I am sure all of the ladies have encountered the new policies in having to rework pulled down ads and gentlemen have had to deal with the lack of posted menus... Now, come the increases in ad posting rates, "said" to enforce the new guidelines by making the ladies feel the violations in their purses.
Every business is free to implement any business plan they like and I understand the reason given for all of the changes. (Even though I might not agree with all of them.) Every potential consumer is also free to turn away from any business they like. I am just curious about the opinions of the sites clients, on both ends of the hobby. Good, bad or indifferent? Ladies, will this cause you to utilize the site less or stop posting at all? Is it cost effective for you, or just a pain in the ass? Gentlemen, does the hassle of no menu posted cause you to use it less? If less ladies are posting, due to rate increases, will that cause you to stop using it or use it less? Premium access users, will this cause you to stop paying for access? Do you think the changes will help the site in it's goal to avoid notice and follow the path of Redbook, or is it just a matter of time?