Today, 1 July, Loretta "Loosie Goosie" Lynch will make an announcement at 10AM CST.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
She has come under bipartisan fire for her secret meeting with Bill Clinton on Monday. Secret? Yes, no pictures, no audio, no witnesses and it was not announced. We have no idea what was discussed other than grandchildren (Loretta has no children) and golf. Isn't it a golf that Bill smoked his Monica cigars and talked about "pussy"? That would be an interesting conversation.

Anyway, the attacks are coming from both the left and the right. Lynch is being called on to recuse herself which would leave the decision to prosecute in the hands of the FBI director. Leaks from justice say that she is going not step aside but will abide by what the director says. Bill Clinton really stuck his smaller than normal, left leaning dick in this one (description provided by Dolly Kyle).

What will she do? Is this the grand push by Obama to push Hillary out of the anus of the body politic?
gfejunkie's Avatar
What will she do? Is the grand push by Obama to push Hillary out of the anus of the body politic? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
We can only hope.
gfejunkie's Avatar
This is not an announcement. It's a fuckin' late night TV talk show! Complete with sympathetic host with softball questions!!!

She's laughing her fuckin' fat ass off!

Just more elitism from the left.
I just watched it.

My question. How is anybody this naive, or perhaps stupid, allowed to be the AG of the United States.

Sorry, Lynch. You just sold your respectability down the river, and are now simply a "lackey".
Guest123018-4's Avatar
What did you expect. She is a lying ass Democrat. She is corrupt.
LexusLover's Avatar
She's trying to solidify an appointment to the SCOTUS.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
She's trying to solidify an appointment to the SCOTUS. Originally Posted by LexusLover
That's the deal!