How to foooking handle a catfish like a Jr og!

Shout out to my true ladays champo Bruno, natali da great, roxyg etcetera. You'll boss up Always! Always much love to da crew USA, sisto, pisto, darth, crypto, solo, fff, of course pxo, Trey etcetera. Since alot of Des ladays are going to catfish playas, Des is an instruction manual on how ta handle the ladays behind the door not being close to her pictures. First you politely inform da laday you ain't down with no thievery, misrepresentation. You thank her for coming out then un thank her for wasting your mofoooking time. You kindly pull 40 ones out your pocket(25 for da room and 15 for gas) and make it rain in da room because my paws don't touch paws WID liars. Da great don't want dat negative energy. Then ya walk to your car like a boss. Free game!! Mod Ties. Free big meech! Den you come to da great thread and expose dat liar! Tooodlez......
I don't know why I'm reading your posts..
Oh yea I'm bored..��

So in English please?

Please inform the Gentlemen how to properly leave an appointment if he feels mislead due to her appearance.

It will help the community ��

From what you posted it appears you are suggesting they pay 40.00 dollars and leave?
Russ38's Avatar

TryWeakly's Avatar

winn dixie's Avatar

Slitlikr's Avatar
OP revealed herself with this post.
MILF_77584's Avatar
I need to be informed on these abbreviations, obviously I’m not in on the lingo around here.
What is the meaning of LPMOW? And why does everyone keep calling people OP?
I have to get better at this!
boardman's Avatar
OP means Original Post or Original Poster depending on context.
LPMOW is Lying Potty Mouthed Outing Whore. A title bestowed only on a select few providers who have revealed hobbyists or providers real life information. There is only one champion LPMOW because she has multiple offenses.
Champagne Brown's Avatar
^^And you being one of them!!lmpot

Shine we'll see you when you're back..

I know you were probably trying to start a fresh thread, as mods were using fake accts messing your other one up..
MILF_77584's Avatar
OP means Original Post or Original Poster depending on context.
LPMOW is Lying Potty Mouthed Outing Whore. A title bestowed only on a select few providers who have revealed hobbyists or providers real life information. There is only one champion LPMOW because she has multiple offenses. Originally Posted by boardman
Got it. Learning a lot
Champagne Brown's Avatar
He, got most of the breakdown correct on lmpow.. The "l" was for "loud" not lying..
TryWeakly's Avatar
Whatever Lizzo....
DarthMaul's Avatar
Well, I guess that took care of itself?
Champagne Brown's Avatar
Whatever Lizzo.... Originally Posted by TryWeakly
Go do something with yourself...

TryWeakly's Avatar
I did... and left it in the toilet. Want some ?

You seem a bit ..... triggered.....

Anyone keeping count on how many times the Loud Lying Potty Mouth has been banned ?