Alone on Thanksgiving?

Is anyone going to be alone tomorrow? Just curious...

You Can Come With Me Jane If You Have Nowhere

To Go!!!!!


No . Hopefully those who don't have family , at least have friends they can count on ? If anyone doesn't PM , can always do more to include others . As Lilly said , my family is always entertaining , and accepting of others .
Thanks Lilly, but I'm cooking for the kids and me. Fourth year in a row. Fun stuff.
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 11-21-2012, 03:52 PM
I'd be alone but I'm going over to eat with some friends. And when I get my fill of their crazy family, I'm going to ditch them to see the Thursday night football game on a big screen at a sports bar I know that's going to be open.
Risn2TheOccasion's Avatar
There will be quite a few of us, I am sure.
I am. Working (by choice) and parents are out of town, so we're doing Thanksgiving over the weekend.
Poet Laureate's Avatar
Yes, unfortunately I will be alone Thanksgiving.
Hello? Damn, I can't hear anything. Hello?
Qziz's Avatar
  • Qziz
  • 11-21-2012, 05:06 PM
Looking like I will be.. but I dislike holidays anyway
Poet Laureate's Avatar
Yes, unfortunately I will be alone Thanksgiving.
Hello? Damn, I can't hear anything. Hello? Originally Posted by Poet Laureate
Wow, that didn't take long. Thanks to the generosity of the folks here, I have two invitations already. You guys are great!

I have accepted an invite; gee, I hope there's football....
ozmosys's Avatar
Is anyone going to be alone tomorrow? Just curious... Originally Posted by JustJane
I wish. I don't know which one I dislike more, turkey or football. Both put me right to sleep.

Why couldn't the pilgrims and the Indians have just had a good old-fashioned Roman-style orgy for Thanksgiving?
dannydee1963's Avatar
I will be having Thanksgiving for early lunch with family then off to work that afternoon to have seconds with my work family. Happy Thanksgiving To All.

Typhon100's Avatar
Thanks Lilly, but I'm cooking for the kids and me. Fourth year in a row. Fun stuff. Originally Posted by JustJane
Alone myself, and recovering from knee surgery!

I should have tried to find a provider that could not only make the meal, clean the dishes and kitchen, watch college football with me, state how great their food was, and then screw my brains out, and leave me very happy! In the meantime she tells me with adoring eyes; how large and great of a lover I was when I screw her, and I'm the only man for her in the holiday season both now and in future! Not mention a pre-Black Friday discount!

Christ! These pills are really fueling my own fantasies, and altering my perceptions! A provider cleaning the kitchen and the dishes, and lying how large/great I am!?!?! I might try to start a thread abut this; but the male board members would laugh me off the network immediately!

Happy Thanksgiving all, and I promise that there will be no fantasy thread!
I wish I was alone.
I'm tired as shit from all this cooking and I still have to go back to the store and buy more food. I'm bailing out at 12 noon.
Poet Laureate's Avatar
My mother used to nag at me for certain habits she wasn't too thrilled about. Holidays were a chance for her to voice her opinions to the rest of the family as well. It was a large family.
My father was as opinionated as it gets. If you didn't agree with him, it was because you weren't smart enough to see the validity of his argument. He changed his mind about as often as the Roman Catholic Church changes Popes.
And there isn't a day goes by when I don't wish that I could hear my mother's nagging, or my father's lecture about why I should have taken his advice, one more time. Cherish the holidays, people. This is your family. This is blood. Everyone else is just a stranger.