After writing a review --How do you receive credit - Do you send it to the Mod?How do you know you received credit - Do you receive a PM?
You finalize the review by hitting the submit button at the bottom. The review shows up automatically in the Review Forum. It generally takes 2-3 days for a MOD to review it and decide on CREDIT worthiness. Once credit has been granted or denied, you will receive a PM from the MOD stating such. I have seen MODS review within 24 hours but give them some time. They have RW Jobs just like we do. Be patient and they will get to it. If you haven't received your PM in 4 days, then politely PM the MOD responsible for that forum and ask for assistance.
Thanks for the info.
The mods are volunteers so be patient, they will review your review.
MuffinMan's Avatar
Sugar...all the responses to your post are right on the mark. I approved your December review the same day and gman44 approved your review earlier this week in about 3 days. I'm sure that I would have gotten it a bit sooner, but I broke my ankle and my mod duties have suffered a bit. Just PM either of us should you have any questions.