Question for the Men....?

If you had never seen a particular provider before.
You went through screening and then booked a visit with her.
Then day of she has to cancel. But keeps in contact about rescheduling.

Example: she was sick, she had a bad reaction, basically she was not at her 100% and knew she would NOT give you 100% as well.
How many guys wouldn't care and still see her?

How many would appreciate the fact that she wants to make sure she is at her best when meeting you & will reschedule?

tbone77494's Avatar
Case by case, but no matter what she says, it's usually only because another dude offered more $$. You may cancel because you aren't "at your best" but that's rare, in my opinion.
08cris's Avatar
You never know big T, she could of just started her period, car trouble, and last but not least the good ol' family emergency
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I would charge it to the game and either see her or not based on my sexual desire to see her which is typically akin to a snapshot in time.

however, I rarely if ever believe the reason. why? because I used to see a caucasian provider that I will never review and if i caught a wild hair that morning I'd call her up and ask her to cancel all her appointments for the day...and I would cover her loss. she would always comply. So one day I asked her what she tells them when she cancels and she said: "I tell them I'm sick or I have an emergency. I tell them whatever the fuck I want to tell them."

so cancelling on me but giving me a heads up is not an issue. I used to be an asshole by doing that to those that scheduled and so I apologize. So when it happens to me I can't complain just charge it to the game. Not saying I'm one ( cuz lawd knows I'm not) but there are high rollers amongst us that can play like that. lol
MarcellusWalluz's Avatar
Case by case, but no matter what she says, it's usually only because another dude offered more $$. You may cancel because you aren't "at your best" but that's rare, in my opinion. Originally Posted by tbone77494


Especially sucks when you have a 10pm appointment (@ her suggestion) & cancels an hour before because her (babysitter got sick & canceled on her). So it's too late to find a replacement & you have to resort to cranking 1 off on your own. Then she obviously forgets the excuse she gave because 2 months later when you do finally meet up she mentions her kids live out of state & hasn't seen them in months.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Most illuminating. I've never felt the need to outright fictionalize as real life is so ridiculous. When I had my former private incall, I once had to cancel an appointment short-notice because the stairs over my apartment collapsed during a remodel. I couldn't get out my door and no one could get in! I took photos as proof and rescheduled, making a multi-hour round trip during a storm for no extra money in make-up a few days later.

Then there was the surprise puppy birth in my bed at 3 a.m., and the chihuahua who darted out the door for his potty break and continued down the street because the UPS driver making a delivery left the gate open... The car accident on the way to an outcall, me on the phone atop a gurney in the back of an ambulance letting the guy know I wouldn't make it, him thinking from the siren in the background that I'd been arrested... The tumble I took down the stairs at home as I was leaving one night, resulting in a rainbow-colored bruise the shape of Texas and nearly as large... The fountain gushing from my tub when a fitting ruptured while I was getting ready for an outcall, sending me near-naked, soapy, and wet into my front yard to find the street-side cutoff... Oh, yes, let's not forgot my incall apartment flooding and 2 weeks later the tornado that sent a tree though my roof at the Irish Chihuahua Refuge... Life can be hysterical, and often gets in the way of one's other plans.

I had a client do what Sistine said once, offer to make my day last-minute, someone I saw regularly twice a year when he traveled to Houston for business, but he was making an unexpected trip. I called the local gentleman I had an appointment with later in the afternoon, explained that this other fellow only got into town occasionally, and offered a half-price appointment PLUS extra time IF the scheduled gent had the flexibility to consider postponing for 24 hours. He hopped on that deal like the Easter Bunny who forget to save his last chocolate egg!

I say be honest upfront and offer to work with people, as the same could happen in reverse. Lies are too hard to keep track of, and realty is frequently much more entertaining.
cabletex7's Avatar
You're asking the wrong question. Let me mansplain this.
The question you want to ask is . . .

If a provider you had never seen before cancelled, claiming that she was sick, had a bad reaction, wasn't 100%, etc., etc., would you believe her?

A: Depends but short of any evidence, probably not.

How you answer this question is going to determine whether or not you reschedule.
After a reasonable amount of time has passed, of course. No one wants regurgitated spaghettios on their dick.
Charge it to the game and move on to the next option.
Karlie Raines's Avatar
I think a lot of hobbyist forget that we providers have actual lives and other jobs outside the hobby. I have asked to reschedule a few times due to having to work late at the office. My RW career is important to me as well as the hobby so I always make sure to do right by both.

If you don't believe my "excuse" and choose not to see me, that's your prerogative. If you do decide to see me when I'm actually functioning at 100% , then you're in for a real treat

It really depends on the hobbyist. Plenty of ladies out there for them to whet their appetites with, but if they still choose to see you, make it extra special!
wildething's Avatar
1st question: If I really want to see you, I'll probably reschedule. Our track record together + how hard I worked to schedule a session + perceived chemistry from our communication leading up to the session + how much notice you give me when you cancel are all things that could affect how much I want to see you, if that makes sense.

2nd question: +1 tbone's comment. I appreciate honesty and intention, the problem is that you almost never know if someone is actually being honest and has good intention.

Example: A provider I was scheduled to meet texted me first thing the morning of the day of our scheduled session because she was sick in bed with fever. Totally understandable, and she gave me several hours notice, so I told her rest and we could reschedule once she was feeling better. Then a day or two later a review of her came out from the day she was allegedly sick in bed. I'm not going to see her, I'm just not that interested. Honestly, though, if she'd been upfront and told me she'd double booked, I would have completely understood and rescheduled.
Maybe. It depends on if I believe her and how much time before the appointment was to take place.
There are plenty of other options.
tbone77494's Avatar
Oh, and by the way, I don't think it's that big of a deal. If I get at least an hour notice of the cancellation- shoot if I was gonna make $2 grand vs $2 hundred, I'd do it too.

It's why I always have an agency back up plan so I don't have blue balls. Plenty of ladies out there.
johnny_rocketz's Avatar
When a lady is charging $240-$300/hour, I expect her to be at the top of her game and not phoning it in. Your looks and reputation will get me knocking on your door, but your performance is what will keep me coming back.

I get that life happens, and if you give me enough notice, then no harm, no foul. However, if you cancel on short notice or decide to bump my appointment cause someone else came in with a higher bid, then I would expect some compensation such as a discounted session or more time BCD when rescheduling. Otherwise, I don't think that I would reschedule cause my only opinion of you will be that you are unreliable and don't value my business.
She gives me a days notice? No problem for me.
You never know big T, she could of just started her period, car trouble, and last but not least the good ol' family emergency Originally Posted by 08cris
I don't want to make excuses for other girls, but life happens....

If you work most days out of the week, at some point one of the above will happen. If you are client of a good girl, you will be compensated for your trouble to some extent. It's absolute bull for a provider to just cancel last minute without some sort of retribution to make it fair next time!

Just my blonde lil two cents... <3