
MuffDiver817's Avatar
A provided text me at 9PM last night. I thought to myself wtf? My thoughts were either uncle LEO is looking for some actions or business is extremely slow. Regardless this is a big "NO NO" in my book. Your thoughts??? This is a provide I have never seen btw. Can I post information ?????

Go4it's Avatar
  • Go4it
  • 11-04-2012, 11:24 AM
If I know the lady and she is offering a special I enjoy the PM letting me know. Not so sure about the txt but the PM or email is fine.
MuffDiver817's Avatar
I would not mind that at all.....Put that fact that a txt was sent was a little upsetting. I contacted the provider about 2 weeks prior inquiring about availability. Turns out it would not work because the provider was only available for outcall. Then a random txt at 9PM on a Sat. night......Not cool!
No hobby phone?
Sleepy363's Avatar
If you are using a smartphone, then set up a google voice account and give that number out as your hobby phone number. Don't use your regular phone!!!!

Also that way, you can set it up when you allow calls and such to go through. You can set them all to go to your gmail if you want and you can screen them that way, or you can set it to where nothing is allowed through after a certain time of the day.

Not cool of the provider at ALL, but you need to be smarter too and not put yourself in that position. As they say, whatever the worst case scenario you can imagine is... that will happen.
MuffDiver817's Avatar
It's a hobby phone.....not set up in my name etc. etc........The fact still remains that this provider tried to contact me. Guess I am trying to vent... I'm real cautious on all activity, this is my real first "raise the eyebrow" moment...just thought it was a desperate attempt for business or uncle leo....regardless I will never call this provider.
YOLO's Avatar
  • YOLO
  • 11-04-2012, 03:26 PM
What have you got to lose? Go for it.
TonyStark's Avatar
If it's a hobby phone then get over it!
PoppyToyota's Avatar
I don't mind if a lady text me. Its hard enough to pick from the several hundred ladies. Texting me just makes it a little easier.
B.Wayne's Avatar
It's just me but I personally don't mind it. text/call away whenever. If I can answer, I will. If I can't I text/call back as soon as I can. I hate waiting for texts/or calls sometimes so I try to be considerate. The only exceptions and restrictions is if work calls/texts. My off time is my off time. LEAVE ME ALONE!! lol they never stop texting/calling no matter how many times I ignore it haha.
rcinokc's Avatar
It's a hobby phone.....not set up in my name etc. etc........The fact still remains that this provider tried to contact me. Guess I am trying to vent... I'm real cautious on all activity, this is my real first "raise the eyebrow" moment...just thought it was a desperate attempt for business or uncle leo....regardless I will never call this provider. Originally Posted by MuffDiver817
Rent's due, seriously doubt it was anything more than that. As long as it's a hobby phone you should be ok.
Hobby phone or not, hookers have no business texting of calling johns without permission given in advance.
Hobby phone or not, hookers have no business texting of calling johns without permission given in advance. Originally Posted by Iluvwomen

This is provider etiquete 101.

This would move the provider to my DNS list automatically.
Hey Muff D,
yeah....that sucks totally (although not literally ;-)

I agree. A big NO NO.
Contacting a client before making arrangements can put someone in a world of hurt.....hobby phone or not.
By caution, the text is a bit far removed from your personal phone. However, hobby phones can be misplaced, lost or just sought out by SO's. So yeah....
BAD BAD provider etiquette for random text or call.

Funny.....I just got a call yesterday from a client....while with my kids....and wanted to have a bit of sextalk. Uuuuhh...yeah....whatever. Not gonna happen. It was awkward and I did not appreciate the surprise. Not to mention...if you want to get off.....book a f**kg appointment. I've only seen him once....and I'm sure he got the point as I fumbled through the call acting like he had the wrong number.

All that being said, I hope providers take NOTE of this thread.

Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Hobby phone or not, hookers have no business texting of calling johns without permission given in advance. Originally Posted by Iluvwomen
I agree how could said provider know if he had a hobby phone or not? I would never call or text a client unsolicited.

I have a yahoo group that I update and it sends out emails to the people that have subscribed to my updates but texting or calling randomly is not cool at all!