New York State Covid-19 map

Missburger's Avatar
dont go down state wow

good interactive map

some of our fellow posters on here were talking about media hype and liberal conspiracies etc

the threat is real

not a hoax thats for sure

feb 23, someone said we have a handle on it we have it beat

what a leader he is
lilylivered's Avatar
Something to keep your eyes on for sure, but 50,000 die from flu every year...
WE dont ruin the economy...
Just dont pay rent
Well I happen to be a landlord
Missburger's Avatar
Something to keep your eyes on for sure, but 50,000 die from flu every year...
WE dont ruin the economy...
Just dont pay rent
Well I happen to be a landlord Originally Posted by lilylivered
there is a vaccine for the flu so most people do not get it that are smart enough to get the flu shot ever year, i know i get it every year and never get the flu.
there is no vacinne for this , something to keep in mind and it appears it is way more contagious than the common flu, but as we go we are finding out more and more disturbing details about this coronoa virus.

there is no economy until this gets under control

stay home

on easter ill be home and the day after ill be home

the govt just threw out 3 trillion dollars so people are going to get paid, no matter what and businesses and corps get thier money so i dont see the rush if our hospitals are over run ,

health experts know more than most, so lets see how this goes, i could care less about orange man re election campaign and his personal businesses, i do like that the stimulus prevents his companies from getting any money, very well done

everyone stay healthy

i have found my quarantine female so im go od
Hard2Kill's Avatar
Imagine the totals we would have without the shutdown. Italy has been shut down for a month and has 700 dieing a day.
Missburger's Avatar
Something to keep your eyes on for sure, but 50,000 die from flu every year...
WE dont ruin the economy...
Just dont pay rent
Well I happen to be a landlord Originally Posted by lilylivered

just to fact check your 50000 number that orange man throws out

you are a little off, lol

You do know orange man just throws shit out there without checking or fact checking it

comparing the current situation to the flu is just plain dumb

oh, most doctors and experts in health industry say we havent even peaked yet wait 2-4 weeks til it peaks

yeah this isnt no common flu
cytomegalovirus says shutting down the govt will not stop the spread. Their hope is that the spike in cases can be spread out so they don’t get over whelmed at the hospital but he is convinced that up to 80% on New Yorkers will get it.
Missburger's Avatar
cytomegalovirus says shutting down the govt will not stop the spread. Their hope is that the spike in cases can be spread out so they don’t get over whelmed at the hospital but he is convinced that up to 80% on New Yorkers will get it. Originally Posted by Bigdaddy14606
yeah i saw that, studies done in c hina and italy have shown decrease with the shutdown

there is no economy with a health crisis and hospitals on defcon 4, some areas are not bad yet and i say yet

cali went with a stric shutdown and earlier than us and their numbers arent too bad

we waited too long with the amounts of people we have down state.

daddy u still cip though right?

on a side note
Hummer911's Avatar
Next Best Thing's Avatar
May need to hire a whore full-time to move into the house but she isn't allowed to smoke, be fat, steal, or react poorly to alcoholic beverages.

I mean this, I may start soliciting for either Binghamton or Albany.
Missburger's Avatar
May need to hire a whore full-time to move into the house but she isn't allowed to smoke, be fat, steal, or react poorly to alcoholic beverages.

I mean this, I may start soliciting for either Binghamton or Albany. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
yep im doing interviews in text then in person lol

yesterday went well but not sure shes ready to move in, so on i search

ill get one soon though
Missburger's Avatar
May need to hire a whore full-time to move into the house but she isn't allowed to smoke, be fat, steal, or react poorly to alcoholic beverages.

I mean this, I may start soliciting for either Binghamton or Albany. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
you never liked the smoke always bothered you lol

i hate it too,

drinking ok actually drinking is the best
Next Best Thing's Avatar
What are your automatic disqualifiers MissBurger? I need to know if I'm leaving something out.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
you never liked the smoke always bothered you lol

i hate it too,

drinking ok actually drinking is the best Originally Posted by Missburger
I don't even care if a whore drinks, she just has to tolerate my drinking.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Also because I'm paying I get control of the remote. And I can walk around in my underwear or completely naked any time I want. And the whore has to retrieve the mail and not look at it while she walks it back to the house.