Providers: Are you on twitter?

JayThomas's Avatar
I just signed up for a hobby twitter account (@jaythomas777) to see if it is any use. I've found a few local providers -- however, I've also found that an excellent way to find spambot accounts is by using "escort" and "dallas" as search terms. So I'm not sure how useful it will be, ultimately.

But I think by keeping the list of who you follow reasonably short, it could be a helpful hobby tool, especially for finding out about specials and sudden availability.

I've seen that Jules Jaguar, Ivy Chick and a few other ladies are on twitter, but I'm sure there are plenty I haven't found yet.

Ladies, are you on twitter? And is there an ECCIE twitter?

I signed up to see if it would be a good advertising venue. So far not really, but it is easy to maintain so I am keeping it in hopes that it will catch on in Dallas.
Juan Pablo de Marco's Avatar
rachet3375's Avatar
Small rant... FB, Myspace, Twitter...Worthless drivel. As stated, who cares what you are doing, every detail of your life, WHO CARES? Gossip mongering, selfagrandizing, foolishness, not to mention dangerous. Opens you or your children up to stalkers, pedophiles and others with dangerous intentions. All I see is useless info and drivel. People wanting to be more important than they really are. Granted some are well intentioned but uninformed. Oh well, just my opinion.