Both the formula and competitive grants will be used by state agencies to support home visiting programs that bring nurses, social workers, or other health care professionals to meet with at-risk families that agree to meet with them in their homes. They work with families to evaluate their circumstances, help parents gain the skills they need to succeed in promoting healthy development in their children, and connect families to the kinds of help that can make a real difference in a child's health, development, and ability to learn.

Research has shown that home visiting programs can improve outcomes for children and families, including improving maternal and child health, reducing child maltreatment, increasing parental employment, and improving the rate at which children reach developmental milestones. HHS undertook an exhaustive review of the research evidence on different home visiting programs to identify the models that have been shown to work.
The PPACA defines high-risk households as:
  • Low-income eligible families.
  • Eligible families who are pregnant women who have not attained age 21.
  • Eligible families that have a history of child abuse or neglect or have had interactions with child welfare services.
  • Eligible families that have a history of substance abuse or need substance abuse treatment.
  • Eligible families that have users of tobacco products in the home.
  • Eligible families that are or have children with low student achievement.
  • Eligible families with children with developmental delays or disabilities.
  • Eligible families who, or that include individuals who, are serving or formerly served in the Armed Forces, including such families that have members of the Armed Forces who have had multiple deployments outside of the United States.
However, nothing in the PPACA authorizes federal or state agents to "target" and conduct forced inspections at such households. The PPACA requires that MIECHV grant recipients give priority to such households (because that's where the return on money spent is highest), but as stated in the press release quoted above, the MIECHV grant program brings "nurses, social workers, or other health care professionals to meet with at-risk families that agree to meet with them in their homes. Likewise, the relevant section (p. 251) of the PPACA specifically states that MIECHV grant recipients must provide "assurances that the entity will establish procedures to ensure that the participation of each eligible family in the program is voluntary."

Like I said. Inaccurate, over or understated, or misrepresented information can quickly be dispelled.
LexusLover's Avatar
Here is another copy and paste.

No provision of the PPACA authorizes federal agents to undertake "forced home inspections." Originally Posted by Munchmasterman

Now, since you like to "cut and paste" ... copy and paste where I posted that ..

"....PPACA authorizes federal agents to undertake "forced home inspections."

Are you really that ignorant and illiterate? How did you ever pass a driver's license test? Symbols?

See what I mean ... you just took another shit (mental latrine) on YOURSELF!

You voted for who for President?
Munchmasterman's Avatar
.. you use it as your mental latrine... beyond that it has little value for you?

The difference between the faults of Obaminable and the "faults" of Trump is Obaminable's have impacted on my life and the lives of a lot of people I have met vs. Trump's which are the most part are figments of some fools imagination to create "fake news" and imaginary things do not have an impact on my life or those people I have met mentioned previously.

Obaminable never "created" or "built" anything. Trump has! Obaminable is dependent on the Government Tit (Taxpayers) and Trump is not. That probably pisses you off ... but that's your problem and not Trump's.

So you voted for HillaryNoMore aka Obaminable's Chamber Maid. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Like trump university? Can't wait to see what he comes up with next.
Trump towers Moscow? A camera in every room?

Still can't handle being wrong, can you? Like I just proved twice. You try to slip in bullshit about visits or the internet. Like there aren't enough issues without you trying to pile on.

But all you want to talk about is my use of a "mental latrine".
I use it for my mental latrine all right.
With your upturned face in the center of the honey bucket.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Now, since you like to "cut and paste" ... copy and paste where I posted that ..

"....PPACA authorizes federal agents to undertake "forced home inspections."

Are you really that ignorant and illiterate? How did you ever pass a driver's license test? Symbols?

See what I mean ... you just took another shit (mental latrine) on YOURSELF!

You voted for who for President? Originally Posted by LexusLover
More bullshit while you try to dance around at the least being ignorant of the facts. At the worst being a cocksucking liar.. We know the tactic. You bitch about it all the time.
As you do it.
When you can't refute the facts, attack the person.
You should learn to do it better.