ATTN Providers – Most Hobbyists Hate Tattoos

Gecko's Avatar
  • Gecko
  • 03-04-2012, 10:48 AM
For some reason many providers think they look better or sexier with tattoos. 99% of the time when hobbyists refer to tattoos in their reviews, it’s negative. Words like “some tattoos, but not too distracting”, or “lots of tattoos; not my thing” or “really pretty except for the tattoos”, etc. I never read a review that said, “Really nice sexy tattoos!”

Girls will say, “but I like tattoos”, “I think they look nice”, “I get them for me”, “they mean something”, etc. Fine. Then add to your list of reasons: “I don’t care if I make less money”, and “It’s ok if I have to cut my rates to get the same amount of business”, and ”I don’t care if I lose some rich regulars.”

I’m sure there are plenty of providers and hobbyists who will disagree. But it’s a numbers game. For every guy who prefers a girl with tattoos, there are probably 20 who would prefer a girl without them. And for every 20 girls who think tattoos are cool and don’t hurt their income, there may be only one who knows otherwise.

It’s a fact that in MOST guys’ opinions, tattoos tend to make a girl look less educated, less pretty, less sexy, cheaper, more ghetto, more trailer trashy, and/or rougher than girls with no tattoos. Of course there are exceptions to everything, such as young guys with no money and plenty of tattoos of their own who will tell you they love tattoos. But guys with money, who are generally older and more educated (the hobbyists who are willing to spend more money on you), view them as a turn-off. I’m one of them and actually willing to pay a premium for girls with no tattoos.

It’s also a fact that popular strip clubs tend to shy away from hiring girls with too many tattoos (or too many girls with lots of tattoos), because they know that the clientele they are trying to attract (guys with money to spend) are turned off by them. So if you’re a stripper with lots of tattoos, and only the trashy clubs will hire you, that’s probably the reason.

I’m sure lots of guys just put up with tattoos because it’s getting harder to find girls who don’t have them. So if you’re a guy who claims you don’t mind them, I would ask, would you prefer your ATF didn’t have them?

It’s funny how a long time ago tattoos were a sign of rebellion and not conforming with society. Now it’s the opposite – girls get tattoos because they are conforming and doing what everybody else is doing. The nonconformists and independent thinkers are the ones NOT getting tattoos.

If you’re a provider in Dallas with no tattoos, send me a message because I’m a potential client.
You can't speak for other hobbyists, let alone most men period. Unless you have some stats to back up your claims?

There was a thread about tattoos not that long ago. The outcome is going to be the same again. Your descriptions of what a lady with tattoos looks like according to "mens" opinions is laughable. You do realize that ladies can look ghetto, trailerpark trashy and whatever you said without tattoos?

And yes, I have tattoos.....I don't like them, I LOVE them, they do hold special meanings to me and I do NOT have to cut my rate because of them. Oh and I'm working on my PhD right now with a 4.0 GPA. Stick that in your stereotyping pipe and smoke it.

Why in hell am I justifying my life and my tattoos to you? Someone smack my ass really hard to wake me up.
  • GNG
  • 03-04-2012, 11:00 AM
I like tattoos. Speak for yourself, Gecko.
Gecko's Avatar
  • Gecko
  • 03-04-2012, 11:06 AM
In defense, I did say "most". You're just not part of the most.
Really ? Ive actually thoght about getting a small one in memory of my son.hmm
I'm sure if you look hard enough, there are plenty of us out there that don't have tattoos. Threads like these never go well though. You're better off just putting an ISO up for tattoo-free providers. Seems to be a really heated topic for some reason. I will admit that a large number of my clients tell me that part of the reason they chose me was the fact that I don't have tattoos, but I'm sure the tattooed lasses hear the opposite reason from many of their clients. Different strokes and all that.
For some reason many providers think they look better or sexier with tattoos. 99% of the time when hobbyists refer to tattoos in their reviews, it’s negative. Words like “some tattoos, but not too distracting”, or “lots of tattoos; not my thing” or “really pretty except for the tattoos”, etc. I never read a review that said, “Really nice sexy tattoos!”

Girls will say, “but I like tattoos”, “I think they look nice”, “I get them for me”, “they mean something”, etc. Fine. Then add to your list of reasons: “I don’t care if I make less money”, and “It’s ok if I have to cut my rates to get the same amount of business”, and ”I don’t care if I lose some rich regulars.”

I’m sure there are plenty of providers and hobbyists who will disagree. But it’s a numbers game. For every guy who prefers a girl with tattoos, there are probably 20 who would prefer a girl without them. And for every 20 girls who think tattoos are cool and don’t hurt their income, there may be only one who knows otherwise.

It’s a fact that in MOST guys’ opinions, tattoos tend to make a girl look less educated, less pretty, less sexy, cheaper, more ghetto, more trailer trashy, and/or rougher than girls with no tattoos. Of course there are exceptions to everything, such as young guys with no money and plenty of tattoos of their own who will tell you they love tattoos. But guys with money, who are generally older and more educated (the hobbyists who are willing to spend more money on you), view them as a turn-off. I’m one of them and actually willing to pay a premium for girls with no tattoos.

It’s also a fact that popular strip clubs tend to shy away from hiring girls with too many tattoos (or too many girls with lots of tattoos), because they know that the clientele they are trying to attract (guys with money to spend) are turned off by them. So if you’re a stripper with lots of tattoos, and only the trashy clubs will hire you, that’s probably the reason.

I’m sure lots of guys just put up with tattoos because it’s getting harder to find girls who don’t have them. So if you’re a guy who claims you don’t mind them, I would ask, would you prefer your ATF didn’t have them?

It’s funny how a long time ago tattoos were a sign of rebellion and not conforming with society. Now it’s the opposite – girls get tattoos because they are conforming and doing what everybody else is doing. The nonconformists and independent thinkers are the ones NOT getting tattoos.

If you’re a provider in Dallas with no tattoos, send me a message because I’m a potential client. Originally Posted by Gecko
I'm sure there are many different reasons why each of hobby. And I would think most are out here for reasons that have nothing to do with a lady having or not having tattos. Speaking specifically for myself I do not approach, characterize or treat any lady differently based on her having tat's. And it surly does not suggest a lady has no education. Not sure what planet you leave on but you would be surprised as to how many women in cooperate america have tat's. And I disagree with a lady lowering her rates if she sports tat's. Get over yourself the beauty of these sites is that there are ample choices for one to satisfy his need.
john353's Avatar
Different strokes and all that. Originally Posted by tracibrooks

I don't mind at all.

It's the woman I'm fucking...not her tattoos.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 03-04-2012, 11:35 AM

I'm willing to belive many guys, in an ideal world, would prefer no/few tattoos. However I also suspect most guys consider it a relatively minor issue. It really isn't much different than the fact I have a monor preference for dark hair over light but many of my favorite ladies are blonde.

The real issue is that you are seeing a lady for an hour or so--her decision about ink is part of her real life and will probably take precidence over your few minutes of her life.

I am not sure why the tattoo issue seems far more inportant to you than it is for many guys. Nothing wrong with that, but I doubt the female population--in and out of this business--is going to change based upon a few clients who feel as strongly as you do.
It truly depends on the fem. I love tattoos on providers actually. My ideal provider is readhead or blackhaired (but Blondes with tatts are oh so delish too) with tatts. I myself would never wear a tatt. But, it's all about personality and fuckability. There are some dingbats who get tatts and think that's what's up, never learned fem hygiene or common hygiene, can't hold an intelligent conversation, well you get the picture.

While I do not need tatts, as my fav London has none, is crisp clean, but is out of this world. Yet, my Lust ATF is a redhead with tatts all over. I lust a certain woman, not their tatts.

If I were attending a formal Black Tie event and my date were dressed in a very debutante dress but her tatts were showing, arm, back, etc. I would relish it. I'm not pompous. I can converse with the best of 'em. But, what I like in a woman, I respect in a woman. Fuck everyone else. Period. If you're looking for a sexy, beautiful woman without tatts, you will find many. I myself love tatts.
Correction- YOU do not like tattoos, everyone else can speak for themselves. To each their own.
I am fine with tattoos.
  • GNG
  • 03-04-2012, 12:11 PM
So much for the "most" theory...
I'm with original poster, G, don't like them. Just my preference. However, I do think that providers with ink seem to be more open minded when it comes to what's on the menu. Tats just seem to take away some of the feminine aura so attractive to me.
My personal preference is small tattoos on ankle or back of shoulder(sexy).Lower Back(tramp stamp) can't stand them. I love the dimples just above the rear, so it's like throwing red paint on the Mona Lisa. And full arm sleeves ( look like a dude ). That being said its your body do what ever makes you happy!