More Big Brother Nonsense

cowboy8055's Avatar
Now we have rogue cell towers popping up all over. Just what we need, more invasion of privacy.

Then you have police depts using Stingrays to intercept cell phone calls. Stingrays basically mimic a cell tower.

Lets not forget the wonderful NSA Prism program. I wouldn't trust Google, Microsoft or Facebook for a second.

And those wonderful people at TSA groping 80 year olds and toddlers.

Meanwhile, the southern border is a joke.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Patriot Act is more than likely the 2nd worst piece of legislation next to Obamacare that has ever hit the US. People have come to more than accept the invasion of their rights but ignore it to the point of being oblivious. Give them somthing shiney to play with and the government will continue to roll over them and the rest of us with impunity.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 09-05-2014, 06:12 AM
ISIS has even our Tea'billies giving up their privacy for a little so called security!

Damn'est fucking thing I've ever seen.

The one group besides the ACLU that you think might finally stand up to the governments caves like a little girl...

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-05-2014, 06:20 AM
Patriot Act is more than likely the 2nd worst piece of legislation next to Obamacare that has ever hit the US. People have come to more than accept the invasion of their rights but ignore it to the point of being oblivious. Give them somthing shiney to play with and the government will continue to roll over them and the rest of us with impunity. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
The Patriot Act is by far worse that Obamacare....

Obamacare seems not to be as bad as you ChickenLittle's said it would be. In fact the two goals it set out to do, it is doing. More insured and lowering costs.

Old-T's Avatar
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  • 09-05-2014, 09:50 AM
Both were poorly thought out pieces of legislation rushed through without understanding even the first order consequences. There were real problems, but the politicians on both sides decided that "passing something bad" (or resisting change primarilly to make the "other side" look bad) was better than actually doing their job and coming up with a reasonable compromise.

The Patriot Act in particular is a complete POS legislation with very few redeeming qualities and a lot of bad ones. A LOT of VERY bad ones.

But back to the OP: until we know whose rouge "towers" these are, how do we know if it is Big Brother or--very likely--some enterprising capitalist who is showing initiative to come up with a better mousetrap (or in this case, electron trap)?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Don't forget the NDAA.