What form of government do you want to live under?

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
We hear leftists and uninformed people (I repeat myself) say that we live in a "democracy" but we actually live in a constitutional republic. Two very different things. With the latest Elon Musk acquisition of Twitter, Elizabeth Warren, Jen Psaki, Chuck Schumer, et. al, have described out "democracy" being in danger from a billionaire owning the means to speak out. So let me ask the question and you can vote in the poll:

What form of government do you want to live under? Not which one is best but which one do you want to live under

Democracy: Majority rules on everything. The uninformed, easily angered voting on every major decision (do we go to war, do we ban this device, do we stop people from coming in or going out, who do we allow to speak or print)

Constitutional republic: The majority rules but the minor is protected by written law. Majority rule is diluted by districting the country into smaller units (think electoral college or states) more or less requiring a super majority to advance an agenda.

Oligarchy: A small group of people with a vested interest run a country in their best interest ... and maybe you do okay as well... if you're the right kind of person.

Plutocracy: rule of the rich (Zuckerberg, Bezos, Gates, Buffet, etc.)

Dictatorship: Don't laugh, in the 1930s it was actually considered by some important people to end the Great Depression. One man (or woman) who's decisions are law and subject to change like the wind.

Monarchy: So, who would be the King or Queen to start the ball rolling? Do they accept a constitution or is their word absolute?

Anarchy: No government, chaos

There are many, many more but let's keep it simple.
We already live under an Oligarchy
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I prefer a form where the Letf-tards have to toss my salad every single frick'n time they change the subject when they get caught being hypocritical ass-hats. What's that form called?

Not necessarily related, but Elon Musk just bought out a company that the Left-tards ballyhooed that a private company could do whatever they hell it want to do, but now no longer believe their own shit. Kiss it beotches... Pucker the hell up....
  • Tiny
  • 04-27-2022, 08:43 PM
I prefer a form where the Letf-tards have to toss my salad every single frick'n time they change the subject when they get caught being hypocritical ass-hats. What's that called? Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Disgusting. Unless it's AOC or Ilhan Omar. They can toss my salad any day.
America was initially intended to be a Constitutional Republic. But over the years it has morphed into a combination of all listed above. I call it a "Clusterfuckocracy".
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Would you rather go to California or by bus?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
We already live under an Oligarchy Originally Posted by theotherguy1
there a number of different types of governance under it.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
We hear leftists and uninformed people (I repeat myself) say that we live in a "democracy" but we actually live in a constitutional republic. Two very different things. With the latest Elon Musk acquisition of Twitter, Elizabeth Warren, Jen Psaki, Chuck Schumer, et. al, have described out "democracy" being in danger from a billionaire owning the means to speak out. So let me ask the question and you can vote in the poll:

What form of government do you want to live under? Not which one is best but which one do you want to live under

Democracy: Majority rules on everything. The uninformed, easily angered voting on every major decision (do we go to war, do we ban this device, do we stop people from coming in or going out, who do we allow to speak or print)

Constitutional republic: The majority rules but the minor is protected by written law. Majority rule is diluted by districting the country into smaller units (think electoral college or states) more or less requiring a super majority to advance an agenda.

Oligarchy: A small group of people with a vested interest run a country in their best interest ... and maybe you do okay as well... if you're the right kind of person.

Plutocracy: rule of the rich (Zuckerberg, Bezos, Gates, Buffet, etc.)

Dictatorship: Don't laugh, in the 1930s it was actually considered by some important people to end the Great Depression. One man (or woman) who's decisions are law and subject to change like the wind.

Monarchy: So, who would be the King or Queen to start the ball rolling? Do they accept a constitution or is their word absolute?

Anarchy: No government, chaos

There are many, many more but let's keep it simple. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
left out the following:
constitutional monarchy: monarchy under a republican or parliamentary form of governance as opposed to absolute monarchy.

Theocracy: rule by religious clerics

Autocracy: A country or state that is governed by a single person with unlimited power.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Disgusting. Unless it's AOC or Ilhan Omar. They can toss my salad any day. Originally Posted by Tiny
But I'm not even related to Ilhan. Thought that was a deal breaker for her. Eventually, we have to agree to joint custody of AOC. I suggest alternate weekends.
Several listed are in fact “Thugocracies”, where one or a group of thugs have control over every bodies lives, including the option of standing you against the wall if you dare complain.

China, Russia, North Korean, several African Nations, Cuba, Venezuela, Iran, Syria, etc all fall into this category.

I will are what we have, (even with it’s flaws), over anything else.
MarcellusWalluz's Avatar
I prefer a form where the Letf-tards have to toss my salad every single frick'n time they change the subject when they get caught being hypocritical ass-hats. What's that form called? Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
RIM-ocracy ?
MarcellusWalluz's Avatar
^sounds appealing
ICU 812's Avatar
What we have is still pretty good compared to Canada. They don't have a Bill of Rights as we do. No First Amendment right to free speech, assembly worship and so on.

One can argue that somehow none of that mattered during the 2020 Pandemic driven sorption of rights or the George Floyd inspired anarchy, but they were still there . . .just not enforced.

I think that people on both the liberal and conservative side have seen those beasts for what they are, anarchy and despotism. I look for a consensual return to civil order and the rule of law.
MarcellusWalluz's Avatar
What we have is still pretty good compared to Canada. Originally Posted by ICU 812
But prostitution is legal in the maple leaf!
Oh wait, solicitation is still illegal there so you make a good point.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
What we have is still pretty good compared to Canada. They don't have a Bill of Rights as we do. No First Amendment right to free speech, assembly worship and so on... Originally Posted by ICU 812
To be fair, Oh Canada was first out of the gate with shutting down dissenting opinions (protests over overt tyranny) and also first to implement a Ministry of Truth, though we are now a nose behind in a photo finish second place. I think OBidan and the loony left are getting jealous of always coming in second place behind them and probably feel they have to try harder to be tyrannical.