Still Looking's Avatar
Over the years I have lost some good friends because I lent them money. There is an old saying, "if you dislike someone, lend them some cash. You'll never see them again!"

Now the first time this happened, I wrote it off. The second, third, fourth and now fifth time I started thinking Hummmm... very interesting. So here is the deal. You book with a "well known" ECCIE provider. You have your wonderful session and life is good. Two-Four hours later the provider texts you asking you to call. So I think I wonder what’s WRONG! So I call and then listen to this sad and in every case crying young lady telling me how her kids this, and her kids that. And she begs to see me again that evening or the following day. In every case I tell them I'm booked LOL. Then they ask if you could help them out with a small loan. My answer is ALWAYS the same, I don't loan money to friends.

This last one was a real winner. She went as far as telling me I was an uncaring, selfish, good for nothing douche bag. She also said she was going to post an Alert on me saying I shorted her. I told her I would look forward to that! Then I got a text telling me that all the girls in the powder room think I'm an asshole! I text back, "I think they are right LOL!" That’s the last I heard from her.

No I'm NOT going to give out names or handles. But interestingly enough I started getting PM'S from guys telling me of their experiences with some of these providers. So I started PM’ING guys that have reviewed these girls, and guess what? You got it! Same treatment with the same sad story! One provider over 15 hobbyist have told me the same story. It’s how she does business.

So ladies who run a great honest business… a sincere SL thank you!

Guys beware…. Just say no!
Still Looking, all I can say is I'M SORRY!!! Providers shouldn't be asking the hobbyists for loans, I'm sorry they shouldn't. I like to think of myself as a compassionate human being, but you guys don't need this. It's rediculous. This type of behavior is crazy, crazy as all hell! A provider, a civilian, who ever, should be going to their family, friends or a BANK first. I just don't get it. Why would you expect a gent that you hardly know, to lend you money? You paid her the donation, right? This business is all about NSA. If you wanted strings, you'd get a civilian GF. Sorry if this is abrasive, but other hobbyists have told me similar stories. I just don't get the mentality. As a pro, you should act professional.

Let me add, because I'm someone who likes to see both sides of the story. So lets just say your actual friends with this lady, you hang out off the clock, do things, etc, maybe then it would be somewhat acceptable to ask for a little help. But client/provider paid relationship only? I just don't think it's acceptable under those circumstances. Now I don't know who your talking about, I don't know said person at all, maybe she does have a legit, dire emergency to ask you for a loan. But from the sound of it, if you think she's "cashing in" and others have contacted you about this, then she probably is cashing in. Go with your gut, you did the right thing.
I think sometimes we forget that some providers, not all of us, are solely in this industry for survival purposes (i.e. to pay off insurmountable debt, trying to keep a roof over one’s head and food on the table daily). For some, the illusion of making quick money to pay off debt, loans etc... In a short period of time is not always reality. This provider was obviously in a tight position and didn't feel comfortable asking family or friends (if she even has that type of support) to begin with. Granted you have every right to decline her request, but we don't really know what another individual is experiencing in their personal life and sometimes giving another human being the benefit of the doubt may help them out of a tough situation. If anything its (good) karma on your part and will come back to you one way or the other, the universe always reciprocates.
We talking about hos, not pros.
You can't have such high expectations.

Dudes, this is how the game is played.
Find a sucker, lay on the puppy dog eyes and sob story = easy cash.
Best advice is to not fall for it and post an alert.
I think sometimes we forget that some providers, not all of us, are solely in this industry for survival purposes (i.e. to pay off insurmountable debt, trying to keep a roof over one’s head and food on the table daily). For some, the illusion of making quick money to pay off debt, loans etc... In a short period of time is not always reality. This provider was obviously in a tight position and didn't feel comfortable asking family or friends (if she even has that type of support) to begin with. Granted you have every right to decline her request, but we don't really know what another individual is experiencing in their personal life and sometimes giving another human being the benefit of the doubt may help them out of a tough situation. If anything its (good) karma on your part and will come back to you one way or the other, the universe always reciprocates. Originally Posted by yazminaariel
I agree, he does have a right to decline her request of help. And when he did, she threatened him/ called him every name in the book. I understand she may (or may not be) in a dire situation. I guess he doesn't know her that well, I don't know. Actually, if he knew her better he'd probably be more willinng to help her out. So I can only assume they really don't know eachother. Plus, I mean, it's one thing to ask for help, but to threaten someone and call them names when they decline to help you isn't right either. The hobbyists aren't our dads, our brothers, our family. They are men who pay us for NO STRINGS ATTACHED fun. He isn't a bad person for declining to help out a stranger. The truth is, asking a hobbyist for rent money after a paid date, I've heard that is the oldest trick in the book. Thats just what some guys have told me. If this provider is in real dire straights, I wish the best for her. I hope it all works out. But double dipping, or trying to double dip as the OP puts it, is something that does goes on.
bojulay's Avatar
SL where's that 50$ you promised to loan me
you ungrateful, selfish, uncaring, douche bag. Those
lotto tickets I want aren't going to buy themselves.
I think sometimes we forget that some providers, not all of us, are solely in this industry for survival purposes (i.e. to pay off insurmountable debt, trying to keep a roof over one’s head and food on the table daily). For some, the illusion of making quick money to pay off debt, loans etc... In a short period of time is not always reality. This provider was obviously in a tight position and didn't feel comfortable asking family or friends (if she even has that type of support) to begin with. Granted you have every right to decline her request, but we don't really know what another individual is experiencing in their personal life and sometimes giving another human being the benefit of the doubt may help them out of a tough situation. If anything its (good) karma on your part and will come back to you one way or the other, the universe always reciprocates. Originally Posted by yazminaariel
I'd sell pussy on Backpage before I'd beg a trick for money.
Awww shit......I already do.
I'd sell pussy on Backpage before I'd beg a trick for money. Originally Posted by RandomBlkChick
Why do people down Backpage? I advertise there also, and I look at is as an advertising forum, a place to get your name out there. Yes, BP has a bad reputation, but so did President Clinton and John F. Kennedy. Doesn't mean it's 100% bad, now c'mon. I've met some great guys off there, albeit they were mostly first timers and needed to be taught a few things. There are many good providers who advertise on BP, and I consider myself one of them. Cheers, T
Lol I edited it.
Lol I edited it. Originally Posted by RandomBlkChick
LOL, you see, I told you there were some great chicks on there.
We talking about hos, not pros.
You can't have such high expectations.

Dudes, this is how the game is played.
Find a sucker, lay on the puppy dog eyes and sob story = easy cash.
Best advice is to not fall for it and post an alert. Originally Posted by RandomBlkChick
I'm like an ATM for the puppy dog eyes and some pouty lips. Throw in some baby I think I just want to see you onlys and out comes the money clip.

This game is easy
I agree, he does have a right to decline her request of help. And when he did, she threatened him/ called him every name in the book. I understand she may (or may not be) in a dire situation. I guess he doesn't know her that well, I don't know. Actually, if he knew her better he'd probably be more willinng to help her out. So I can only assume they really don't know eachother. Plus, I mean, it's one thing to ask for help, but to threaten someone and call them names when they decline to help you isn't right either. The hobbyists aren't our dads, our brothers, our family. They are men who pay us for NO STRINGS ATTACHED fun. He isn't a bad person for declining to help out a stranger. The truth is, asking a hobbyist for rent money after a paid date, I've heard that is the oldest trick in the book. Thats just what some guys have told me. If this provider is in real dire straights, I wish the best for her. I hope it all works out. But double dipping, or trying to double dip as the OP puts it, is something that does goes on. Originally Posted by Tatiana M.
I see your point on the name calling, but it's all stemming from a desperate call for help. Hurting people, do and say hurtful things, same goes for ignorant individuals as well... they just don't know any better...

Not that I am making excuses for her poor behavior, just trying to look at the situation from a different perspective. At the end of the day it is a sad situation and having to depend upon a client to make ends meet is not as you put it professional.

Pink Floyd's Avatar
OK SL I have to hit you with some Shakespeare. That has never happened to me, but I know enough strippers who have frequent emergencies. LOL

Neither a borrower nor a lender be,
For loan oft loses both itself and friend,
And borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry.

Hamlet Act 1, scene 3, 75–77
Still Looking's Avatar
EACH of these providers I only had ONE session with! I am 100% convinced they do this on a regular basis. Like I stated, I did some research. One particular provider does it with EVERY hobbyist see sees. I really feel it’s a scam that providers share with each other. Why do they do it? As stated its easy cash and it works. Well I bet on some!

Now everyone knows what a busy hobbyist I am. This is certainly a very small fraction of the providers I have seen guilty of this kind of conduct. I don't believe for one minute these particular providers are hurting. I feel they are doing quite well and scamming hobbyists.
Still Looking's Avatar
SL where's that 50$ you promised to loan me
you ungrateful, selfish, uncaring, douche bag. Those
lotto tickets I want aren't going to buy themselves. Originally Posted by bojulay

I kept my cool with this one, but then I started laughling when she started calling me names! I kept thinking, "sticks and stones will break my bones but my dick and cash you will not get!"