shutdown pussy

Missburger's Avatar
thoughts, stories, comments about the girls as it seems rates are going low

lots of pussy available, hotels offering me 2 for one when icalled for next weekend interesting times

i know some of yall shut it down but i know some are out there fucking
Plastic Man's Avatar
Oilrig's Avatar
For me it's a opportunity for new talent Closure of colleges,restaurants and retail puts alot of fresh faces in the play.Ask your regular if they have a friend in need also seeking arrangement has lots of new ads The regular talent offering deals too Saw an offer on Twitter for 150 month you get a fresh pic everyday 1 video a week and a 10 minute phone call
Originally Posted by Plastic Man
I couldn't have said that any better.....
Forfwb's Avatar
I be out and about gotta find the new talent best to bring a thermometer with us and make sure the symptom free at least
Well my cock can be your " thermometer", but won't fit under your tongue, only on top !!
Guys this thing is no joke. Not going to tell others what to do but wanted to dispel this myth about temperature and not having any symptoms.

You could be symptom free and STILL be carrying the virus. So this whole taking of the temp is meaningless.

Just got back from Toronto and actually cancelled with my regular after a major fight between my big head and my little head!!! Hotel management actually called the room and said people were complaining about the noise! lol. Sorry thought a little humor might help a very serious situation.

Unless I can find a provider willing to spend 2 weeks at my house with all expenses paid I will be using up all the lotion I stocked up on for the time being. Toronto is a ghost town and driving home seeing the traffic here compared to there I don't think people really get it here.

Stay safe everyone!!!
Guys this thing is no joke. Not going to tell others what to do but wanted to dispel this myth about temperature and not having any symptoms.

You could be symptom free and STILL be carrying the virus. So this whole taking of the temp is meaningless.

Just got back from Toronto and actually cancelled with my regular after a major fight between my big head and my little head!!! Hotel management actually called the room and said people were complaining about the noise! lol. Sorry thought a little humor might help a very serious situation.

Unless I can find a provider willing to spend 2 weeks at my house with all expenses paid I will be using up all the lotion I stocked up on for the time being. Toronto is a ghost town and driving home seeing the traffic here compared to there I don't think people really get it here.

Stay safe everyone!!! Originally Posted by tbear4u77
Couldn't agree more. This is no joke. It's not about just you getting sick - if you get sick, even just a bit, you exponentially increase the chances of other people getting sick. So even if you are willing to take the chance for yourself (and that's your choice), realize that you're taking that chance for a lot of other people besides you. If I can live a couple of weeks without getting laid, so can you.

I did upgrade my pornhub membership to premium.

I'd much rather laugh about how I overreacted than cry because I took stupid chances.
lilylivered's Avatar
This aint going away in a couple weeks. Memorial Day is more like it: )
This aint going away in a couple weeks. Memorial Day is more like it: ) Originally Posted by lilylivered
No one really knows when this will be "over". Speculation s pointless and even misleading. The 1918 Spanish Flu all but vanished for a few months and then came back.

But that's not the point. The point is that we're all gonna have to figure out how to live in a world that is vastly different from the world of just a few weeks ago. For this to be "over", it is essential that we stop transmission. So, we're all gonna have to live without many things we're used to. Like pussy, for example. These are only inconveniences for most of us. If you don't seriously stay away from other people, it may take much longer for this to be "over" for any of us The key word here is "us". If you think only of yourself at this time, you're helping prolong the misery, and you're potentially risking other people's lives. It's not worth it. This is not TEOTWAWKI but this is serious shit. Please show some courtesy, some sympathy, and some taste.
DallasRain's Avatar
I'm stuck at home..was going to New Orleans but it's on lockdown

So I am playing with a couple of my longtime regulars while home

Stay safe n sane!
Missburger's Avatar
No one really knows when this will be "over". Speculation s pointless and even misleading. The 1918 Spanish Flu all but vanished for a few months and then came back.

But that's not the point. The point is that we're all gonna have to figure out how to live in a world that is vastly different from the world of just a few weeks ago. For this to be "over", it is essential that we stop transmission. So, we're all gonna have to live without many things we're used to. Like pussy, for example. These are only inconveniences for most of us. If you don't seriously stay away from other people, it may take much longer for this to be "over" for any of us The key word here is "us". If you think only of yourself at this time, you're helping prolong the misery, and you're potentially risking other people's lives. It's not worth it. This is not TEOTWAWKI but this is serious shit. Please show some courtesy, some sympathy, and some taste. Originally Posted by demonlover
Orange man is done already open it up

He doesn’t get it but he is the expert not the doctors telling him to do t do it
Unfortunately as a company owner with employees I got a first hand look at the economic fallout from this. We had to lay off everyone. I can’t put a value on human life but I would guess there will be a whole lot of problems no one thought about that creep up. Domestic abuse will rise. Alcoholism will rise. Suicide will rise. These are just the tip of the iceberg. I know that at least 3 of my employees will most likely lose there new cars and could lose their homes. Unemployment only pays a fraction of what I pay them. This is an unfortunate event with far reaching fallout. Be safe stay home. Get this over so we can recover. Bd
Unfortunately as a company owner with employees I got a first hand look at the economic fallout from this. We had to lay off everyone. I can’t put a value on human life but I would guess there will be a whole lot of problems no one thought about that creep up. Domestic abuse will rise. Alcoholism will rise. Suicide will rise. These are just the tip of the iceberg. I know that at least 3 of my employees will most likely lose there new cars and could lose their homes. Unemployment only pays a fraction of what I pay them. This is an unfortunate event with far reaching fallout. Be safe stay home. Get this over so we can recover. Bd Originally Posted by Bigdaddy14606

Not a very warm welcome to the modern day version of the "roaring twenties".
lilylivered's Avatar
Not a very warm welcome to the modern day version of the "roaring twenties". Originally Posted by woodywouldpekher
But then the roaring twenties came after the "spanish flu" in the late teens.