Facebook question

D_Friday's Avatar
So FB is a useful tool to check out people, and it's part of my armamentarium in researching the unknown backpage provider. That topic has been extensively discussed elsewhere.

Recently I've been noticing the subjects of my "research" coming up under "people you may know."

And I'm thinking of course that FB thinks I may know them because I've been repeatedly eyeballing their profile.

Then the question occurs to me:
If they're showing up under "people you may know", does that likewise mean that my profile is showing up on their "people you may know?"
The Cock Connoisseur's Avatar
So FB is a useful tool to check out people, and it's part of my armamentarium in researching the unknown backpage provider. That topic has been extensively discussed elsewhere.

Recently I've been noticing the subjects of my "research" coming up under "people you may know."

And I'm thinking of course that FB thinks I may know them because I've been repeatedly eyeballing their profile.

Then the question occurs to me:
If they're showing up under "people you may know", does that likewise mean that my profile is showing up on their "people you may know?" Originally Posted by D_Friday
I have also had some clients profile come up under"People I May Know". I see them with their families etc.I think with google if you have them in your contacts and you have a gmail as your facebook email,It might connect,not proven but just my thought.
ElumEno's Avatar
Sounds like a question for Facebook.
Facebook uses several different types of data in suggesting who you know and to provide accurate connection algorithms. If you have ever used a particular phone number to create a profile you give your permission for them to use your list of contacts and to access your info, also they rate you by popularity using data like where you go not only on the internet but also whatever you put in your personal profile such as likes and dislikes, schools you have attended and hometown etc...they use statistics and score you based on a number of types of data.
Social medias have become master gurus of knowing who's who... They are social online networks. Think of it like Facebook is this busy body cheerleader chick who knows all the gossip and who's who in the school and your the new student, she will chat with you to see what she can about you and she sizes you up then suggests friends based on what she sees about you and what she knows about everyone in the school...and this bitch knows all the gossip and EVERYONE in the school and who's who. Social networking is scary for us who want privacy and discretion.
Just this week we had a social network sting in my area, and it was scary enough to make me not want to ever get on Facebook for anything career related again...
Yes, if you look at someone's profile, yours might show up to them under their "people you might know." Just one of many reasons why, if you are looking on facebook without a dedicated hobby profile you are looking for trouble.
ck1942's Avatar
If you are logged into FB when searching your FB profile is obviously trackable. Even if not loggeg on your ip can be tracked and imo be connected to your FB profile.

Be wary!
I've had 2 friend requests from provider's Facebook accounts in the past. I contacted both of them to say I thought it was a bad idea. Neither lady had initiated the requests! Facebook did it for them.
Sexyhunnypot's Avatar
To answer your question yes. It will suggest your profile to them. On a separate note, don't you think that violates the providers privacy? I mean looking into their personal Facebook account?