Preparring for an appointment

Question for the guys and the ladies:
Guys: aside from the expected cleanup and grabbing your buddies Benjamin and Franklin to go out for a ride, is there anything special you do in preparation for an appointment?

Ladies: aside from the general pet peeves shared in other threads here, are there certain current trends you're starting to see emerging that bring to mind specific things you'd like to see more of the guys do/bring before they show up for an appointment?

Or, is it considered somewhat mutually acceptable to pretty much just show up and "game on"?

If you're ROFL'ing after reading this, remember it's a question from a newbie (gosh, I almost feel like a kid back in high school again, asking for dating advice)!
  • Sunny
  • 08-13-2010, 11:52 PM
I keep a variety of soaps, including unscented, new tooth brushes, mouth washes and even Cologne. If you enjoy wine or a cocktail offer to bring your fave. Water and soft drinks are always on hand. Don't be afraid to jump in the shower, hell maybe you will get your lady to soap you up. Trust me, I love to suck balls and cock fresh out of a shower. LOL!

Try to get the best directions possible. If you are lost, running behind or delayed let us know. Communicating and research should assist you in finding a great lady to have fun with.

Some guys enjoy bringing small gifts of chocolates or flowers. They are always appreciated but for me not expected.
Question for the guys and the ladies:
Guys: aside from the expected cleanup and grabbing your buddies Benjamin and Franklin to go out for a ride, is there anything special you do in preparation for an appointment? Originally Posted by James6766P
just be myself.

Trooper H
Be a gentlemen clean and respectful and you will be great babe.
rachet3375's Avatar
Sometimes but not always I will offer to bring a beverage of her choosing and as of late if I see she has a favorite flower I will show up with a boquet of em. Kinda puts a wee bit of romance in it for me and I guess maybe I am a sucker for it. I know what's what, but that little extra makes us both feel good about it and it can't hurt. I have developed a taste for the more mature providers and they seem to appreciate the gesture. as to whether or not I get any extra mileage out of it who knows but as I said, I feel good about doing it. Oh, I am always just out of the shower if possible otherwise I ask to freshen up. Can't have too much good hygiene, she takes the time to be clean & sparkly for me so......
I always try to shower, shave and brush my teeth immediately before leaving for an appointment. With some ladies there is some additional prep time if special activities are on the menu.

Still I always bring my kit with me that contains a toothbrush, toothpaste, dental floss, mouthwash and hand sanitizer. And of course the middle-aged man's little helper, Vitamin V.

When I park the car, I swish mouthwash to make sure that my breath is fresh when she opens the door. Some ladies will ask you to brush regardless, so I am always prepared. I also use the hand sanitizer before I go up to her room, as well.

Depending on the lady I might put a little toy or two into my kit, too. Different ladies, different agendas and all.

Since it's not always available I bring a bottle of water so that I can take my vitamins and I usually offer to bring the lady something to drink, as well.
Great inputs everyone, they're very much appreciated.
When I am touring it is always better for the guys to show up freshly showered and mouthwashed due to limited resources at a hotel versus my incall. I am so spoiled by having everything I need at the incall that the hotel experience seems spartan to me!

It is always a good idea to bring a few raincoats with you if you require the extra large ones. Sometimes I do not have those on hand and it will be much more enjoyable if you are wearing the right size!

Turn your cellphone ringer off before we go BCD. I turn mine off! Nothing more distracting than an unfamiliar ringtone going on and on while I am trying to BBBJ.

Hope that helps!
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  • gucio
  • 08-16-2010, 10:47 AM
I always take an enema before, Oops, wrong forum ! Sorry watching Brüno too much!

I take a shower just before leaving, paying special attention to the work environment, brush my teeth put on deodorant and cologne. Many women have commented on how nice I smelled and kind of snuggled and kissed me because of it.