Review: Bella Donna and her "Little Brother"

Scoopsman's Avatar
Date: 3/27/16
Provider: Bella Donna
Phone: -
Email Address: -
URL / Website:
City: San Antonio
State: Texas
Address: I-10 and Vance Jackson area
Appointment Type: Incall
Did the Appointment take place at the agreed-upon time?: No
Activities: NA
Session Length: NA
Fee: NA
Hair Length and Color: Unknown
Age: Unknown
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: Hispanic
Physical Description: Unknown
The Rest of the Story: Alright Eccie community, this review will not address the actual provider, as she seemed very nice in my limited interaction (several texts and 1 call) I had with her. This review will also not address the services provided or cost of any services provided, because no services were provided. Please read below and provide your feedback...

I had reached out to Bella on Saturday morning and didn't hear back from her the rest of the day. That evening I received a text apologizing for her non-responsiveness and informed me that she'd be available the following morning after 8 am. The next morning, she texted me and asked me if I was still interested in getting together. I informed her I was and we agreed to meet about 30 minutes thereafter. Again, I won't address the services or rates we agreed to, as those aren't the point of this review, but for the record I will say that our communication setting the appointment, services agreed to and rates were all good, reasonable and acceptable. I will also say that I arrived a little late (15 mins) due to confusion about the motel location. Her ad says "medical center", so I thought I knew the motel she was at, but I assumed wrong and she was at another about 3 miles away. In her defense, she did provide the actual address and the confusion was completely my fault, not hers. I did communicate with her throughout my confusion, so she knew my status and what was going on.

I spoke with her when I was about 8-10 minutes away and then texted her again when I arrived in the parking lot. Here's where it gets interesting and where I would appreciate the community's feedback...

I park, get out of the car and as I am walking to the room (outside entrance) and am about 10 feet from the door and just about to knock, the door opens (I initially thought it was her opening the door for me), but then a dude walks out of the room and walks right past me. I was in shock and didn't know what to do, but the situation immediately felt wacked, I was a bit freaked and so I kept walking and went back to my car. The dude walked to the street about 20 yards away and kept looking back at me and my car. I was freaked, the situation didn't feel right and so I drove away.

As I was driving away, I texted her to let her know I was cancelling and why. She texted back and told me that the guy was her "little brother". This was a dude in his early twenties, not a small guy, baseball cap, get the picture. This wasn't a professional looking guy, older guy, young kid or anyone who looked like a client. This was someone who matched the description of someone we all would identify as a "manager type" (again, whether this was the case or not, I don't know). Now, perhaps it was her little brother, or her "manager"...who knows and quite frankly, I don't really even care. All I know is if I am approaching a motel door and just about to knock and the door opens and a 20 something larger dude with a baseball cap comes out and walks past me...I'm not going in. If he keeps looking back at me and my car, I am DEFINITELY outta there. Guys going into situations like that and ignoring their instincts and spidey senses is how clients get rolled...or worse. I wasn't going to put myself in that situation, no matter how horny I was or no matter how good her reviews were.

So she wasn't just waiting for me, I texted her and let her know I am cancelling and outta there and she tells me that she wasted her time. Whatever, I'm the one who drove to the motel only to be greeted by homeboy walking out as I'm about to knock. Excuse my lack of concern over her time being wasted.

The unfortunate part is that in my brief interactions with her, I liked her personality and believe that if her homeboy didn't freak me out, we would have had a great time. I'm a naturally loyal person and if a provider is good, provides great services and has a great personality, I have been known to see them for years and actually develop a friendship of sorts. Unfortunately, after almost running into her "little brother", I am pretty freaked out and don't think I can see her in the future, even though I believe she's probably cool, based on the other reviews I have read.

All this said, personally she seemed very nice and to her credit, her reviews are very good. This review isn't a personal attack on Bella in any way, but rather just an account to the community of my experience this morning. I hope she (and her little brother") learned a lesson and don't freak any other fellas out in the future. For these reasons and based on my experience this morning alone, I cannot recommend. But I will say that if homeboy wasn't in the picture, I have a feeling the morning would have went much differently and I would be writing a raving review right now. Unfortunately, I won't know for sure... :-(

So community, am I being paranoid? Unreasonable? Overly cautious? What would you have done? Recommendation: No
John4229's Avatar
Interesting report, there.

Scoopsman's Avatar
Thanks John...
DocHolyday's Avatar
No activities + No $ exchange = No Review!
nerdy123's Avatar
Go with your gut!
Guest010619's Avatar
Camille1987's Avatar
DocHolyday's Avatar
Pardon me Camile1987 but the OP has been a member since 2010 & you been here since??? Sorry bro but he has 3 years on you so who is new here Sir? His gut told him to leave, so it was the right thing for him to do.
Guest010619's Avatar
Pardon me Camile1987 but the OP has been a member since 2010 & you been here since??? Sorry bro but he has 3 years on you so who is new here Sir? His gut told him to leave, so it was the right thing for him to do. Originally Posted by DocHolyday
I'll have to agree with the 'Doc' here. I've been hobbying since 2006
and rule number one of providers is to make the client feel comfortable.
Rule number two is the hobbyist to make the provider feel comfortable.
TheBronzeRock's Avatar
I just saw that episode on the first 48 hrs...lets just say it didn't end well...
oldtiger's Avatar
Not a review, no activities took place.

Moved to Co-ed.

Scoopsman's Avatar
I hadn't considered that it may be her son. First, she said it was her brother and second, her ad states that she is 30 y/o...not old enough to have a son in his early twenties. Thanks for your input...
Scoopsman's Avatar
Thanks everyone for your thoughts and feedback. Just a weird situation that was first for me. In the end, I don't regret leaving. Thanks again...
  • max3
  • 03-28-2016, 05:42 PM
Thanks everyone for your thoughts and feedback. Just a weird situation that was first for me. In the end, I don't regret leaving. Thanks again... Originally Posted by Scoopsman
You did really good. Smart move
SpursFan's Avatar
Thanks everyone for your thoughts and feedback. Just a weird situation that was first for me. In the end, I don't regret leaving. Thanks again... Originally Posted by Scoopsman
I would have done the same. Unfortunately the little head gets us into trouble at times.